For example, an herbicide with the ingredient chlorsulfuron (sold as Telar) is a suitable herbicide to use to eradicate Canada thistle that is growing in your lawn in the early spring when the shoots begin to rapidly emerge until it begins to grow buds. The key to Canada thistle's weediness is its root system. Canada and bull thistle are some of the varieties of thistle you may find in your lawn. Canada Thistle flowers are also unique because they have both male and female flowers which are very small compared to other thistles. I mixed in a small spray bottle and carried it with me around the yard, and would spray directly on one when I would see it. Thanks again guys. It was off label; maybe there's one that's made for it now. For example, an herbicide with the ingredient chlorsulfuron (sold as Telar) is a suitable herbicide to use to eradicate Canada thistle that is growing in your lawn in the early spring when the shoots begin to rapidly emerge until it begins to grow buds. Animals don’t like to put their nose into that sward.” 4. READ THE DIRECTIONS so you don't get hurt. All Rights Reserved. Animals don’t like to put their nose into that sward.” Mow or cut the thistle … It is difficult to control because its extensive root system allows it to recover from control attempts. What I have is a cuople of dry creek bottoms in a two community parks. The key to successful musk thistle control is to prevent seed production. Apply Shredder 2,4-D LV6 Herbicide to kill annual, biennial and perennial weeds such as bull thistle, cornflower, wild lettuce and goldenrod. Copyright © 2000-2020, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Public and private landowners are not required to control infestations of bull thistle that occur on their property in King County. 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid is indicated to kill broadleaf weeds, but not most grass weeds.. We used to mix crop oil with the 24D to get it to work better on thistles. Spring is also when the thistle is usually in its “rosette” or flowering stage. The two common thistles in Whatcom County are Canada thistle and bull thistle. I try to go back weekly if I can to catch any stragglers that come on later. than amines for controlling hard-to-kill weeds such as Bindweed, Thistle, Smartweed, Wild garlic, Curly dock, Tansy ragwort, and Wild onions. Yes, it is more expensive initially, but when you consider how little you have to use, it's a bargain. Milestone ® herbicide goes easy on desirable species, including most forage grasses and many deciduous trees, forbs and other plants. Canada thistle won't tolerate repeated cutting either. It, too, grows tall—up to about 6 feet. The stems of Canada thistle lack the conspicuous spiny wings found on bull thistle (C. vulgare) soap). Read the herbicide’s label carefully and select one based on the preceding information. Find out what herbicides are illegal to use in your state. Determine at what stage of growth your thistle is. Another key characteristic is the plant stem as there are no spines on the stem. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Myron go back and read slowly so you don't get confused. 2,4 - D LV4 Herbicide . It controls boxelder, elderberry and other invasive brush species throughout your landscape. 2,4 - D LV4 Herbicide . Re: What herbicide for killing thistles? I haven't seen one in my yard for a while. Same goes for leafy spurge also. Canada thistle is a creeping perennial that reproduces from vegetative buds in its root system and from seed. Pffft. Are these Russian thistles in your pastures? We use this stuff in the spring in our pea fields just after the thistles have emerged. 1. In the summer, the thistle may be growing but not at its greatest speed. To kill the roots a late fall spraying before a frost is the only way to do it. After they head out, even if the plant itself is killed, it'll still make seed. Thistles (at least Canada, musk and bull) seems to be a fairly weak plant IME. Not sure that applies in your situation right now but something to keep in mind. Legal status in King County, Washington. Melissa Lewis is a former elementary classroom teacher and media specialist. Combining control methods is the best form of Canada thistle management. The flower heads quickly form hundreds of seeds. Folks I talked to at the local ag chemical supply said that if you knock em down with Curtail now and hit em again right before freeze-up that should do em in but that there will always be some spot follow-up. Musk thistle is a noxious weed in all counties in Kansas. For more information, see Noxious Weed Lists and Laws or visit the website of the Washington State Noxious Weed Contr… The best time to treat biennial thistles with herbicides is in late fall or early spring when the rosettes are present but before flowering stalks are initiated.Musk thistle and bull thistle plants with seed stalks are more difficult to kill than the rosettes. Going from memory here, too lazy to walk down to the chemical storage. "Dicamba Plus 2,4-D Herbicide is a combination of two great active ingredients, meaning that it will kill a broad range of weeds so you don't have to use or mix a bunch of different products if a weed is being particularly stubborn." I had a bad thistle problem a couple years ago. Young plants are suitable for livestock forage and are sometimes grazed. However, since you cannot legally use chlorsulfuron in some states, including California and Montana, select another herbicide instead, such as one that contains aminopyralid. Thistrol herbicide may work, but not sure if it is labeled for your application. 4. dun wrote:I've alwasy used 2,4-d Amine that says it's 47.2% the chemical.The new stuff I got is ester and is 64.2% or right at that. Spring and fall are typically when thistle is actively growing. The plant has colonized much of North America and is a pest plant in the garden and in agriculture. In the summer, the thistle may be growing but not at its greatest speed. Only takes 4 CC to a gallon. Thistles are invasive weeds that grow deep roots, which makes them difficult to control. “For a beef operation, the reduction can be between 42 and 72 percent. Weeds can greatly impact the overall carrying capacity of a hayfield. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →, Virginia Tech Weed Identification Guide: Canada Thistle, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: Examples of Illegal Herbicides. In fields we can use roundup after crops are off and this works very well. It also helps restore diversity in areas overrun by many noxious and invasive weeds without posing a long-term threat to … The leaves of a bull thistle are large, woody and are flatted and basal rosette during their firs… You will treat thistle differently depending on where it grows, such as near a water source, in a vegetable garden or in your grass. As the stem gets thicker, the wings start drying and disappearing. The first documented report of musk thistle in Kansas was from a collection made in Washington County inI 1932. That usually takes care of it. It is difficult to control because its extensive root system allows it to recover from control attempts. Expensive but vicious. Bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare) is a plant that is related to the sunflower family but has none of the charm and beauty of those sunny-nodding flower heads. Myron, you need to take a serious look at where Saddlesore is doing this little project.... And remember it's a FEDERAL offense to use chemicals out of label, and on someone elses property without a proper applicators license and property owners permission... Saddlesore your best bet is to get ahold of the county weed and pest office and lean on them to get those thistles, especially as they are growing on "public" property. Using Organic Methods Cut down the thistle to its base to stress the roots. I've had good luck using 2-4D but you need to use it on young plants...not so good if big and tuff. Therefore, 2,4-D will NOT KILL CRABGRASS. baking soda, sprinkled on and around the stem, will kill 'em. “Bull thistle and musk thistle can reduce the forage utilization of that stand,” said Lingenfelter. But I could be wrong, that's just what I'm remembering. “For a beef operation, the reduction can be between 42 and 72 percent. 2,4-D LV4 Herbicide is a specially formulated postemergence herbicide that provides effective control and suppression of brush, annual, biennial, and perennial weeds on CRP, grain sorghum, pastures, rangeland, fallow systems, and other crops. Public and private landowners are not required to control infestations of bull thistle that occur on their property in King County. Since glyphosate kills all plants, you must keep application specific. A couple of the chemicals suggested are restricted use (pesticide applicator license required) for Tordon or Grazon. Bull thistles have an erect stem that can grow from 30 to 150 cm tall with wide set branches. Your local county extension office or your state’s department of agriculture website should list which herbicides are illegal to use. It needs to be absorbed throughout the leafs. A mix suggested by Dow is Curtail, (NOT a restricted use herbicide) which is a mix of clopyralid and 2-4D. IIRC 2-4-D for home use is about 7%,(Ortho from Home Depto etc.) It is important to accurately identify the species of thistle you are trying to control, as control methods differ between the two species. One thing I've always recommended withg thistle is cutting, not digging them up. They seem to come up for 2 years from a ripe seed head. 1. I replace valve cover gaskets every 50K, if they don't need them sooner... Oldtrapper. Bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare) is a plant that is related to the sunflower family but has none of the charm and beauty of those sunny-nodding flower heads.It is a prickly biennial that grows freely in disturbed soils, pastures, ditches, roadsides and unmanaged spaces. The seeds are dispersed by the wind. It makes the spray stick to the weeds. 3. She has also written for various online publications. Cultural, mechanical, biological and chemical control methods have all been used on musk thistles with varying degrees of success in different parts of the country. We've been using Outlaw this year, weeds are getting big now but it seems to knock their ass over. Two common thistles are bull and Canada thistles. Stems vary from 8 to 36 inches in length and usually have reddish to purplish stripes. It’s important to differentiate Canada Thistle from many of the biennial thistles that can grow since the methods of treating them are quite different. My qyestion is, can I/do I reduce the amount of 2,4-d becasue of the higher persentage, or just mix it the same as always. It is a prickly biennial that grows freely in disturbed soils, pastures, ditches, roadsides and unmanaged spaces. Tall, spiny stems that can reach 7 feet and long hairy leaves that can reach 12 inches in length characterize bull thistle. Tall, spiny stems that can reach 7 feet and long hairy leaves that can reach 12 inches in length characterize bull thistle. Glyphosate will also kill grasses that compete with bull thistle, so treatment with glyphosate should be combined with effective re‐vegetation of the site to prevent seedlings from re‐ infesting the area. Canada thistle has leaves that are hairless near the top but that may be or not be hairless on the lower end of the leaves. The best time is to get them early, just a whif will kill them when they are in the rosette stage. Ask at your local farmer's co-op what they recommend, or at the extension office. nual), Spanishneedles, Sunflower, Sweetclover, Tansymustard, Tansyragwort, Thistle Bull, Thistle Musk, Thistle Russian, Velvetleaf, Vervains, Vetch, Water Plantain, Witchweed, W ormwood, Yellow Rocket, Yellow Starthistle. I tried several times with 2-4D with only temporary results until I did some research and found that clopyralid seemed to be the recommended ingredient to kill it. This is a starting point only, your case For best results, apply this product as a water or oil spray during warm weather when young succulent weeds or brush are actively growing. In the winter, thistle is usually dormant. If that's the case, get the stinger and let er rip! Bull thistle is a Class C Noxious Weed in Washington, first listed in 1988. There is Big R store,but they only had 2-4D or Roundup. In our pasture, I shred an area, let it warm up and just before the blooms start to turn to seed I shred it each year. Going from memory here, too lazy to walk down to the chemical storage. Easier to remove than Canada Thistle, Bull Thistle is by no means a weak weed. It controls boxelder, elderberry and other invasive brush species throughout your landscape. 700LH: That is the same dilution I use on the lawn. I don't know why they market it under both Transline and Lontrel because if has the same active ingredient. Though it targets broadleaf weeds, it does not … Transline works on a variety of thistles. 3. Also, our thistles have different growning seasons...I guess they're different kinds. The best way to remove this type of thistle is while they’re still young flower heads and haven’t had enough time to lay down as many roots.To do this, use a small shovel, hand rake, or even a fork to dig out the weed. Although there are at least nine different species of thistle in Florida, most are closely related and control recommendations will not differ. Combine control methods into a management system for best results.Musk thistle is an … Owned by the local homeowners here. Apply Shredder 2,4-D LV6 Herbicide to kill annual, biennial and perennial weeds such as bull thistle, cornflower, wild lettuce and goldenrod. Next day they would be black, like they had been dead for a week. POSTEMERGENCE HERBICIDES FOR CONTROL OF BIENNIAL THISTLES. OK, report - - all Canada thistle has a very bad belly ache. 2,4-D will kill them, you just have to have a stronger mixture and you might have to do repeat sprayings. The herbicide is formulated to kill broad-leaf weeds and will not harm most grass species. Been fightin them accursed Canada thistle myself lately. I tend to take care of it. Thanks for all the advice guys. I use one of the mixes based on 2-4-D labeled for consumers, basically generic Weed B Gon, at about label rate with good results. Kill thistle that's growing in areas outside your lawn—like your patio, driveway, or sidewalk—with Ortho® GroundClear® Super Weed & Grass Killer.. (aka nodding thistle) is a native of Europe. Even after you pull or dig them out repeatedly, they can continue to grow back. Spot spray those puppies with Milestone. Because control is not required in the county, it is on the list of Non-Regulated Noxious Weeds for King County. Identification of thistles can be challenging. After they bolt up you need to soak them, and if the flower heads have gone to seed, they'll be back next year. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! Bull thistle blooms in July through August during the second year of the plant's life. Perhaps one of the most noxious weeds in the home garden, Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) has a reputation for being impossible to get rid of.We won’t lie to you, Canada thistle control is difficult and requires a significant amount of effort to be successful, but the effort you put into controlling Canada thistle will pay off when you have a garden that is free from this annoying weed. Canada thistle also has lobes that can be irregular from leaf to leaf. Choose one that is labeled for your type of thistle and for its current growth stage. Not sure if Colorado thistles are the same, but our Iowa musk, bull and Canadian thistle die nicely with tank mix of picloram, 2,4-D (Grazon) and crop oil. Verify what kind of thistle you have. Figure 1. Maybe the concentration is different. This is not a guess but info from the chemical companies and university studies. Bull Thistle is a really invasive weed. As the root system spreads, it gives rise to new shoots. Fall (before a frost) is good but also spring pre-flower. For best results, apply this product as a water or oil spray during warm weather when young succulent weeds or brush are actively growing. We have all different kinds of thistle in our fields. Here in Pa. cutting alfalfa at least 4 times a year will kill the thistle growing in the alfalfa. There are no ag suppliers within 30 miles of here. Also, the weeds need to be actively growing, not dormant. Seedlings have very finely dissected leaves that almost look like pine needles. Alrighty then, now we're getting somewhere. I can't speak to the thistles, since I have never had any. The only thing I found in the area was 2-4D ,nothing else available. Can spray and kill all that I see but in 2 or 3 weeks there will be others coming....spray again. Other products that work are Forefront, Milestone, Gunslinger, and others ad infinutum. Combining control methods is the best form of Canada thistle management. Contains Dicamba which I think helps but I don't know that. Leaves of young plants are fleshy, dark green, narrow, and about 1 inch in length. Because of this, using an herbicide that penetrates the foliage of the thistle and works its way down to the roots to kill it is one of the best methods to eradicate thistles once and for all. Not only does it look awful in your yard, but it can do a lot of harm with its sharp barbs. Milestone works, but so does this product. It was first recorded in the United States in 1852 at Harrisburg, PA. Apply herbicides such as Tordon, Milestone, Transline, Perspective, Vanquish/Clarity or 2,4-D to musk thistle rosettes in spring or fall. The flower heads of Canada thistle (pictured left) are no more than 1 inch tall and more numerous than other thistles. Spraying will kill the top of the plant only. While scouting, you may encounter tall thistle, Le Conte’s thistle, swamp thistle, Nuttall’s thistle, purple or yellow thistle, bull thistle, Virginia thistle, and possibly others. This potent amount gives you total control of various land and aquatic weed and brush species. 2-4D will kill thistle temporarily, but since they have a hardy root, they will keep coming back. Weeds can greatly impact the overall carrying capacity of a hayfield. Russian thistle is a bushy summer annual with numerous slender ascending stems that become quite woody at maturity. Powered by UBB.threads™ PHP Forum Software 7.7.3. Crabgrass is a tough grass weed that keeps coming back if not controlled with a strong crabgrass pre-emergent and killer. Add some surfactant (i.e. Bull thistle is a Class C Noxious Weed in Washington, first listed in 1988. It is difficult to generate enough heat to kill the thistle's root crown and fire … This information is also posted on the herbicide’s label. Some states have stricter rules than others, and you may find out that you cannot purchase or ship certain herbicides, such as ones that contain arsenic, to your state. You can mix it with your 2,4,D. ED. As mentioned, timing is everything. You can take a sample to your local county extension office or to your local nursery, if necessary. Nearly any herbicide will kill them. If you're running pasture, put the salt block in anything you want to kill. I expect to use two applications so I'm happy when the first one does it. Canada thistle has leaves that are hairless near the top but that may be or not be hairless on the lower end of the leaves. On smaller plants, the whole stem and branches are spiny-winged. miles, Just "curtailed" about an acre of em this afternoon. It, too, grows tall—up to about 6 feet. Canada thistle is a creeping perennial that reproduces from vegetative buds in its root system and from seed. Use the 48% with oz of Dawn to each gallon. 2. Use glyphosate for your garden, and use a broad-leaf herbicide containing 2,4-D or MCPP for your lawn. Apply herbicides to kill thistle, especially in spring and fall, before thistles can flower and seed. My understanding of how Roundup works is that putting a drop down a cut stem is NOT effective, or at least not ideal. That is when the plants are translocating lots of water and nutrients. The roots of Canada thistle spread aggressively, and can increase the width of a thistle patch 6 to 10 feet in a season. Milestone works great! What I have is a cuople of dry creek bottoms in a two community parks. Canada Thistle's creeping perennial roots is one key way to identify it. It does the trick but may be hard to get your hands on without an applicators license. Let me check the garage and see if I can't find the stuff. Each seed can remain viable for a decade. Musk thistle is a biennial weed that reproduces only from seed. You gotta get thistles before they make a head. Observe where your thistle is growing. Thistles are invasive weeds that grow deep roots, which makes them difficult to control. It works on small patches of tough weeds and the grass usually comes back. I pluck the seed heads off musk thistle if I miss them, but that's not practical with Canadians. HOW TO MIX Fill the spray tank half full, then add the required amount of this product and continue filling the tank with Also, select one that is safe and legal to use where your thistle is growing. Find out what herbicides are illegal to use in your state. Bull thistle is also commonly found along trails, roads and vacant fields. “Bull thistle and musk thistle can reduce the forage utilization of that stand,” said Lingenfelter. The per gallon herbicide rates were calculated under the assumption that most people, when spot spraying by hand, will apply somewhere around 100 gallons/acre of the spray mixture. Similarly, if herbicide application does not kill the plant, which is not too uncommon, regrowth and seeding will occur. Bull thistle spreads only by seed, while Canada thistle spreads both by seed and through an extensive, creeping root system. Control of Canada Thistle in CRP and Other Noncrop Acreage • FNR-436-W. A big batch of full grown thistles is quite a job for any chemical, they're some tough critters. If left unchecked, a single Canada thistle plant eventually turns into a patch containing thousands of stems. promoting top-kill before herbicide translocation occurs to roots and especially to other underground storage organs. When maturin… Maybe 20 acreas in all.I mixed the 2-4d double strength and it didn't do much There seems to be three differnt types.The big tall dark green ones,pink flowers,I think are Canada, some smaller ones that have more of a greyish tint w/ white flowers to them and a bunch of smaller ones in real thick concentration. Need some advice of which one to use 2-4D doesn't seem to work.Don't want to kill everything like Round Up does. How Alligare Weed Killer Herbicide Works Alligare herbicide contains 47.2 percent dimethylamine salt of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Persistence is imperative so the weed is continually stressed, forcing it to exhaust root nutrient stores and eventually die.Canada thistle (Cir… 2,4-D LV4 Herbicide is a specially formulated postemergence herbicide that provides effective control and suppression of brush, annual, biennial, and perennial weeds on CRP, grain sorghum, pastures, rangeland, fallow systems, and other crops. Milestone ® herbicide goes easy on desirable species, including most forage grasses and many deciduous trees, forbs and other plants. Ranch.It is not public county owned land. Fire has not been effective as a method for directly controlling musk thistle. Two common thistles are bull and Canada thistles. Saddlesore, did you try the ag chem dealers who supply farmers? However, there are a few things to consider to ensure you're picking the right herbicide for the job. Target Pests The spray formula reaches the roots to begin killing thistle quickly, and continues to kill at the roots to keep it from coming back. Apply Escort or Telar up to the early flower growth stage. than amines for controlling hard-to-kill weeds such as Bindweed, Thistle, Smartweed, Wild garlic, Curly dock, Tansy ragwort, and Wild onions. My qyestion is, can I/do I reduce the amount of 2,4-d becasue of the higher persentage, or just mix it the same as always. Bull thistle control can be manual or chemical with an emphasis on seed co… 2. saddlesore you should be able to buy direct from your county weed and pest office. I can't remember what I used off hand. for farmers is 48%. It also helps restore diversity in areas overrun by many noxious and invasive weeds without posing a long-term threat to … dun wrote:I've alwasy used 2,4-d Amine that says it's 47.2% the chemical.The new stuff I got is ester and is 64.2% or right at that. I use 2-4D all the time to kill thistles in the yard. Glyphosate: Herbicides containing glyphosate can effectively control bull thistle. or sow thistles in your yard? Crossbow and Roundup did a number on sand burs though. Early spring is typically the emergence and prebud stage. You can also use various brands of sticker. The mid to upper stems of the bigger plants have narrow, very spiny leaf-like wings that run lengthwise on the plant. Yes, 2-4-D will take out broadleaves and not harm grasses. A little dish soap added to the chemical helps a lot. How do I kill or control thistle in my lawn. Each flower head measures approximately 2 inches. The plant has colonized much of North America and is a pest plant in the garden and in agriculture. ;-{>. Lewis holds a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Transline is another Dow marketing name for clopyralid. 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