One way to mitigate the damage: Mow your lawn just before applying so there are no weed flower heads to attract the pollinators to your temporarily poisoned yard. It contains only lambda-cyhalothrin or gamma-cyhalothrin. LawnStarter is a startup making lawn care easy affordable and reliable. These active ingredients can be toxic to bees if the bees visit flowers that were recently sprayed. It will take 10-14 days for the grubs to begin dying after the insecticide is applied. Effective insecticide control products against grubs include imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and clothianidin. There is another active ingredient in some insecticides called chlorantraniliprole that will also work in preventing grub problems, but it is less water soluble than the other preventive compounds mentioned above, so it can be applied any time after the grass turns green in the spring. Some of these products come in a granular formulation that is applied with a fertilizer spreader or some products are designed to be mixed with water and sprayed. Short on time and just want to kill some grubs? White grubs are the larvae of scarab beetles. However, for low-maintenance lawns, even if the turf is not killed from grub feeding, the thinned and weakened turf may be prone to weeds and drought stress. More research is needed on this, but it could cause problems for native bees or have long-term health effects on honey bees or bumble bees. David Smitley, Terry Davis and Erica Hotchkiss, Michigan State University, Department of Entomology - Mow lawns immediately before applying an insecticide for grubs to remove weed flowers and protect bees. But how do you know if you have a real lawn grub problem? What about those common organic recommendations for killing lawn grubs online, such as milky spore disease or beneficial nematodes? However, when applied in June or July they provide excellent protection against the next generation of grubs. Research tests over the last 25 years have clearly shown that watering immediately after application helps to obtain good results. Preventive products are the most effective. All turfgrass species, especially annual bluegrass (a common weed in turf), Kentucky bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass. At one garden center a clerk showed us two products, one containing only permethrin and one containing only bifenthrin, when we asked for products to control grubs. They are short-lived compounds that kill all life stages of grubs. There are also products for sale that list grubs on the label that do NOT work for grubs. Also, in the last two years several products have become available in an attach-to-hose bottle and are automatically mixed with water when applied. Some of it manifests as dry and deadened looking patches in your lawn. However, Shetlar did let on that the most experienced organic lawn care professionals may have the knack for using them effectively against white grubs. A lawn should be mowed at 3 to 4 inches in height and properly fertilized for maximum root growth. For more information, visit But what are the most effective options for sustainable-minded lawn owners? If you are applying a product containing clothianidin, thiamethoxam or imidacloprid, the lawn should be mowed prior to the application so that no weeds are flowering in the lawn when the insecticide is applied. Shetlar added, “If there are four to five grubs per square foot, that’s usually enough for them to be digging around.”. Reducing your organic matter is certainly a way forward and there is evidence to say if you roll the surface heavily you will kill off chafer grubs. Although grubs are a common pest of lawns, they sometimes end up in gardens adjoining patches of grass. It’s when these “de-thatcher” populations grow out of control that the dreaded lawn damage takes place. The lifecycle of a chafer grub is illustrated right and explains that the most effective time to apply nematodes will be between mid-July to mid-October, when larvae are large enough to encounter the nematode, aren't a significant issue in turf, but before soil temperatures are lower than 12 O C and the grubs move lower down in the soil profile. Other types of common lawn grubs around the United States include the larvae of the May and June beetles, green June beetle and the black turfgrass ataenius. Preventive controls include the neonicotinoids and chlorantraniliprole, but the timing for each approach is very different.The label directions for most neonicotinoids (products containing chlothianidin, imidacloprid, or thiamethoxam) indicate they should be applied \"when females are laying eggs\". Triazicide will not control grubs. During the late summer and early fall, you may begin to notice lawns turning an unattractive shade of brown in certain unsightly, dying patches. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. what chemicals kill chafer grubs Not all the grub control products on store shelves will be effective this spring. Healthy turf with a few grubs may not need an insecticide. This also moves the chemical off the grass and will make the yard safe for children, pets and wildlife after the yard is dry. He’s also co-author of the comprehensive guide “Garden Insects of North America,” plus other pest management tomes including “Managing Turfgrass Pests.”. There are a lot of cultural methods you can use, particularly to get leatherjackets up. Nemasys G (controls chafer grubs) contain nematodes that provide the perfect biological control by entering the larvae, which stops them feeding within three days of infection. There is little benefit to exceeding this rate, and doing so is also illegal. This information is for educational purposes only. Although the bag often says apply anytime from May to Aug. 15, it is highly recommended that products containing imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, clothianidin be applied and irrigated into the soil in June or July. European chafers are generally found in drier turf and their population levels will fluctuate depending upon how wet or dry the weather was the previous summer. Professor Daniel. Be sure the problem is grubs. However, adult European chafers do not eat at all and so are not the problem defoliators that Japanese beetles are. Try a synthetic pesticide for all grubs. The European chafer is a very serious grub pest of turf and can cause more turf damage than the Japanese beetle. Masked chafer grubs feed on the roots of turfgrass. The label lists the legal rate at which the product can be used. “They’re sort of nature’s ‘de-thatchers,’” he added. I found five to nine different products at each store. Use them in June or July to control grubs that would be damaging turf in the fall. Garden chafer and Welsh chafer grubs are often smaller - upwards of 2cm (¾in) long. Check out the MSU Turfgrass Management - Golf Course Certificate Program! Cultural: Spike-aeration of turf may kill significant portions of white grub populations when they are feeding close to the soil surface (approximately 45 days after beetles appear). It is important to realize that healthy turf, supported by frequent rain or irrigation, can support a grub population of five or more grubs per square foot with no visible turf damage. Bayer Advanced 700740S 24 Hour Grub Killer Plus, Granules & Bayer Grub Control, Spray. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. However, if the grub population is high or if there is a history of damage in an area, it may be necessary to consider using an insecticide for grub control. Sevin Ready-to … “You can typically get 60% to 100% control with the nematodes when they’re used at the right time in the right way.”. When you’ve gone through and determined for certain that you have grubs and need to treat, you can use a curative pesticide that will kill grubs almost immediately. A half-inch of irrigation is when lawn sprinklers are run until a container like a coffee mug, or several mugs, fills to a level 0.5 inches up from the bottom of the cup. Powerful Insecitides 1. The most common (and, sadly, most effective) ways to kill grubs are chemical insecticides. Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. After the eggs hatch, the grubs evolve in three stages, with grub damage greatest in late summer, when you will see areas of your lawn thinning and yellowing. Lawn grubs can be present in your lawn but cause absolutely no problems. Hosts. Neither of the products listed grubs on the label printed on the bag and neither of the products would have controlled grubs. Store insecticide products in a locked cabinet not accessible to children. “In that case, they work quite well,” he said. The likely explanation is the grass is being destroyed by hungry, thriving grub worms living below the surface of the lawn. He’s also co-author of the comprehensive guide “Garden Insects of North America,” plus other pest management tomes including “Managing Turfgrass Pests.”. They are short-lived compounds that kill all life stages of grubs. Next, you can keep the area moist enough to keep the earthworms alive, but dry enough to repel grub worms. Preventive products containing imidacloprid, thiamethoxam or clothianidin will consistently reduce 75-100% of the grubs if they are applied in June or July and if they are watered-in with 0.5 inches of irrigation immediately after application. However, they only work if used in the lawn in June and July. “In many cases, grubs aren’t even discovered until the skunks and raccoons start digging them up,” said Shetlar. David Shetlar is a professor emeritus with a doctoral degree in entomology at The Ohio State University. Products containing only these ingredients will not work for grub control because the active ingredient binds with organic material and will not move down to where the grubs are feeding. “It’s irrelevant which species it is,” advised Shetlar. Here’s how to choose and use the right one for your lawn. Grub damage may appear in home lawns from mid-September to November or from March to early May. Do not apply any curative compounds in the spring after May 15 as grubs stop feeding in late May as they prepare to pupate. There are two chemicals, carbaryl and trichlorfon, that are considered curative treatments. Not all the grub control products on store shelves will be effective this spring. As seen in Forbes, CNBC and USA Today, LawnStarter lets makes it easy to schedule service with a local lawn care professional. Home lawns, golf courses, and turf growers have the potential to be most significantly impacted if the European chafer beetle were to become established in … This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. Part of this difference may occur because the European chafer spends a longer portion of the summer feeding on turf. “But the problem is, [if] they’re eating that thatch, they do eat the roots and the crowns [of turfgrass], which kills the plant.”. If the need should arise to use a curative compound, make sure to keep the infested lawn watered and fertilized and treat the area again with a preventive application the next summer or the problem will likely reoccur in the fall or the following spring. Their active ingredients are trichlorfon, clothianidin, and carbaryl. Shetlar chuckled brightly when asked if lawn grubs, commonly called “white grubs,” play a positive part in a lawn’s “ecosystem.” “Everybody says grubs eat the grass roots,” he said, but there’s more to them than that. While there are variations depending on which species of beetle they come from, the larvae tend to be stout, white-to-grayish with brown heads, about 3/4 of an inch to 2 inches in length. In 2002, they were only found in New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maryland, Southern Michigan, and eastern Ohio. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit As for beneficial nematodes, Shetlar said, “There’s a very steep learning curve to using the insect parasitic nematodes.” They can only be effective when used curatively, and even then, only on small affected areas. Imidacloprid (trade name, Merit) is used for chemical control, but it has limited effectiveness. The most common (and, sadly, most effective) ways to kill grubs are chemical insecticides. Here are our picks for the best grub killers. An online search indicates there are other products that will be available at other stores. Finding one or two grubs does not indicate you need to apply a grub control product. It was also reported in Wisconsin in 2013. If you find more than 5-10 grubs in a 30cm by 30cm section of grass, you likely have an infestation. There are many products available, some with the same active ingredients. Natural Solutions for Killing Grubs & Beetles. As an extra integrated control measure, there is now evidence that treating the affected lawn or turf with a slow release, nitrogen based fertiliser containing calcium cyanamide, aids recovery of chafer damaged lawns and turf by the metabolites damaging the chafer grub larvae such Amvista Chafer Special. There are different recommended timings for application depending on the active ingredient. The adults of white grubs are commonly Japanese Beetles, May/June beetles or a type of chafer.The larva (grub stage) are detritivores, but can damage lawn and garden areas by feeding on plant roots. There are several products on the market that contain a combination of one of the preventive compounds and one of the above listed insecticides that “do not work on grubs.” The preventive ingredient will make it an effective choice for grub control. If you wait until August when the brown patches appear, it’s too late. Both compounds work equally well on Japanese beetle grubs. They have stout white bodies curved in a C shape, light brown heads, with three pairs of legs at the head end. In fact, the damage from these animals alone may be the bigger issue to prevent. Do not use products containing ONLY lambda-cyhalothrin, gamma-cyhalothrin, bifenthrin, deltamethrin, cyfluthrin or permethrin for grub control. Add one quart of warm water and one tablespoon of liquid soap. Insecticides used for grubs can be separated into two groups based on how they work: preventive chemicals and curative chemicals. Safe for use on all types of grass and ornamentals. The profusion of different products can be rather mystifying. The nematodes (small numbers of which are naturally present in soil) will kill the grubs without unbalancing the soil ecosystem like chemical … By: Julie Slezak 21 September, 2017. Is there anything more damaging (or, in some peoples’ eyes, revolting) than grubs in your lawn? This material is based upon work supported by the USDA and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture award number(s) 2014-70006-22498. Mowing prior to making the application will avoid this problem by removing the flowers. The eggs of both species hatch about 10 days after they are laid. They will not work on grubs found in the lawn from the middle of October through the middle of May. Several other species, such as May beetles and June beetles, are also present but usually in low numbers. Japanese beetle grubs are widespread invasive insects, and their white grub larvae are bound to be found in lawns all over the country too, not just Ohio. When full grown, white grubs are about 1 inch (2.5 cm) long, much bigger than ataenius or billbug grubs. Products containing imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, clothianidin or chlorantraniloprole will not control grubs in the spring. You can measure how much irrigation is applied by putting out several coffee cups in your lawn and run the irrigation until they fill to a half-inch level above the bottom. Always follow label directions carefully when using any chemical pesticide. Always wear rubber gloves and rubber boots when applying insecticides to turfgrass. Get easy-to-understand, actionable yard tips that will give you the greenest grass on the block. When your lawn is brown and patchy, grubs could be the cause. If this has happened in your lawn, there is good news. Putting tarpaulin down on a surface sweats them out and they come to the surface and you sweep them off. Currently, there are no approved insecticides for the control of chafer grubs; although, in 2018 and 2019 emergency authorisation of Syngenta insecticide Acelepryn was approved for the control of chafer grubs and leatherjackets. If you confirmed grub damage the previous fall or spring, meaning you found lots of grubs, then you may want to use a preventive insecticide for one or two years to build a more dense turf that will be tolerant of grubs. There was a product available in years past from Spectrum that contained imidacloprid, but I did not see any in my visits the last two years (2016 and 2017). Before doing anything, it is important to make sure the problem is grubs. One is Dylox (trichlorfon), which is a quick-acting chemical insecticide that kills both kinds of grubs. Our research has indicated that carbaryl has been a little more effective on European chafer grubs than trichlorfon. It is suspected that the spread of AGB is due to imidacloprid overuse: the chemical kills the other grub species and allows the expansion of this one. They grow all summer and then, go deep into the soil for resting for winter. Chlorantraniliprole can be applied as early as April and up to mid-July. “I emphasize a lot — especially to lawn care and sport field managers — [to try] to keep the thatch down to a minimum,” Shetlar said. The active ingredients are usually shown on the bottom right or left of the front of the bag and listed as a percent of composition. If you notice more than 6 grubs in this space, it’s a good time to consider preventive methods or treatments to reduce overpopulation. Below is a short list of products now being sold for grub control as of May 22, 2020, in stores checked in the Mid-Michigan area. The grubs get their start when the adult beetles lay eggs in your turf, usually in spring. However, they only work if used in the lawn in June and July. Preventive methods top Shetlar’s list for fighting grubs nonchemically. Regionally, European chafers are a much bigger problem than they used to be. Weeds that flower again after mowing are much safer than weed flowers that were sprayed directly with insecticide, but some of the insecticide is absorbed by the roots and will move into the pollen and nectar. There are two chemicals, carbaryl and trichlorfon, that are considered curative treatments. The chemicals carbaryl and trichlorfon that are considered curative treatments — they are short-lived products effective immediately. These worms then reproduce inside the dead grubs and a new generation is released to prey on more Chafer Grubs. Chemical: Treat with insecticides labeled for use on grubs 45 days after adult beetles appear. They too like roots but restrict themselves to lawns. Once grubs are established, what can you do about it? Adult beetles typically lay their eggs in June or July and, by August, those eggs hatch into larvae. 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