The question must ever be, “Is thine heart right?” For “if ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.”. what so good a lesson as to do God's will? The way is long, and steep, and he who goes without a divine leader will faint on the journey; but with Jehovah to lead it is delightful to follow, and there is neither stumbling nor wandering. III. His teaching goes deeper than example. For all honest attempts to make the will of God our wills, the one secret of success is confident and continual appeal to Him. On our own, we have no personal power to stand up under the weight of these two realities. To be found doing the will of God is the only safe state for man. To do all of it, let it be what it may. He felt that he was weak, and needed strength to do, as well as enlightening to know, God’s will. If He be our Father, where is His honour? (5) Remember that all obedience to God must be like what the Jews were required to give to God: a whole burnt-offering. Try it free for 30 days! He creates. (2) Be sure of your motive. Thy law is within my heart.’ Only when thus the will yields itself in loving and glad conformity to the will of God is true obedience possible for us. 10. (6) Your obedience must be your liberty and your joy. A.). There is a better thing to ask than exemption from sorrows, even grace to bear them rightly. The Spirit of life doth free us from the law of sin and death; but not from the holy, and pure, and good, and righteous law of God. A law has been given which can give life. Psalm 22:1 To the chief Musician upon Aijeleth Shahar, A Psalm of David. Toggle navigation. He rejoiced in His love and desired to have God for his portion for ever. The will is to be done by men. In Your righteousness bring my soul out of trouble. Notice, then, first, the supreme desire of the devout soul. He prays for comfort, guidance, and deliverance. BibliographyPoole, Matthew, "Commentary on Psalms 143:10". He said, ‘Teach me to do Thy will.’ And he thought, no doubt, of an inward teaching which should mould his nature as well as enlighten it; of the communication of impulses as well as of conceptions; of something which should make him love the divine will, as well as of something which should make him know it. --- Malicious. Thy Spirit is good - The Author of every good desire and holy purpose. In Psalm 143, David laments his circumstances and feels that every step he takes is under attack from his enemies, who are persecuting his soul. David, before he prays for the removal of his trouble, prays for the … Just so it stands here in its own grand sufficiency, "Thy Spirit is good." Psalm 143:3 also recalls Psalm 7:6, but as to the words it sounds like Lamentations 3:6 (cf. a. Willem VanGemeren (Expositor’s Bible Commentary, ed. https: Matthew Poole's English Annotations on the Holy Bible. Teach me to do thy will. -- Thomas Manton. BibliographyEllicott, Charles John. Man by nature is as a cripple and blind, he cannot go upright unless he be led by a superior spirit; yea, he must be carried as an eagle carrieth her little ones, or as a mother her tender child. Thy spirit is good—Probably it is better to read: “Let thy Spirit, which is good, lead me,” etc. 3. Find Top Church Sermons, Illustrations, and Preaching Slides on Psalm 143:10. Thomas Coke Commentary on the Holy Bible. Psalms 143:11 - For the sake of Your name, O LORD, revive me. Secondly, he illuminates our minds by the Spirit. To do thy will; to continue in faithful obedience to thee, notwithstanding all temptations to the contrary. Verse 10. 1. To the minds of many, who still recognise His complete personality, He is as One almost passionless. He did not only pray in that affliction, but he prayed very much and very often, not the same over again, but new thoughts. The whole is a prayer for spiritual guidance, the necessary condition for receiving the temporal as well as the spiritual deliverance which David prays for himself, his seed, and the elect nation. That is, Teach me in the present emergency to do that which thou wilt approve; which will be wise; which will be best adapted to secure my deliverance and my safety. He has not forsaken His task of comforting the sorrowful: He is to this day the Paraclete. So that the thought just comes to this-we have the right to expect that we shall be made participant of the divine nature for so sweet, so deep, so tender is the tie that knits a devout soul to God, that nothing short of conformity to the perfect purity of God can satisfy the aspirations of the creature, or discharge the obligations of the Creator. In the Book of Psalms we see the growing up in the religious character of these high gifts of the Spirit of God: devotion, worship, self-knowledge. “Lord, teach me to do Thy will, whether it is the will of the great ones of the earth, or the will of my influential friends, or the will of my loudtalking neighbours or not. "The New John Gill Exposition of the Entire Bible". (2) In the awful volume of Isaiah, in which thought and imagination are allowed to master the vision of the world, wherein is embodied all that most concerns man in the present and the future, and in which the tremendous severity of judgment mingles so strangely with a gracious and inexpressible sweetness which even still takes us by surprise—through all these Divinely inspired utterances we may trace, with a fulness, and richness, and depth unequalled in the Old Testament, the personal lineaments of one who not only by faith and self-discipline, but also by thought, and reason, and knowledge, had become fitted to be one of the company of that Redeemer whose person, whose coming, whose life of suffering and glory, he was going to foretell, and in whose perfection man was to be made perfect. Commentary for Psalms 143 . He feels that his life is being pounded and pulverised into the ground. for thou art. We shall be still surer of this fact, I hope, when we consider His attributes. Moreover He is spoken of as the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God’s Son. Now, Christ is good. III. Malachi 2:6 Isaiah 11:4 Psalms 45:7 67:5 143:10. 2. Verse 10. BibliographyMacLaren, Alexander. The parallelism to the two former clauses is better kept up in the English version, which divides the latter half of the verse into two clauses, than by making one clause, as Hengstenberg translates, 'Let thy spirit, the good, lead me upon a plain land.' We should desire to be led and kept safe to heaven, not only because it is a land of blessedness, but because it is a land of uprightness; it is the perfection of grace. His teaching is inward, and deep, and real, and answers to all the necessities of the case. Verse 10. III. Verse 10. They whose religion has not reached that apex have yet to understand its highest meaning. This is the best form of instruction, for its source is God, its object is holiness, its spirit is that of hearty loyalty. Do you see to it that you walk in ways of righteousness which are paths of peace; and look for all the help you need, with assured faith, to Him who shall ‘guide us by His counsel and afterwards receive us to His glory.’. He is good because God is good. And therefore it is a usual phrase in Romans 8:1-39 , and Galatians 4:1-31 , our being led by the Spirit. (1) They must have a far end in God Himself; (2) they must not be mere feelings. I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done. How practical "Teach me to do"! God is all spirit and all good. Psalm 22:1 To the chief Musician upon Aijeleth Shahar, A Psalm of David. By whom has He been sent forth to dwell amidst the Church, and in God’s people’s hearts? The mysteries of life must quicken us to place ourselves under the guidance of our heavenly Father. III. With whom is He associated? California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information, The best instructions: "Teach me to do thy will." That spirit is wise, prudent, judicious, reliable. As if David should say: Thou promised me help of Thy free favour, help me then in this my danger. And there is the other plea with Him and guarantee for us, drawn from God’s own moral character and perfectness. (A. Maclaren, D. D.), I. (For the omission of the article with the adjective after the determinative noun, comp. Verse 10. Thy spirit is good] The fruit of it is in all goodness, and righteousness, and truth, Ephesians 5:9, and it is the Spirit only that quickeneth, John 6:63, by purging out the dross that is in us, 1 Peter 1:22, setting us to work, Ezekiel 36:27, helping our infirmities, Romans 8:26; stirring us up to holy duties, partly by immediate motions, and partly by the ministry of the word made effectual, 1 Peter 1:2, 2 Thessalonians 2:13. And so desiring, He does it, not from any masterfulness or love of dominion, but only from love to us. I. Teach me to do thy will … - To do that which will be agreeable or pleasing to thee; which will meet with thy approbation. The Story of Psalm 143. I. 9 Deliver me, O LORD, from mine enemies: I flee unto thee to hide me. The soul that can say, ‘I have taken Thee for mine,’ has a hold on God which God is only too glad to recognise and to vindicate. https: (3) Obey trustingly. They are the first great teachers and patterns of prayer. https: 5. Christianity is a revelation of truth, but to accept it as such is not enough. In other psalms similarly we have prayers for deliverance from calamities joined with prayers for spiritual teaching, so as to walk in the ways of holiness (Psalms 86:11; Psalms 139:23-24; Psalms 25:4-5; Psalms 27:11; Psalms 26:12). 'An even place' is an image for stedfastness spiritually, as distinguished from a land or footing beset with difficulties and pitfalls. We see in the Psalms how it has learned to look into itself, how it has learned the need of the inward watch, the inward struggle, the inward self-disclosure. (1) A profound and immovable belief in God's righteousness is the faith which dominates the whole Psalter. The Holy Spirit may be compared to dew-cheering, beautifying, fertilizing. of his good pleasure.”. "Commentary on Psalms 143:10". The Holy Ghost is a great Leader. It is not a matter lying within our own power to make him our God, but it rests with his free preventing grace. Psalm 143:10 "Teach me to do thy will." We may call this sentence a description of David's school; and it is a very complete one; at least, it hath in it the three best things that belong to a school. Not merely to know, but "to do.". Ephesians 5:9 , "The fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth." Psalm 143:10 Parallel Verses [⇓ See commentary ⇓] Psalm 143:10, NIV: "Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground." 2. This psalm of David most aptly answereth to that psalm which precedes it; for in Ps 142:1-7 he showeth that he prayed, repeating it twice (Ps 143:1); and here he twice saith, "Hear my prayer, give ear to my supplication." By Jesus Christ the world was made, and “without Him was not anything made that was made,” but the Spirit co-operated with Him. Are we? How practical - "Teach me to do"! He saith not, Teach me to know thy will, but to do thy will. When we pray that men may do it, if we pray honestly, we mean that we are ready to do it. "Commentary on Psalms 143:10". Learn more today! When the heart can sincerely call Jehovah "my God", the understanding is ready to learn of him, the will is prepared to obey him, the whole man is eager to please him. ‘To do God’s will’ is to be in ‘the land of uprightness.’ That phrase, in its literal application, means a stretch of level country, and hence is naturally employed as an emblem of a moral or religious condition. The Spirit's direction hath strength joined with it. Into such a garden of the Lord the Psalmist prays to be led. JOSEPH A ALEXANDER Psalms Commentary (1864) Spurgeon had high praise for Alexander's work writing that it "Occupies a first place among expositions. 2. The tempest blows him to the throne of God; and when he is there, what does he ask? Christianity brings to us the possibility of indulgence in sweet and blessed emotions, and a fervour of feeling which to experience is the ante-past of heaven, and for some of us, all our religion goes off in vaporous emotion; but feeling alone is not Christianity. gracious and holy, Spirit. Let us both test and trust His power. More generally, the passage teaches us what we are to think of free will; for David here denies the will to have the power of judging rightly, till our hearts be formed to a holy obedience by the Spirit of God. I. Verse 10. John Trapp Complete Commentary. “No … The more we do what we have been taught, the more will the Lord our God reveal to us of His will. BibliographyJamieson, Robert, D.D. New York. How undivided in obedience—"to do thy will"! He prays for comfort, guidance, and deliverance. But the main burden of his prayer is for a closer knowledge of God, the sound of His lovingkindness in his inward ear, light to show him the way wherein he should walk, and the sweet sunshine of God’s face upon his heart. If we want to know what is God’s will, we have only to turn to that life; and however different from ours His may have been in its outward circumstances, and however fragmentary and brief its records in the Gospels may sometimes seem to us, yet in these little booklets, telling of the quiet life of the carpenter’s Son, there is guidance for every man and woman in all circumstances, however complicated, and we do not need anything more to teach us what God’s will is than the life of Jesus Christ. (Comp. The land of uprightness. (A. The chief and highest name of the Holy Spirit is "Comforter," and not a comforter, as though He were one among many, but exclusively so that whatever comfort there is in all the world dates itself in Him: "the Comforter.'' https: BibliographyWhedon, Daniel. And they show this side of the religious character not, as hitherto, in outline, but in varied and finished detail, in all its compass and living and spontaneous force. ; Fausset, A. R.; Brown, David. Now he prayeth for his soul’s health; and would be as well delivered from his corruptions within as from his enemies without. "And enter not into judgment with thy servant: for in thy sight shall no man living be justified." How undivided in obediences - "to do thy will"! Psalm 119:5-7,12,35 O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes! As the modeller will take a piece of wax into his hand, and by warmth and manipulation make it soft and pliable, so Jesus Christ, if we let Him, will take our hard hearts into His hands, and by gentle, loving, subtle touches, will shape them into the pattern of His own perfect beauty, and will mould all their vagrant inclinations and aberrant distortions into ‘one immortal feature of loveliness and perfection.’ ‘The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared unto all men teaching that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly,’ controlling ourselves, ‘righteously,’ fulfilling all our obligations to our fellows, ‘and godly,’ referring everything to Him, ‘in this present world.’. 1999. --Vincent Alsop (-1703), in "The Morning Exercises.". But, then, let us remember that we shall most imperfectly apprehend the whole sweep and blessedness of this great supreme aim of the devout soul, if we regard this doing of God’s will as merely the external act of obedience to an external command. Teach me to do thy will. ‘Thy Spirit is good,’ and therefore the trusting spirit has a right to ask to be made good likewise. II. ; Fausset, A. R.; Brown, David. --Andrew A. Bonar. BibliographyClarke, Adam. ... Malachi 2:6, Isaiah 11:4 Ps 45:7 67:5 143:10. Something is to be done. Such a prayer is proper, but it is not the prayer offered here. Psalm 119:5-7,12,35 O that my ways were directed to keep thy statutes! from what quarter does He reach to us? After addressing the Lord (verses 1-2), he pours out his lament (verses 3-6), recalls God’s help in former distresses (verse 5), and offers his petition to the only One who can correct the matter (verses 6-12). But, considering the particular circumstances of the Psalmist in these two psalms, I am inclined to think that he prays to God to be safely conducted into the plain country out of that rude mountainous wild where he was now forced to secrete himself. Copyright StatementThe New John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible Modernised and adapted for the computer by Larry Pierce of Online Bible. Brother! Saxton.). Whereby he would teach us two principal lessons. So that the thought just comes to this--we have the right to expect that we shall be made participant of the Divine nature. 10. Psalm 143:10, ESV: "Teach me to do your will, for you are my God!Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!" “Thy Spirit is good.” He is as mighty now as He was then. 8 Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee. Psalm 143: Again David is beset by enemies, and again he knows to whom he must turn. "Commentary on Psalms 143:10". He is almighty; there is no limit to His power. Deficiency acknowledged. The last clause may either be read, “Thy Spirit is good; lead me,” or “Let Thy good Spirit lead me.” In either case the goodness of the Divine Spirit is the plea on which the prayer is grounded. He felt that God’s will was best. Psalms 143:10. First, by his word. All that is sweet, and lovely, and pure, and of good report pertains to Him. David's history illustrates it, and his spirit breathes in it. ’Tis He who quickens and illuminates, ’tis He who teaches and leads. x., p. 201). ), Land of uprightness.—Better, level land (Deuteronomy 4:43, “plain country;” comp. Study the bible online using commentary on Psalm 143:11 and more! It is not enough that we should have communicated to us, as from without, the clearest knowledge of what we ought to be. Nor does he merely say, Teach me that I may be capable of doing, as the deluded Papists imagine that the grace of God does no more than make us flexible to what is good, but he seeks something to be actually and presently done. (4) There must be alacrity; it is no obedience that does not feel, "I will run in the way of Thy commandments." You and I have Jesus Christ for our Teacher, the answer to the psalm. J. Vaughan, Fifty Sermons, 10th scries, p. 240. Go to. https: Isaiah 26:10; Psalms 27:11.). The next clause, when we consider his attributes look at it the more we do what have! Crushes me to know, but to accept it as such is not matter! Example to stand as our perfect law thou hast given me thyself, thou wilt surely me! To our desired haven he must turn a lesson as to the psalm 143:10 commentary... This Psalm describes David in another crisis midst of danger, from rebels. Words it sounds like Lamentations 3:6 ( cf God can teach us his will. Fifty Sermons Illustrations. 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