Here is a prime example of why I recommend establishing your new clover plot seedings for whitetails in the fall with a nurse crop of winter rye. Imperial Whitetail Clover is the number one food plot planting in the world!. per acre, then using a cultipacker to cover the seed. Are you a hunter wanting to learn how to accomplish your goals? per 1000 sq. per acre 0-20-20 (7 lbs. However, seeding rates are based on the assumption that the seedlings will live. Make sure you inoculate the seed prior to planting if it isn’t already. Clovers should not be covered any more than ¼ inch. What typically happens is the rye germinates first and greens up very fast which will provide a quick foodsource for deer through the fall and even into the winter. ft.). To facilitate seed production and between-row weed control, it is desirable to plant white clover in spaced rows instead of solid stands. To determine the appropriate seeding rate of the material in this bag, multiply the percentage of pure seed contained in the bag (48.73 percent) by the germination rate of the seed (80 percent). Observe optimal food plot planting times listed on the bag of seed you purchase. What Is Your Preferred Food Plot Seed Option? The flower heads are much smaller than red clover, and the stems do not terminate in a flower as they do in red clover. However, you notice your forage planting is relatively thin, and you notice weeds are taking advantage of the exposed area. ©2020 Jordan Outdoor Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. Even though you calculated the area of the food plot before planting, and you weighed the seed and are confident you planted the recommended pounds per acre of seed, you still did not use enough seed unless you calculated what is called Pure Live Seed (PLS), which is the amount of live seed in the bag that is likely to germinate. The rest of the weight (25 pounds) is coating material. Plots should be at least 30 feet wide. Prepare a good seedbed by disking up the desired area. Note: Only fertilizers containing zero or small percentages of nitrogen (5% or less) should be used on pure stands of clover. soybean, 60-100 pounds per acre; grain sorghum, 4-6 pounds. Clover Seed varieties are also commonly used in agricultural cover crop applications to sweeten the … per 1000 sq. They are not only high in available protein and highly digestible; they can produce up to 6-8 tons of forage per acre! A bag of preinoculated clover seed typically contains 34 to 50 percent coating material, depending on the producer. Then multiply by 0.25 acres to get 650 pounds of lime. Once planting begins, make sure the seeds are 1 to 1½ inches in depth. Since clover is a legume, it does not require as much nitrogen unless you are planting it in a blend with a cereal grain like wheat, oats or rye. In 2013 I decided to convert a 2-acre field adjacent to my pole barn into a food plot. December 21, 2020 | The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory. In other words, you would need to plant 64 pounds of this product per acre to achieve a 25 lbs./acre PLS seeding rate. ft.) or an equivalent fertilizer and 1 ton/acre ag lime (50 lbs. Some cool season mixture of a few clovers with oats/wheat should run you somewhere about $50/acre. Then, lets say you need to rent a seed drill at $150 per day. Now it’s time to break ground. Why is your planting thin? Based on the crimson clover seed in this example, with an 80% germination rate and roughly 49% pure seed con-tained in this bag, you would need to plant about 64 pounds of the seed in this bag (or in this lot) per acre to be equivalent to the recommended seeding In fact, it was stated on the bag of seed you planted that the contents would cover 1 acre, and you planted 1 acre. So, in the case of a 24-4-2 fertilizer, you should apply 300lbs to get 72 lbs n, 12lb P, 6lbs K per acre. If you do not plant enough seed to realize a sufficiently dense planting, do not expect the stand to “thicken” over time just because the seed had a coating around it. Not to mention its high rating as a disease-resistant plant. Because Imperial Whitetail Clover contains the only clover genetically designed for whitetail deer. So this 50-lb. After planting, run over the plot with a light drag. If drilling, approximately 75 pounds per acre should do. This information is provided on a seed tag, which is either attached to the bag or printed on it. I usually recommend planting 200 pounds per acre when broadcasting and 125-150 pounds per acre when using a no-till or conventional drill. Recover From Food Plot Failure by Planting a Salvage Plot, South Carolina 4-H Food Plot Project Winners Announced, VIDEO: Let the Deer Eat! In this scenario, the most likely reason is improper seeding rate. Wrong. Check out our stories, videos and hard-hitting how-to's on food plots and land management. bag of preinoculated clover that contains 50 percent coating material, there is only 25 pounds of seed in the bag. Preinoculated legume seed (such as clovers and alfalfa) are relatively convenient because you do not have to inoculate the seed yourself. Therefore, if you mix seed yourself to form a blend, and you do not calculate and plant according to percentage of PLS, then some of the seed mixture (such as wheat or oats) may appear relatively thick and as it should, but the clovers, for example, may be relatively sparse (because the clover had a low germination rate). Plots should be at least 30 feet wide. Winter rye is for you! We do not care how much of the seed may germinate after winter, or in another year. It is entirely weed free and heavily utilized by deer. Turnips are truly an amazing food plot plant. Summer sweet clovers such as Alyce Clover are used in Spring and Summer Food plots as well as forage applications for livestock throughout the Southeastern United States. Soil preparation is critical to ensure good establishment of this crop. Each year one-half of the grain food plots should be al- Do not include the percentage of hard seed into your PLS calculation. The same amount fixed by clover applied to grass by commercial nitrogen fertilizer would cost an additional $25-$100 per acre per year. This is important! Some programs may cap acres of food plots, check with the local USDA office to confirm allowed food plot sizes. per acre; cowpea, 100-120 pounds per acre; annual lespedeza, 20-25 pounds per acre; and millet, 20-25 pounds per acre. Next, take a soil sample. Do not be misled by advertisements on some commercial food plot mixtures that claim the bag will cover “X” acres. 25 lbs./acre divided by 0.39 = 64 lbs./acre of crimson clover. for single-species summer food plots are. per 1000 sq. If broadcasting, do so at a rate of approximately 100 pounds per acre. Begin by spraying for weeds. Clover Feast blend is suitable for all soil types from dry to waterlogged. Clover Food Plot seeding rates are commonly applied at 2-20 lbs. After you’ve planted and the seeds have germinated—and throughout the growing season—you will need to keep fertilizing the plots, so they remain vigorous and attractive to deer. To make a killer food plot for deer in the woods, you only need three items – a backpack leaf blower or a rake, seeds and fertilizer. Around the year of 2001, I was in a rush to create a 1/2 acre food plot, fertilize, lime and broadcast rye. However, the weight of the coating material must be considered when calculating seeding rates for your food plots. You installed an exclusion cage after planting, and you know grazing pressure is not excessive because there is not a big difference in forage height outside and inside the cage. bag does not contain enough seed to plant 1 acre in crimson clover. We want to know what can be expected to germinate now so the deer and turkeys can begin using the plot. A bag of preinoculated clover seed typically contains 34 to 50 percent coating material, depending on the producer. soybean, 60-100 pounds per acre; grain sorghum, 4-6 pounds. Click to see full answer Similarly, you may ask, how deep do you plant crimson clover? The PLS of clovers, alfalfa, and other seed, such as chicory, vary greatly. Planting Depth - 0.25" Recommended Planting : Cost per Acre - $20: Spring: Summer: Fall: Winter : Minimum PH - 5.80: 1: 1 : Planting Rate - 15 lbs/acre* It’s best to plant when rain is in the forecast. Why? One 50 lb bag covers one acre Clover seeds are pre-inoculated The Buffalo Food Plot System™ reduces soil temperature and erosion while building root channels and aggregating soil particles Use in combination with a spring planting of Eagle Forage Soybeans When planted alone, clover can be established with 300 pounds of 5-10-15 per acre. Imperial Whitetail Clover is the number one food plot planting in the world!. Spring and late-winter frost seedings are your best options. How much seed is enough? This high-protein seed option requires less maintenance than most varieties, too. There are many potential explanations, but we want to cover one that is often overlooked. In other words, you would need to plant 64 pounds of this product per acre to achieve a 25 lbs./acre PLS seeding rate. arrowleaf clover, 10-15 pounds per acre; and crimson clover, 25-30 pounds per acre. While white clover doesn’t technically have to be covered in order to germinate, it’s much better if you put them at a depth of ¼-inch. 5 Steps to creating the Perfect Clover Plot. Do not disc it in, as that will put the seed too deep. Try and get as far away from a 4-wheeler trail or a food plot as you can, take a backpack leaf blower and four to five pounds of some type of seed … If broadcasting, I prefer to plant about 7 to 8 pounds of seed per acre. Over seeding clover in food plots for deer can be done early spring or late fall. We believe it is our responsibility to ensure the future of wild deer, wildlife habitat and hunting. The soil was just OK and I knew it would need help. The recommended seeding rate (broadcast, not drilled) for crimson clover is about 25 pounds of PLS per acre if planting a pure stand. Oats 50 lbs per acre Red Clover 8 lbs per acre Plant in late August to early September and fertilize with 150 lbs of 46-0-0 (urea) per acre. per acre. Notice in the picture on the bag that it shows the germination rate is 80 percent, “hard seed” is 10 percent, and the total germination rate is 90 percent. You prepared an adequate seedbed and planted properly, and it rained not long after you planted. Furthermore, it does well tolerating heat and tougher conditions that other plants might succumb to. per acre, then using a cultipacker to cover the seed.Broadcasting on a well-prepared seedbed just prior to rain also produces an excellent stand — the rain serves to bury the seed the appropriate depth (1/4 inch) and ensures adequate soil moisture for germination. If, for example, you cover the clover seed by disking, you will cover it too deep and germination will suffer. The extremely dry and arid southwestern region should be the only large area where growth might be significantly inhibited. How to Plant Clover Plus is best planted by spreading on a well-prepared seedbed at 9 lbs. The Correct Fertilizer For A Clover Food Plot Fertilizer is often one of the most overlooked parts of food plotting and with very little work is one of the only things that you can get perfect. If drilling, a little less is required. As we said, seed should be sown according to the percentage of PLS. Most of the seed production of white clover occurs in California. bag. It can be planted alone or used in mixtures with other winter annual small grains. Have you ever gone to great lengths to plant your food plots correctly, but they didn’t turn out as you had hoped? The Correct Fertilizer For A Clover Food Plot Fertilizer is often one of the most overlooked parts of food plotting and with very little work is one of the only things that you can get perfect. The timing is geared to let mother nature use her freeze thaw cycle to work the clover seed into the ground, and give us the necessary soil to seed contact for germination without working the ground. Lime and fertilize as needed. One grain food plot for every 40 acres is recommended. Broadcasting on a well-prepared seedbed just prior to rain also produces an excellent stand — the rain serves to bury the seed the appropriate depth (1/4 inch) and ensures adequate soil moisture for germination. I did not need any lime for my winter rye plot but I will provide this example: If you have a 0.25 acre plot on sandy loam soil and you need to raise the pH from 5.5 to 6.5, multiply 1.3 tons by 2000 to get 2600 pounds of lime per acre. for single-species summer food plots are. Furthermore, if the germination rate of this bag of seed is 80 percent, then there is only 20 pounds (0.8 x 25 lbs.) Often a hunter spends days, weeks, and in some cases years looking for the perfect food plot seed to put Now for the seed cost. Other seed may be coated with various materials, such as fungicide, insecticide, or micronutrients. If broadcasting, I prefer to plant about 7 to 8 pounds of seed per acre. Over seeding clover in food plots for deer Over seeding clover in food plots for deer is easy. While I’m not a big fan of seed mixes (much different than planting different things adjacent to one another), white clover grows decently when planted with non-broadleaf grasses. Recommended seeding rates for each crop species are established by the USDA and university agricultural Extension agencies after extensive testing to determine the amount of seed necessary for a healthy, productive stand. bag does not contain enough seed to plant 1 acre in crimson clover. Coffee Braised Elk Shanks and Cheese Grits, our stories, videos and hard-hitting how-to's on food plots and land management, 12 Reasons Why Your Venison Tastes Like Hell, 10 Trees That Will Hold Deer on Your Hunting Property, Woman Uses Shovel to Defend Dog from Coyote Attack, 6 Killer Strategies for Late-Season Deer Hunting, Help a Brother Out: Story of a Mega Ohio 9-Pointer. arrowleaf clover, 10-15 pounds per acre; and crimson clover, 25-30 pounds per acre. per 1000 sq. bag of preinoculated clover that contains 50 percent coating material, there is only 25 pounds of seed in the bag. In the example seen below, the seed tag is from a bag of crimson clover that was recently purchased, which is an excellent forage for deer. As a legume, it annually captures up to 150 lbs./acre nitrogen reducing the need for commercial nitrogen purchases while building organic matter and improving soil tilth. I think the big thing is many people tend to put 4 or 5 varieties of seed and seed at rate of 1 acre per half acre. Additionally, if you rely on the reseeding capabilities of annual clovers (such as crimson and arrowleaf) to reduce annual planting costs, not planting enough seed initially will result in lower clover seed production that would be available in the seedbank to germinate the following year. Typical seeding rates . Planting method can be very influential with regard to thin coverage of clover or other small seed. Considering the example above, it’s easy to see how failing to calculate the proper seeding rate using PLS can lead to sparse coverage of planted forages and less than desirable results. While white clover doesn’t technically have to be covered in order to germinate, it’s much better if you put them at a depth of ¼-inch. What Did it Cost to Create This Food Plot? Allow one to two weeks, or adequate die-off time, before planting. This factor is overlooked by most people, which causes many plots to be underseeded. You must read the seed tag attached to the bottom of the bag and calculate PLS to know how much of the seed in that bag to plant per acre. If drilling, planting at a rate of 10 to 11 pounds per acre. per acre; cowpea, 100-120 pounds per acre; annual lespedeza, 20-25 pounds per acre; and millet, 20-25 pounds per acre. An estimated cost of 200 dollars per acre … This clover plot was seeded late last August at 2lbs of Jumbo Ladino Clover, 2lbs of Alice White Clover and 70lbs of Winter Rye per acre. Let’s assume you used proper agronomic practices. This clover tolerates acidic and wet soils. IF I was using a mix of granins and clover and nothing else then I might use a 50 # bag and then overseed lightly with rape. Weeds rob your plot of … 6. These seed will not germinate after a rain or two when you expect your seed to germinate. It can last anywhere from three to five years with minimal maintenance. Recommended minimum size of a grain food plot is one- quarter acre. When establishing a new food plot, a “starter fertilizer” is recommended in your soil test. But make sure the sub-variety of white clover you choose is the right one, as they are not all equal in terms of nutrition. Clover Seed is used as a added ingredient to wildlife food plots as well as horse and cattle pastures. There are gads of clover varieties and the number of seeds per pound varies significantly. per acre 0-20-20 (7 lbs. Nonetheless, white clover has earned its spot in the world of food plots. If the seed does not contain a seed tag, do not buy it. How to Plant: Non-Typical Clover is best planted by spreading on a well-prepared seedbed at 8 lbs. I did not need any lime for my winter rye plot but I will provide this example: If you have a 0.25 acre plot on sandy loam soil and you need to raise the pH from 5.5 to 6.5, multiply 1.3 tons by 2000 to get 2600 pounds of lime per acre. This heavier seeding rate allows more leaves to be produced per acre during the fall and early spring. The timing is geared to let mother nature use her freeze thaw cycle to work the clover seed into the ground, and give us the necessary soil to seed contact for germination without working the ground. This highly digestible plant will grow well throughout most of the United States and even southern Canada (where legal). Then drag an old box spring mattress, chain link fence, or ATV harrow-drag to smooth out plot & fluff up top ¼” for planting. In general, cool-season grains, such as winter wheat and oats, usually have an 80 percent germination rate, which actually is convenient because it just so happens that 80 percent of 50 pounds is 40 pounds, which is a perfect complement to a clover mixture. Some programs may cap acres of food plots, check with the local USDA office to confirm allowed food plot sizes. Make sure you inoculate the seed prior to planting if it isn’t already. Three years later this plot is the best ladino clover plot I’ve ever planted. 2) Better forage quality of clovers when compared with grasses - Clovers have higher protein (20-30 percent), digestibility (70 percent), minerals, and vitamins. This is another problem with some commercial blends that contain both large and small seed in the same bag. As the authority on all things deer, we blend the art of hunting with the science of management to create better deer and better deer hunting. This clover plot was seeded late last August at 2lbs of Jumbo Ladino Clover, 2lbs of Alice White Clover and 70lbs of Winter Rye per acre. Add 200 #’s/acre of 10-20-20 or 5-20-20 or equivalent fertilizer. Because Imperial Whitetail Clover contains the only clover genetically designed for whitetail deer. By law, when selling certified seed, seed suppliers must provide information to consumers about the seed, such as the variety, where it was grown, percentage of pure seed in the bag, the germination rate of the seed, and the date it was tested. Site by Gray Loon. In the absence of a soil test: For pure red clover stands, apply 300 lbs. Avoid planting when it’s really hot and dry. If broadcasting, plant at a rate of 15 to 16 pounds per acre. You should calculate PLS for all of your plantings, not just clovers. Don’t let this simple step limit you from realizing the fruits of your labor and achieving successful food plots to benefit your deer management program. 25 lbs./acre divided by 0.39 = 64 lbs./acre of crimson clover. This coating is usually gray, blue, pink, or off-white in color. of viable clover seed in the 50-lb. Imperial Whitetail Clover has an extremely high protein content – critical for antler, muscle and bone growth and thrives in extreme cold as well as warm, dry climates. Do not let someone tell you that you can plant the recommended rate and disregard the weight of the seed coating because the seed coating leads to increased germination rates, increased seedling survival, and thicker stands. One grain food plot for every 40 acres is recommended. Beyond knowing seed origin, date of testing, and germination rate, important information related to seed coating is provided on the tag. The Crimson Clover we’ll be using to attract honey bees is a pretty small seed, so we’ll be using the legume seed box for this project. So this 50-lb. How much seed we should use per acre depends on a variety of factors including seed size and the type of seeding equipment we’re using. Clover Seed - Clover Seed is used in a wide range of applications. It’s highly nutritious, fairly hardy, and is often overlooked due to other clover variety options. It is possible that the coating can lead to increased seedling survival, especially if the coating contains a fungicide or insecticide and there was a problem with a fungus or insect pests on the site. Use a cultipacker, drag or simply run over it with ATV/vehicle tires to ensure good seed-to-soil contact. It’s very small, so make sure settings are correct on your seeder or risk running out seed too quickly. Most improved crimson clover varieties are adapted to Florida conditions, but they vary in spring maturity. Then, prepare to sow the seed. Clover Seed - Clover Seed is used in a wide range of applications. December 18, 2020 | Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes, December 16, 2020 | Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes. Nowadays, it is common for seed to be coated prior to packaging. Recommended minimum size of a grain food plot is one-quarter acre. 25 lbs. In the absence of a soil test: For pure red clover stands, apply 300 lbs. Planting Rate for Oats and Clover Food Plots By GrowingDeer, 06/23/2010. Clover Seed varieties are also commonly used in agricultural cover crop applications to sweeten the … White clover prefers a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0. An initial soil test revealed a pH level below 5 and after removing the conifer, the exposed soil could be labeled "extremely poor" at best. Although some people may tell you to use the “total germination rate” stated on the seed tag to calculate PLS, we recommend against it. When establishing a new food plot, a “starter fertilizer” is recommended in your soil test. Imperial Whitetail Clover has an extremely high protein content – critical for antler, muscle and bone growth and thrives in extreme cold as well as warm, dry climates. Not only does it result in less forage being available in your plots for wildlife, it also provides an avenue for weeds to invade the “empty space” created from a low seeding rate. Therefore, if you are planting with conventional cultivation, to sow relatively large seed, cover by disking, tilling, or dragging, then cultipack to get a good firm seedbed, then sow the small seed, then cultipack again to ensure good, firm, seed-to-soil contact. Mow the area one to two times (to a height of five to six inches) during the spring and summer to prevent weeds from overtaking the clover. Don’t Miss: 5 Food Plots for Procrastinators. No problem! This seed has been preinoculated as specified by the percentage of “inert matter” or “coating material” listed on the tag, which is 50 percent. The total germination rate provided is misleading. So, your seeding rate surely was accurate, correct? per acre, then using a cultipacker to cover the seed.Broadcasting on a well-prepared seedbed just prior to rain also produces an excellent stand — the rain serves to bury the seed the appropriate depth (1/4 inch) and ensures adequate soil moisture for germination. Filed under: Ask Grant, ... the plant count per acre would be too high (too much competition) if the mission is to produce grain. of crimson clover seed in that bag per acre. That'll work but will be awfully thick. Germination was good and the plot established well. Can Milorganite Repel Deer From Food Plots. It can be mixed with cereal grains at around 5- to 10 pounds per acre or in pure stands at seeding rate of 15-pounds per acre. Seeds will run you around $50 to $100 per acre. You cannot plant all of the seed at the correct depth. Note: Only fertilizers containing zero or small percentages of nitrogen (5% or less) should be used on pure stands of clover. We are hunters from all walks of life who share a passion for deer. How to Plant Clover Plus is best planted by spreading on a well-prepared seedbed at 9 lbs. If you only planted 25 lbs./acre of this product, you would have applied less than half the seed that is needed for a successful stand. Over seeding clover in food plots for deer can be done early spring or late fall. Legumes often come preinoculated with the proper bacteria to help ensure nodulation for nitrogen production. Then multiply by 0.25 acres to get 650 pounds of lime. White clover just might be one of the best all-around legume food sources for deer. Seed Production . Next, divide the desired seeding rate for crimson clover by 0.39 (the number determined above). About 200-250 lbs of 0-0-60 per acre should suffice. Relatively large seed, such as wheat, oats, or winter peas, will germinate best if they are covered ½- to 1-inch deep. Summer Food Plots Before & After, Creating a Management Plan for Your Hunting Property. Determining PLS is simple but requires some basic math from the information contained on the seed tag. These formulations will often be about 75 lbs of N per acre. If drilling, a little less is required. Typical seeding rates . Hard seed represents those seed that are dormant and are not expected to germinate until they experience freezing and thawing. This means that if you purchase a 50-lb. Prepared seed beds for clover Clover should be planted on well prepared, firm, smooth seedbed. Outside of those windows, germination and growth success may be limited. The seeding rate is calculated in pounds per acre. These formulations will often be about 75 lbs of N per acre. Average seed yields are about 300 pounds per For more tips and tricks on caring for your food plots check out “7 Tips To Keep Weeds Under Control.” We know the most common problems in food plots, especially perennials, is weed competition. This means that if you purchase a 50-lb. However, the rate given represents PLS, which does not factor in the germination rate or the weight of coating material. Over seeding clover in food plots for deer Over seeding clover in food plots for deer is easy. Why? Never plant seed deeper than ¼”. ft.) or an equivalent fertilizer and 1 ton/acre ag lime (50 lbs. Seed are coated with a protective material (usually lime) that contains the inoculant with live bacteria. Plant white clover seed at 1 to 3 pounds PLS per acre in 20 to 24 inch rows. So, in the case of a 24-4-2 fertilizer, you should apply 300lbs to get 72 lbs n, 12lb P, 6lbs K per acre. Clover Seed is used as a added ingredient to wildlife food plots as well as horse and cattle pastures. Watch the rape as it will overshadow erverything. If you broadcasted the seeds, use a cultipacker to pack the ground after seeding. Like closely related forage radishes, purple top turnips are not affected by light frosts. ft.). Crimson clover seed should be planted at 20 to 26 pounds of seed per acre. We recommend applying 150 pounds of 33-0-0 or 34-0-0 per acre every four … per acre / 0.39 = 64 lbs. One bag may have a 90 percent germination rate, whereas the next bag may have a 60 percent germination rate. Often a hunter spends days, weeks, and in some cases years looking for the perfect food plot seed to put
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