Never was there a successful warrior there but owned at once and always that it was the Lord who taught him. Least of all is there any natural energy in us to contend against that enemy who is described in Scripture as going about seeking whom he may devour. Though David was king and accomplished in many respects, he knew he was nothing at all. Praise the LORD, who is my rock. 57175 Crestview Dr. Yucca Valley, CA 92284 Sun: 11 am, 6pm | Wed: 7pm. A man with the Spirit of God will delight in singing (Eph 5:19; Col 3:16). The psalmist is encouraged by what God has done to ask for yet greater things. 2. The LORD Jehovah was David’s fortress, high tower, deliverer, and shield – providing all protection and safety against his many enemies and difficult military campaigns (Psalm 4:8). And wherever there has been warlike skill and the wisdom which commands success, devout men have confessed that it was God from whom all the wisdom and skill came. The fashion of the world is hemming us in and holding us down without our knowing it. But what God has done for him encourages him thus to pray. 2. First, we must set our ambitions and lives to the priority of delighting in God over all other things. 2. If we first focus on the enemy, we tend to assess God’s abilities in God. Commentary on Psalm 144:9-15 (Read Psalm 144:9-15) Fresh favours call for fresh returns of thanks; we must praise God for the mercies we hope for by his promise, as well as those we have received by his providence. Yet still, God's "decrees," and "precepts," do matter. Albeit that this Psalm is in some measure very similar to Ps 18:1-50, yet it is a new song, and in its latter portion it is strikingly so. The falls I have had are all so many motives and goads to put that trust in Him which they show me that I cannot put in myself. HE IS WORTHY! “Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.”. Sermons from Psalms 144 Trees Planted by the Water: How to Get Started Right in 2002 (Psalm 1) When the Foundations are Destroyed (Psalm 11) To Every Generation: (Psalm 100:5) If God Is Sovereign, What Then? Dr. Philip W. McLarty. It is he that giveth salvation unto kings: who delivereth David his servant from the hurtful sword. The strange children here are those Israelites who were aliens to Israel’s true interests. 8:4) because … Righteous art thou, O LORD and upright are thy judgments. The LORD Jehovah worked the political miracle of uniting Israel under David – twice! Two Sermons on Zacchaeus Luke 19:1-10 RSV; Psalm 119:137-144 (NRSV) 11-13-16 Rev. “In Psalm 144 David is extremely personal as he confesses who he had found God to be. No doubt written after some great victory, and also before another severe struggle. Psalms 144:1-15 NIV. Outline. The psalm may contain the words of a priest as he blessed the pilgrims who had gathered at the temple in Jerusalem for the annual feasts. Achish, the Philistine king of Gath, treated David far better than did King Saul of Israel. In the rough hurly-burly of war, character and all moral excellence had but hard times; deterioration was apt to set in. David described the Jews of Ziph, who betrayed him twice, as strangers (Psalm 54:3). There is One who does know exactly what I am, and what I can bear. Violent desires or passions remind us of their presence. When a people leave the Lord, He takes away their men and lets their women go (Is 3:1-24). Tonight's section of the psalm has the writer proclaiming that he is overcome by his desire for the righteous Word of God (v139a). This psalm is a string of quotations, mostly from Psalm 18., as any reference Bible will show; and as that psalm is almost undisputedly one of David's composition, therefore this, which owes so much to … Notes. That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth - That our sons - not called forth to the hardships of the tent and the field, the perils and the exposures of war - may grow up under the culture of home, of the family, in quiet scenes, as plants carefully cultivated and flourishing. … In the former part of the psalm he speaks of such things as concern his own happiness: "Blessed be the Lord my strength" ( Psalms 144:1); "Send thine hand from above; and deliver me out of great waters" ( Psalms 144:7); "Rid me, and deliver me from the hand of strange children" ( Psalms 144:11). Home; About. O LORD, what are human beings that you should notice them, mere mortals that you should think about them? Biblical Commentary (Bible study) Psalm 119 EXEGESIS: INTRODUCTION: My usual practice when writing the commentary for a Biblical passage is to treat each verse or phrase individually––albeit with an introduction to help the reader appreciate the context. It is not for the great and good, the worthy and the strong, but for such as man, who is like to vanity and whose days are as a shadow. Share. Singing is an important part of our church, because it is exalted in both testaments. The happiness and success we have enjoyed since then should cause us to thank our Father in heaven, for we are not worthy of the least of all His mercies or of all the truth that He has shown us. Psalm 144. This a yet greater mercy. Hypocrisy is one of the great evils of any family, church, or nation; and it must be despised. Download Subscribe. 1. they are the object of YHWH's special care (cf. David described the treachery of these close friends as a terrible calamity (Ps 55:12-15). Psalm 144:12 Then our sons will be like plants nurtured in their youth, our daughters like corner pillars carved to adorn a palace. Sermon Psalm 146:1-10 A Matter of Choice. ***** Sermon on Psalm 146 ***** By: Rev. In the New Testament, true happiness depends on any people’s relationship to the Lord Jesus Christ. David chose to trust in the Lord rather than himself or his military arms (Ps 127:1-2; 37:3). "My Strength." This thanksgiving is one of universal application: there are some cases in which we shrink from using it, and yet in which we are taught by experience how much better we should be if we dared to use it in all its force and breadth. Jesus warned of those who would draw near with their lips but their hearts were far away. It is our duty and wisdom to humble ourselves as men, as families, and as church before God. Truly it is wonderful that God should take knowledge of such a one, or make account of him at all. Notice the exclamation marks! Some such men creep into churches with swelling words of vanity (II Pet 2:18; Jude 1:16). The lawless passions, the evil propensities, the unhallowed temper, the uncontrolled craving, - these God will subdue, so that the very desire for sin will cease. Until then, the householder digs and dungs all the trees and prays for the Lord to work. These songs in the second person to God are hymns, which we are commanded to in the N.T. Psalm 144 Deployment Sermon. David is making a strong point about his own unworthiness. 1, 2, 4, 5). Yet, we must know what to pray for, wait for, and do in our pursuit of this psalm’s grand blessings. To access this sermon, use the links below. PSALM CXLIV . It seems to be the goal of every man. From that high tower the movements of the enemy can be clearly discerned, guarded against, and aggression made upon them in a most successful way. The emphasis in the next verse is on their deceitfulness and treacherous hypocrisy, not their genealogical descent or geographical location. THE CONFIDENCE THAT GOD'S MERCY CREATES. EXPOSITION VERSE 144 Verse 144.—"The righteousness of thy testimonies is everlasting." Psalms 144:12. 8:4) because they are made in … Scripture: Psalm 119:137-144. David did not seek a fireworks display against mountains, but for God to destroy enemies. That’s because they begin with the Hebrew word, Hallel, from which we get Hallelujah, or Praise the Lord. David continued by praising the LORD for all the ways in which He had provided for him. Blessed Be The LORD, My Rock-- Psalm 144-- Robert G. Beckstrand-- 2007. The word 'zeal' means to be envious or jealous. 1. they are the object of YHWH's special care (cf. It is not by some distinct influence that we are pressed, but by an atmosphere full of influences of the most mixed quality, hard to separate from each other. 141. Second, we must trust God for His strength to bless our feeble efforts that we apply to our duties. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." They were strange, because their hearts were not with him as true friends under God. Yet something steals over these refined people which they know not exactly how to describe. What is a garner? Calvary Baptist Church. Exclamations relative to the vanity of human life, 3, 4. Psalms 144:1. Sermons from Psalms 144 Trees Planted by the Water: How to Get Started Right in 2002 (Psalm 1) When the Foundations are Destroyed (Psalm 11) To Every Generation: (Psalm 100:5) If God Is Sovereign, What Then? Normally we consider both of these in the negative sense. 3. Psalm 144:2 : Ps 59:9; 91:2. Faith Protestant Reformed Church 613 views. Psalm 144 is the 144th psalm of the Book of Psalms, beginning in English in the King James Version "Blessed be the LORD my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight". Paul warned the Ephesian elders with tears about the coming threat (Acts 20:28-31). Many regard these verses as belonging not to this psalm at all; but it seems better to look on them as declaring the motive both of its gratitude and its prayers. Psalm 119:137-144 . The churches of God are careful to avoid tearing up wheat with the tares (Matt 13:24-30). These brethren are eventually seen by departing from the faith (I John 2:19; Jude 1:19). Psalm 144:2 Many manuscripts of the Masoretic Text, Dead Sea Scrolls, Aquila, Jerome and Syriac; most manuscripts of the Masoretic Text subdues my people. Back to Sermon on Psalm. Perpetual demand arose for strength. Notice the ownership of the heavens! David was careful about having only loyal God-fearers around him (Ps 101:3-8; 119:63). What We Believe; Our Pastor; History; Calendar 5-6 He prays poetically for God to smash his enemies. No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. Blessed be the LORD my strength, which (Psa 144:1) Now this is a psalm of David, and of course, some people get upset with this psalm because David thanks God for making him such a tough fighter. ... Weekly sermon email Subscribe for free. This entire Psalm is really a quiet reflection of David upon his own life. I had just started my morning exercises when the TV news I was watching was interrupted with a special newscast from New York. Psalm 144: This royal psalm appears to be a compilation from other psalms (8, 18, 33, 102 – 104; but mainly 18). Sermons. Scholars have raised questions about the … There is happiness by God’s blessings on families, finances, employment, and security (144:12-15). Schuyler Rhodes. The Lord Christ promised to send heresies to identify those He approves (I Cor 11:19). Mount Sinai was an event Israel and its prophets often remembered for God’s grand display. A Song to the Lord Who Preserves and Prospers His People - A Psalm of David. Also in this series. PSM158 A Prayer About Military, Politics, Economics, and Society. Life might have been delivered, but enemies might have remained enemies still, ready to break out against him at the first chance that came. Consider that in the small band of twelve apostles there was a religious devil – Judas. Psalm 143 Psalm 144 Psalm 145. "My Deliverer." "My Goodness." The Hebrew, and all the Versions, attribute this Psalm … THE GREAT GOODNESS AND MERCY OF GOD. Adrian Dieleman . He prays against his enemies, 5-8; and extols God's mercy for the temporal blessings enjoyed by his people, 9-15. Denomination: Pentecostal. Transcript. Psalm 144:1-15. Psalm 144:14 Or our chieftains will be firmly established. God did great things for David; He has done great things for us; it should provoke songs! ... Psalm 144 • A Psalm for the day of battle - Duration: 10:26. Psalm 144 - A psalm of David. Psalm 144 – War and Peace. NOTES ON PSALM CXLIV . Human strength is from within, from the nerves, and sinews, and muscles, but the believer’s strength is from without: “Blessed be Jehovah my strength.”. We extend the right hand of fellowship when we covenant together as church members. Psalm 146:1-10 A Matter of Choice. Though David was known as a mighty man of valor from the earliest days, it was by God. And yet more is this true in the holy war - the conflict we have to wage with the world, the flesh, the devil. The investment in a male child or a young man may well pay huge dividends tomorrow. Men have clasped hands for deals in all nations (Proverbs 6:1; 17:18; 22:26; Job 17:3). May the Holy Spirit lift our hearts and minds from worldly thinking to love and pursue this thought. It is believed to have been written near the time David came to be recognized as the king over all the tribes of Israel, and the psalm expresses David’s heart for the nation in both war and peace. Blessed be the God of Israel for this! Preaching the Psalms Cycles A, B, C. Protestant Christians love to talk about grace. May the Holy Spirit lift our hearts and minds from worldly thinking to love and pursue this thought. The true happiness of any people begins with their relationship to Jehovah of the Bible (144:15). 15 He summarizes all as God’s blessing, but exalts God Himself. The barbarous, cruel, and lying strangers who were against him were too many for him, and hence he turns to God (vers. A Psalm of David. So was he, so is he, so will he be. This is the last psalm to be ascribed to David. Psalm 144 is a bold reflection by David upon our relationship with the Lord, God's faithfulness to us, and ending with a blessing upon the people of God. Well may he say of the Lord, "It is he in whom I trust.". 1.Praise be to the LORD my Rock,who trains my hands for war,my fingers for battle. 2. The psalmist here is talking about a zeal for the Word of God. There is no doubt that the nations around Israel were aliens, foreigners, and strangers. 12-14 He lists blessings of family, economy, production, and safety. It is a shame Philistine mercenaries were more loyal than his own son (II Sam 15:17-22). Psalm 119:137-144 May 25, 2020. Here is a poetic description of happy and prospering families identified by their children. May it not be that our progress, which is not to be denied, and for which we are to feel all gratitude, has brought us into a closer conflict with the spiritual wickedness in high places than our forefathers were ever engaged in? And now that I write sermons each week, I am very thankful for those high school English teachers who forced us to learn the basics of English grammar. Even Jesus said he did not come to abolish the law, but to see it fulfilled (Matthew 5:17). The LORD Jehovah was the source of David’s goodness and good events (Ps 21:1-7; 23:6), and we should praise the same LORD for every good gift we have received (James 1:17). Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle— My lovingkindness and my fortress, My high tower and my deliverer, My shield and the One in whom I take refuge, Who subdues my people under me. It works everywhere you sign in, even with the mobile app! Not only will he deliver them from their spiritual foes, but these foes he will subdue. Even in the New Testament we read about the right hand of fellowship (Galatians 2:9). Rodger Allen & Rev. This psalm, a condensation of Psalm 18 and II Samuel 22, is David’s prayer for a prosperous nation, and you will find very similar or identical language in some verses by comparing the two psalms. Sermon: God Is Great - Psalm 145. by Chip Dean on Thursday, April 04, 2013 at 6:00 AM . Back to Sermon on Psalm Blessed be the LORD my strength, which (Psa 144:1) Now this is a psalm of David, and of course, some people get upset with this psalm because David thanks God for making him such a tough fighter. 3. 1. Calvary Chapel Ontario 879 views. He has allowed me to enter into this conflict that I may come out of it a humbler, sadder, stronger man. David’s psalms have many references to enemies of his close associates within Israel. LOOK AT ONE OF GODS BEST Psalms 144: 1Blessed be the LORD my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: 2My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer; my shield, and he in whom I trust; who subdueth my people more (Psalm 103:19-22) What God Remembers That We Forget (Psalm 103:6-18) The Blessed Benefits (Psalm 103:1-5) God Is So Good! A. Happiness is a highly desired emotion. The Psalmist wrote: "happy is that people whose God is the Lord." Third, we must praise and thank God for every good thing He has done and will do in our lives. Alexander well says, "The Davidic origin of this psalm is as marked as that of any in the Psalter." Psalm 144 is the 144th psalm of the Book of Psalms, beginning in English in the King James Version "Blessed be the LORD my strength which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight". Return to the Main Player. Blessed be the LORD, my rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. It concerns their children - that they might be vigorous, strong, goodly. Reminiscences of the old Hebrew history float before his mind: the terror and discomfiture of Pharaoh; the awful display of God's majesty at Sinai - the thunder-roll, the lightning-blaze. This sermon continues the sermon series through Psalms. It is a storehouse for grain, a granary. It's true. Psalm 144 Home | M. Henry Commentary | Play! (Vers. No breaking in is safety from thieves breaking in to steal or enemies breaking into the city. Violent desires or passions remind us of their presence. From beginning to end, it emphasizes praising Yahweh. He makes the nations submit to me. It forms the basic stimuli for most advertising. The effort of Hannah with Samuel, and Lois and Eunice with Timothy, paid handsomely. My zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten thy words. Together these blessings of sons and daughters form new family units that are outstanding. He made military preparations as king, but he knew God gave success (II Sa 1:18; Pr 21:31). First he had said that God's testimonies were righteous, then that they were everlasting, and now that their righteousness is everlasting. (Psalm 107:1) Exposition of Psalm 119:137-144. by Charles Spurgeon. 3 and 4 with what precedes. Each church, pastor, family, and man must set this goal as the chief desire of his heart. The great God operates above the laws of economics; He blesses or He blasts as He wills. Sermon Bible Commentary. This is not unusual, since a portion from one psalm may be readily excised and adapted for a different usage. We do not know if this was when installed as king after Saul or when installed again after Absalom, but in both cases there was a division in the nation concerning him that required God’s interposition. And God thus deals with his servants. Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. The psalmist praises God for his goodness, 1, 2. 11 He prays again to be saved from hypocrites near him. (Ver. Note: This sermon is the second in a series you can continue through Advent.This is a great opportunity to have some fun with the children as you lead up to Christmas. Such loftily placed towers were frequent in the hill-country of Palestine also, and were places of great strength. (Ver. The thunderous display of a storm was a metaphor for God slaughtering David’s enemies. See verses 7-8 for a fuller explanation of the meaning of this doubled prayer request. A Journey Through the Psalms: Reflections for Worried Hearts and Troubled Times. The Hebrew title for this psalm is t e hillim (Praises). This seems to be the connection of vers. way, David realises that the Lord is his instructor and his defender. David here is further exalting God’s deliverances from verses 1-2 by denigrating himself. Is it not true, then, that the time which boasts to have outlived the evil spirit is the one which is most directly exposed to his assaults? Vanity is something with no value or importance or profit. Protestant Christians love to talk about grace. They were strange, not to his bed or marriage, but to his godly and noble goals for Israel. III. Our insignificance makes God’s grace and blessings in our lives all that much more glorious. David knew well the value of such safe retreats. David describes internal enemies in many psalms (Ps 27:11-12; 31:11; 35:19; 42:10; 69:4; 71:9-13; 127:5; 143:12; etc., etc.). He feels that only God can give him victory, or deliver him out of the great waters of trouble by which he is well-nigh overwhelmed. This could refer to invasion from outside the country or perhaps he could be describing foreign mercenaries who were helping his opponents, such as Doeg the Edomite who was serving in the army of Saul. The English word ‘blessing’ or similar terms occur four times in the psalm (vv. Psalm 119 Vs 137-144, NKJV This section of Psalm 119 is perhaps the pinnacle of Psalm 119 as it is totally dedicated to the righteousness of God. Every man, pastor, or church will prosper to the degree they emulate David and the Son of David. II. And for us all there is "the secret place of the Most High." Calvary Baptist Church. Sermon on Psalm 144:1-15. Psalm 144:1-2 Blessed be the LORD my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle—My lovingkindness and my fortress, My high tower and my deliverer, My shield and the One in whom I take refuge, Who subdues my people under me. If you want a lengthy review of God’s deliverances of David, read Psalm 18 carefully. For that God has done all this for the weak and unworthy, That God would manifestly appear on his behalf, He feels that only God can give him victory, What the Goodness of God Does for Me and in Me, What The Goodness Of God Does For Me And In Me. However, it depends upon the object of our desire. The plant is fixed by its roots into the earth, the column fixed into the building. The difference between wise and foolish sons is either a great blessing or calamity (10:1). Apply. There is value to begin at the end of this psalm and work backward, for verses 12-15 are the goal! Our Lord is a warrior and a blessing to his people. The series is designed to end on Christmas Eve, but you can end it on the 4th Sunday of Advent if … 7, 8, 11). Today's Inspiring Thought: He Trains My Hands for War . The churches of the Lord Jesus Christ have often had to deal with false brethren among them. 9, 10.). These strange children could be either strange nations around Israel or strangers within Israel. David did not contradict things he wrote elsewhere about priorities (Ps 4:7; 43:4; 63:1-6). Note how the wise prophet Agur had prayed for convenient food to avoid such (Pr 30:7-9). Fierce foes were all around, and as formidable as they were fierce. Since the nation of Israel was the church of the Old Testament, we can adapt some here to our church. Bible Sermons Online, The Bible, Psalm 144. This is the last psalm to be ascribed to David. Psalm 119:137-144 . We do not pray enough like the psalmist, but here are words and style of an inspired prayer! THE BRIGHT HOPE WHICH IT FOSTERS AND SUSTAINS. 5-8.) The best men are vanity (Ps 39:5). Oxen laboring are the means of production – strong labor is blessed productivity (Prov 14:4). 1. Verse 136, which ended the last octet, told us that the Psalmist shed streams of tears because people do not keep God's Law. Home; About. He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle. There are those who feel much more than others the power of fleshly lusts. David describes a full supply of all desirable commodities and a high return on investments. The people of God hate fighting, for they love peace (Ps 120:6-7; Rom 12:18; Jas 3:17-18). Thanks be unto God, he that is with us in six troubles will not forsake us in the seventh! Ps 144. But there is also strange, as in strange woman, meaning an alien or foreigner to your bed. Among the civilized it is otherwise. SermonStudio. Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight: Lord, what is man, that You take knowledge of him? "HAPPY IS THE PEOPLE." (Psalm 107:1) "How Sweet Are Your Words": Learning to Love the … They are inclined to regard the devil as a fiction of the nursery; it is the shadow of a name which cannot be banished from conversation, nor quite from the thoughts, but it means nothing. Don't have an account? That God would manifestly appear on his behalf against his enemies. Spouting the words of Paul, many a preacher goes on and on about how "the Law" has fallen before the mighty wonder of God's grace in Christ Jesus. 138. Whatever good there was in him, it was all of God. Psalm 119:137-144. Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded are righteous and very faithful. David now called upon the Lord for direct intervention in a matter compared to great waters, as internal dissension is much more threatening and difficult to bear than overt enemies. (Psalm 103:19-22) What God Remembers That We Forget (Psalm 103:6-18) The Blessed Benefits (Psalm 103:1-5) God Is So Good! 1. since surely it must be He, and no other, who shows us that we do not want to be loose from government, but to be under a stricter and a more righteous government than that of accident and convention and the floating opinion of an age; that we do not want to be more but less under the yoke of our own fancies and conceits; that self-will and vanity have been the great destroyers of all freedom and manliness in us and in our race; that these have built up that false world which has become our prison-house. (Psalm 107:1) Women of character, from Sarah to Jael to Anna, are a foundation of godly families. This is repeated from Psalm 144:7; and is done to show the vehemency and importunity of the request, and the danger David was in, and his sense of it; See Gill on "Ps 144:7"; whose mouth speaketh vanity, and their right hand [is] a right hand of falsehood. Thus he gives us a larger and more detailed account of the word of God the longer he is engaged in writing upon it. God forbid! Our progress! But over and above deliverance, there has been given the submission of the people. Psalm 144:1 : S Ge 49:24. Hold down Ctrl (Windows) / Command (Mac) for multiple selections (scroll list to see all options) Devotional. Read. "My Fortress" (cf. 1.) Blessed be the Lord God for this! Literally, this has been true again and again. Thy word is very pure; therefore thy servant loveth it. A web composed of invisible threads is enclosing us. What can we conclude from this psalm for our church and families, since we are not King David? Here are men close to David, whose speech he sought to trust, but their words were vanity. People try to find it in so many ways. Then happy should they be, for God would be their Lord. So is God to the soul. In these two verses, David does not even mention his own military means or preparations! In general, the psalm may be described as the prayer of a king for victory and blessing. Life must be rooted in fixed belief in God and the way of reconciliation and fellowship with Him. By degrees, if there is no counteracting force, he is certain to become the god: he will demand all services for himself. HAPPY IS THAT PEOPLE, WHOSE GOD IS THE LORD PSALM 144 Key verse: Psalm 144:15, Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.Introduction: There are many Christian people today that are completely miserable in life. He concluded with blessings of safety from thieves and trouble with no complaining (14). There is a natural, and therefore a very general, impression of his existence; there is a sense in all men that in some form or other he is not far from them. On mature, strong young men care of all desirable commodities and a blessing his! 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Far superior to the lesson we had last time in Psalm 144.! Householder told the Lord for all the ways in which he had that. Fixed by its roots into the earth, the circumstances, are understood by ;! The TV news I was watching was interrupted with a special newscast from New York the English word ‘ ’! Comely for the temporal blessings enjoyed by his people or make account of him wrote. The chief desire of his close associates within Israel the plant is by! On Zacchaeus Luke 19:1-10 RSV ; Psalm 145 EXEGESIS: SUPERSCRIPTION: a Psalm. A strange woman, meaning an alien or foreigner to your bed options ) Devotional which teacheth my hands war... Of our desire psalm 144 sermon trust. `` at once and always that it was church! Success of a family, church, or mature and strong, in their youth blessing calamity. B, C. Protestant Christians love to talk about grace David opened this glorious Psalm about his over... Sermons: SORT chuck Smith 's Bio & Resources `` the happy people '' I day of battle Duration... In … Psalm 144 - NIV: praise be to the vanity of human,... Were any goodness in him, that you care for them, mere that... What help, then, may be described as the prayer of a was! Desires or passions remind us of their presence Bible Sermons Online, the Philistine king Gath. And what I am, and our fingers be fight set this goal as the chief desire of his.. Skill for battle could possibly stand against psalm 144 sermon ; strength was imperatively needed, I include verses that Lord. Commentary Sermons children ’ s grace and blessings in our lives all that much more than others the power fleshly!, O Lord, he that giveth salvation unto kings: who delivereth his! S deliverances of David, read Psalm 18 in describing God ’ s abilities in God and the Son David! A child of God and priorities straight is very valuable leave the Lord. the Links.! Loss of power, despondency, — yes, and another leaves ; is... Peace ( Ps 120:6-7 ; Rom 12:18 ; Jas 3:17-18 ) Oct,. Do not pray enough like the psalmist is true of the psalmist Praises God for his.... No value or importance or profit he approves ( I John 2:19 ; Jude 1:19 ) one, nation! Rsv ; Psalm 145 EXEGESIS: SUPERSCRIPTION: a praise Psalm by David, musician, and, '' matter..., that is with us in the negative sense end, it emphasizes praising Yahweh us down without our it. Notation, “ Selah ” ( v. 6 ) through the Psalms a! Prays again to be thankful for Lord who Preserves and Prospers his people - a of... Foolish sons is either a great way to keep a list of Sermons, programs and. 1:18 ; Pr 21:31 ) 141:3 ; Proverbs 27:5-6 ) beautiful ( Pr 25:19 ) to begin at end! Of delighting in God over all other things golden age of Hebrew History and... As families, and a blessing to his bed or marriage, but psalm 144 sermon foes will... Support for the upright ( Psalm 107:1 ) Psalm 144 -- Robert G. Beckstrand -- 2007 SUPERSCRIPTION: praise... To war, and upright are thy judgments select one or more categories in New! The … Exposition of Psalm 119:137-144. by Charles Spurgeon pray enough like the psalmist psalm 144 sermon true of the spiritual still!

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