You can find out more about the promotion here. 30/3/2013: The USS Annual Pass has been consolidated into the new 2013 RWS Attractions Pass programme. Get your copy of the perks when picking up your passes at the park! For more details, refer to this park update. Resident Appreciation Day to be held 5/19 & 5/20, Meriden officials propose banquet facility at Hunter golf course. Not only will popular places be less crowded, but businesses are also churning out deals to get customers coming in: But at the same time, be responsible too. If you sign up with someone else, both of you will be saving as much as $54. Void if altered. The Child Pass Promotion is extended through May 26, 2020 (previously April 22, 2020), providing additional value for families looking to ski and ride together. 31 Mar 2021 (Book by 31 Aug) Gardens by the Bay Season Pass Drink Plan added to a Season Pass is only valid for redemption exclusively by the registered passholder. Note: No refunds for online sales. HDB Planning to Launch 17K BTO Flats in 2021 & Some Are in Mature... M1 Users Reported Disruption This Morning; 2nd Time in This Month, Everything About the Thailand COVID-19 Sudden Outbreak That Involved Migrant Workers, Don’t Say Bojio: 1-For-1 Sale Happening At Selected Skechers Stores Until 5 Apr, Don’t Say Bojio: Free Entry to Jewel’s Canopy Park now till 31 March & 50% Off Other Attractions, Don’t Say Bojio: $0.10 Chicken Rice + Drink Promo in Nono’s Popular Fried Chicken Chain, 6 months of unlimited admission with no black-out dates, priority access to park entrance during the first three hours of park operation, A priority viewing area for selected shows, 15% discount at all F&B outlets (except Starbucks) and 20% discount at KT’s Grill, 10% discount for attraction photo purchase, 10% discount for Universal Studios Singapore One-Day Ticket all year round, Birthday gift and privileges during your birthday month, $10 off Universal Express pass (1 pass per day), $5 off rental of strollers or wheelchairs in Universal Studios Singapore, Discounts on Universal Studios Singapore events, packages and select RWS events. 05 October 2020 - 13 November 2020 ... as exclusive events at USS. Add Fast Lane Plus to your Season Pass and speed past the regular wait lines on your favorite rides and attractions every time you visit the park in 2021! Aquarium. Nulu D. K. - Fri, 6 March 2020 “ I bought the ticket from Traveloka Xperience and it’s E-ticket which you can use to get in USS real quick! Do note that the promotion is only applicable for new Season Pass sign-ups only. Buy Universal Studio Singapore 1 Day Pass Online: Go beyond the screen and ride the movies at Universal Studios Singapore in Sentosa Island. If you’re healthy and well, come on out. Promotion is valid from now till 12 April 2020, for new Season Pass sign-ups only. This offer is valid from 28 Oct 2020 to 3 Jan 2021. We’re officially one week away from Phase Three, and all of a sudden, things don't look so goody now. Book your ticket now! Check out the full benefits of a Season Pass: Terms & Conditions: Buy Passes . Ikon Pass holder reservations and FAQ Proof of PRIOR address from a monthly statement dated ON or AFTER December 1st, 2020. To qualify you must be enrolled in 12 + undergraduate credits or 9 + graduate credits. Valid for purchase and park visit from 7 March 2020 o 12 April 2020; ... Do note that this promotion is for adults only (Age 13 and above) If you have a child 4-12, you can purchase additional season passes at $88 (Price valid till March 31) Explore the world of movie magic with your favourite movie characters and thrilling rides in 7 magical zones. Nordic Skier Wolfeboro XC 2020-21 Season passes now on sale, only$69. 2020-2021 Season Passes Click on the each title to view the options. Each distinct world holds new and unique adventures at every turn.A world-class theme park that appeals to children and adults of all ages, covering a wide spectrum of entertainment themed on blockbuster Hollywood movies, from thrilling rides to shows featuring popular characters. Promotion is valid for purchase and park visit from 7 March 2020 to 12 April 2020. Lest you’re unaware, a Season Pass grants you unlimited access to the park for six whole months. And committing to 2020 with a Trail Season Pass is the best way to begin your journey. Good news for those who are not afraid to stare the COVID-19 in the face. We look forward to seeing you on the course. From now till 12 April, any purchase of a one-day adult ticket for Universal Studios Singapore (USS) with the use of a Mastercard will get you a free Season Pass. It seems that even as the world is fast approaching vaccination against Covid-19, the coronavirus is still determined to... How to Use “Ok Boomer” in an Office #shorts. Non for Sales or Exchange. Alta Valtellina Skipass One ski pass to ski in all Ski Areas of Alta Valtellina: Livigno, Bormio, Santa Caterina, Cima Piazzi-San Colombano. Universal Studios Singapore (USS) has a crazy deal till 12 April 2020 -- anyone who buys a 1-day adult ticket gets a 6-month season pass for free. Students can show proof of enrollment status and purchase a Bogus Basin College Season Pass. Join our telegram channel for more entertaining and informative articles at or download the Goody Feed app here: Extension of validity is not permitted. We look forward to seeing you on the course. Sentosa. Children 12 and under ski free. A Season Pass is the best way to experience everything Dollywood has to offer. Singapore Cable Car. Get the lowest prices on next winter's season pass. Adventure Assurance provides flexibility for the 20/21 season by offering eligible BBMR and Ikon Pass holders the option to defer the purchase price paid of their unused 20/21 pass to the 21/22 season. Just kidding. This year isn't a great year for most people. USS Season and Annual Pass. But for M1? ~Contact the Pro Shop at 203-634-3366 for details. Mastercard Promotion | $81 Six Months Season Pass at Universal Studios Singapore Skip the queues and get priority access to all the rides at Universal Studios Singapore (USS) on Sentosa with the Universal Express Pass. Up to 31 Dec 2020. Get Deal. Plus I got a promotion for the ticket too! Season Pass add-ons such as All Season Dining, All Season Drink Plan or All Season Parking are passholder specific and can only be used by the passholder who has them on the pass. Promotion is only valid for Singapore Residents with valid Republic of Singapore issued birth certificate/Photo National ID/Work Permit/Student Pass. USS Season Pass below $100! With exciting things happening all year long, like our award-winning festivals and events, you'll want to make sure you are here for every moment. Me: I just want to go to Universal Studios Singapore. Original Article (as of 2013) 1/9/2013: New information on the new Season Pass is now added, along with details on Universal Express Unlimited. 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~Contact the Pro Shop at 203-634-3366 for details. Promotion. 20/21 BBMR passholders may elect to defer on or before Dec. 10, 2020. Expires 01/01/2021. 30 Sep 2020 . FREE 6-MONTH SEASON PASS TO USS WHEN YOU BUY A 1-DAY TICKET. 20/21 Ikon Pass holders may elect to defer on or before April 11, 2021. Ikon Pass holders can purchase up to two discounted Child Ikon Passes or Child Ikon Base Passes for children ages 5-12 with the purchase of an Adult Ikon Pass or Adult Ikon Base Pass. Nordic Prime passes are on sale now. Showering in the Morning vs Evening: Which is Better? Experience the most music and flexibility with passes that offers unlimited access to all regular events. Discount add-on passes may only be added to Family Season Pass purchases. Resorts World Sentosa. #shorts, 6 Asian Myths That Aren’t True (Based on Science! Seniors 75 and older ski free. In 1796, the British doctor Edward Jenner developed a vaccine to combat the deadly smallpox virus. USS Promo: Buy 1-day ticket From Now Till 12 Apr & Get Free 6-months Unlimited Access. That’s not all, Season Pass holders also have access to F&B and retail discounts as well as exclusive events at USS. The full day Sentosa tour begins early and goes on till evening time and is filled with lots of fun and adventure. 2020 Season Dining Pass Upgrades. ~2021 Season Pass Promotion, purchase your 2021 season pass and play the remainder of the 2020 season for free. 20 November - 31 December 2020 , 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm Night Safari Now Gives 40% Off Tickets With 2 Pax, For Date Nights Or Fam Outings After 7PM 27 November - 27 December 2020 , 6:30 pm - 12:00 am Hurry, a limited number are available all season so get yours today! The fastest way to fun all season is here. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of fall golf at Hunter. Verification of a SG Resident Identification Card before admission is required. Buy Universal Studios Singapore 1 Day Pass online at Klook and experience cutting-edge rides & shows. Why Ah Beng threw butter out of the window? You can extend the validity of your 2020 Season Pass from June 15, 2021 through the remainder of the 2021 starting at $79+tax. That’s a discount of $27. Mastercard and Maybank card promotions at USS and S.E.A. A-Basin passholders may come by daily from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. to pick up their pre-purchased pass at a ticket window. Latest News Current Affairs To alleviate uncertainty and provide flexibility, regardless of when you purchase your 2020/2021 Pats Peak Season Pass you can transfer your 2020/2021 Pats Peak Season Pass to the 2021/2022 season for any reason. Season Passes, add-ons, and any benefits associated with the pass are non-transferrable. The 2020-21 Season Pass Sale is here. From now till 12 April, any purchase of a one-day adult ticket for Universal Studios Singapore (USS) with the use of a Mastercard will get you a free Season Pass. The Guest Services office is closed and there are NO onsite pass sales. Ticket(s) valid for one-time park entry by 12 April 2020 to process into Season Pass membership card. The discounted price in this promotion will get you that adult one-day ticket (and the Season Pass) for S$81. Free entry by Sentosa Express or drive in, discounts at AJ Hackett, Skyline Luge and more. Winter Midweek and Flex 360 passes are now available. Pass sales will be limited for the winter 2020-21 season. 2020 Pass Promotion Upgrade Your Pass, or Try a Pass for the First Time, at $100 Off. Up to 55% off Cable Car Sky Pass. Further you get to enter the island in style, and that is in a cable car. ~2021 Season Pass Promotion, purchase your 2021 season pass and play the remainder of the 2020 season for free. Once Season Pass Drink Plan is linked to a Season Pass, it is non-transferable. SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR 2020 -- ASK AT BOX OFFICE BEFORE PURCHASE TO RECEIVE DEAL. Prices and benefits remain the same, but the card has been redesigned. Discover the prices of ski passes and season tickets, the ongoing promotions and the special offers. With this promo, you’ll enjoy a bit of discount off the original price of the Season Pass which was S$108. Your new 2021 Season Pass will be valid for the remainder of 2020 … Prospective BTO couples... heads up. Learn more about the different plans and their dining perks now- just select your preferred location. I mean why go once when you can go 180 times, assuming that you visit USS every single day for 6 months. This promotion is only available for Mastercard holders. Promotion is valid for purchase of … The Season Pass Drink Plan can be added to all Season Pass types, except Halloween Haunt passes (where offered). Valid for 2021 visits. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of fall golf at Hunter. Season Pass Perks. Current College Student Discount (2020-21 Season) – No Longer Available. Universal Studios Seven Lands. Golf course will be closing Dec 17th for the season. Season Pass Perks include 'Bring A Buddy Nights,' Bring A Buddy Weekend' Free admission to After Dark Beach Parties and special discounts. Highly contagious novel coronavirus on the loose? The original price of a Season Pass is S$108 while the cost of an adult one-day ticket is S$81. Lest you’re unaware, a Season Pass grants you unlimited access to the park for six whole months. 2019 Season Pass - Purchase early, include remainder of 2018! Your Season Pass will expire after June 15, 2021 requiring you to either renew your pass or purchase a daily ticket for entry into the parks for the remainder of the 2021 season. Once they're gone, they're gone! Season Pass holders will enjoy numerous benefits including: Previously, it was mentioned that the Covid-19 “lull period” is the best time for Singaporeans to come out and play. You get to choose between all the available options by using you token passes (120 Token Fun Pass / 80 Token Fun Pass / 55 Token Fun Pass). ... enjoy a USS one-day pass with these fantastic gifts, This offer is valid until 30th September 2020. Your Trail Season Pass will earn you access to every 2020 10K, 21K and 50K Spartan Trail event across the U.S., regardless of heat. Save on food and beverage options for the whole entire family at Six Flags when you purchase a season dining upgrade! Non-refundable, even in case of inclement weather. USS Unlimited Express is available at an additional S$100. ... grab discounts like 10% off on adult pass or something like Universal Studios Singapore annual pass promotion. ), When You Exercise & Eat at the Same Time #shorts, 10 COVID-19 Cases Today (21 Dec); 1 Case in the Community, Here’s How the 3 Main COVID-19 Vaccines Work Simplified for You. But if you’re sick, just go see a doctor at the subsidised rate. From now till 19 Feb 2019, there is an promotion for USS Annual Passes and it is valid for: – New sign-ups of USS Annual Pass at the park – Online at – Upgrades upon presenting a normal One-Day ticket inside USS on … Title to view the options for the Season Pass is S $ 108 while the of. From a monthly statement dated on or before April 11, 2021 not afraid to stare the COVID-19 in Morning! Play the remainder of 2018... as exclusive events at USS and S.E.A once Season Pass purchases Attractions Pass.! 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