CGT1 = The Complete Greek Tragedies Vol. Christianity is superior for it won the battle against your religion. Further, it may appear in some instances that the views presented are not objective. There are explanations. And the same applies to other things; and this is the conclusion, which is also the noblest and truest of all sayings, --that for the good man to offer sacrifice to the Gods, and hold converse with them by means of prayers and offerings and every kind of service, is the noblest and best of all things, and also the most conducive to a happy life, and very fit and meet. After the Emperor Julian, however, it came to refer to the ancient religion. Frankly, I have never seen so many crows all in one place in my entire life, and here they were gathered in my own backyard. Belief, in any case, is inferior to conviction. DPI = Plato; translated by Benjamin Jowett, 1892, Vol. Here are some of the most important Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient Greeks. The Gods have a vast understanding, and we call this enlightened, which we also define as good. Such is the traditional teaching. To learn more about this, visit this page: Burnt Offerings and Blood Sacrifice in Hellenic Polytheistic Religion, I am still confused. We are using the 2006 I.B. TTS V = Hymns and Initiations, trans. ND I through ND III = Nónnos (Gr. Can a non greek practice Hellenic polytheism? We don't say, "I believe that one plus one equals two." Because natural philosophy is science. Without some kind of nagging curiosity and suspicion, I can't imagine why someone would pursue such a difficult path. Although I greatly admire Plato and admire with many things he said, I am not a Platonist. HOME GLOSSARY RESOURCE ART LOGOS CONTACT. If this is your conviction, you will not find an argument here. See HO. French Revolution, Every man is guilty of all the good he did not do. The primary source in the Glossary for the definition of Greek words is the Greek-English Lexicon by H.G. How can you say you are tolerant when you quote Plato abundantly, a philosopher who condemned homosexuality? It is recommended that when you approach this tradition, that you come fresh, with no preconceptions, and try to learn what is presented. It is called the CESS logo, i.e. If you are not interested in being in the real world, move on and find something else. by Thomas Taylor, 1792; we are using a facsimile of the original edition, London, England (printed for the author). 9. = A Homeric Dictionary from the German of Dr. Georg Autenrieth, trans. I'm quite unsure if these Gods exist? The ancient Greeks honored a wide variety of gods, and many are still worshiped today by Hellenic Pagans. Share the load of the unfortunate. You say that the Hellenic way is tolerant, but you have made some rather definitive statements. Your opinions on Hellenic Polytheism? Hellenic mythology is filled with fantastic stories that even a child would not believe. I disagree with many of these ideas, but the point of the dialogues is not to agree or disagree, but, rather, to see the way dialectic functions and how various ideas could potentially play out. I am deliberately interpreting these terms in a particular way, in the emic (inside) view of our religion rather than the etic view of the outsider. Now God ought to be to us the measure of all things, and not man, as men commonly say: the words are far more true of Him. by Charles E. Wilbour; we are using the 1998 Everyman's Library edition, Alfred A. Knopf, on p.1382). PLEASE NOTE: Throughout the pages of this website, you will find fascinating stories about our Gods. This website has no formal connection with any particular group. Of course some Greeks condemn homosexuality, just as there are many Americans who condemn homosexuality. To "No," there is but one reply: "Yes." An important quality of Hellenic Polytheism that rarely gets emphasized is the fact that it’s ultimately a study. Ἐλελεύς, ἘΛΕΛΕΎΣ). While these tales are great mystical vehicles containing transcendent truth, they are symbolic and should not be taken literally. Wisdom. They help us pursue heroic and ethical principles as are found in the Delphic Maxims or in the writings of Plutarch, who was a priest of Apollo, or in the sayings of Epictetus, and numerous other authors and teachers from our tradition. 5. Science is the friend of philosophy. Because he is not the universe, show me where in the bible it says god is the universe, that's entirely your personal opinion. It is difficult to demonstrate anything that could be called "evil" that cannot be shown to be gross foolishness in the long run. The Gods, in particular the Olympians, have an interest in our progress and have dominion over the Natural Laws which govern this progress. Not a witch. Is there an official bible for the Greek myths? Zero does not exist. I would expect the same from you concerning my fantastic stories. This is a somewhat complicated subject requiring study. ΙΕΡΟΙ ΛΟΓΟΙ EN ΡΑΨΩΙΔΙΑΙΣ ΚΛ', Proper Care of Offerings to the Gods in Hellenismos, REINCARNATION - PALINGÆNÆSÍA – ΠΑΛΙΓΓΕΝΕΣΙΑ, s - Illustrated Glossary of Hellenic Polytheism, SONGS OF THE ABDUCTION AND RETURN OF PERSEPHONE, t - Illustrated Glossary of Hellenic Polytheism, The Age of Cronus and the Reversal of Time, THE ANCIENT GREEK RELIGION IS A UNIVERSAL RELIGION, NOT AN ETHNIC RELIGION, The Historical Novels of Konstantina Ritsou, THREE QUEENS - TREIS VASILEIAI - ΤΡΕΙΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΑΙ, TRITON, HIPPOCAMPUS, AND LEOCOMPUS - a wooden sculpture, YÆÓRYIOS YÆMISTÓS PLÍTHÔN - ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΓΕΜΙΣΤΟΣ ΠΛΗΘΩΝ. There is theology. The knowledge of the Gods is intimate and private. DPII = Plato; translated by Benjamin Jowett, 1892, Vol. by Peter Levi 1971. Are you so special, so much better than others who make no such claim, that an Olympian God, or any God for that matter, has chosen to reveal himself to you? HG = The view with the designation HG is expressive of the position of this website, There are also impersonal deities such as Justice, Law, Nature, etc., but the Olympian Gods, such as Apollo, and myriad other deities, are conscious beings living at a very advanced level, and their demeanor is inclined towards your benefit. (Plato Theaetetus, 176, trans. The author apologizes for confusion on the website, with several conventions coexisting together. Since the Thomas Taylor translation of the hymns is recommended, you will find coordination between Latin and Greek terms as well, since he followed the convention of his time in using the Latin names for the Gods rather than the Greek. Indeed, there are cases from ancient literature when the exact opposite would appear to be true, as in the dreams of Xerxes and Artabanus in Herodotus. The Greeks are also mentioned in the NT/NC of the Christian Bible as well as in the jewish/hebrew book of Daniel. Ap.II = Apollodorus The Library, trans. I have heard scholars say that polytheism has no real ethics; if ethics are to be found, they will only be found in the philosophers. At one time, if you were doing science at a university and someone asked you what you were studying, you would say "natural philosophy." A group of translations originally published variously from 1787-1824; including Neoplatonic Hymns (Philological Quarterly) originally published 1929. And lastly, for those new to Hellenistic Polytheism I have taken the time to compile this helpful post for you, it includes a primer by our awesome curator Misakurs with vocabulary and the basics of Hellenistic Polytheism. Many people discover Hellenismos through involvement with Wicca but the two are entirely different. Our purpose is not to convert or convince anyone, but we aspire to be a lighthouse and an inspiration for those seeking the means by which to make good use of their lives and a positive difference in the world. Also in First Alcibiades it is obvious that their relationship is romantic and erotic. It incorporates study, ritual, philosophy, and what we call Mysteries, which are the deepest teachings of the religion. Superficial interpretations might lead one to think otherwise,because in later antiquity the Hellenic society and, to a lesser extent, Roman society had turned patriarchal. Such acts are impossible for Gods as they represent the natural law of the Kosmos and they are not petty. Someone told me that to take your course of study, applicants must be girls under the age of 18. It must rise twenty times from its ashes to drive away the usurper. with additions and corrections by Robert P. Keep, Harper (New York), 1879. You will find some terms in the glossary that are not found elsewhere and you will discover that the slant is more devotional, this in contrast to the strictly scholarly tone of some other encyclopedias. The criticism saying that our religion is unethical is unfair, actually a lie, a deliberate ignoring of well known texts. Science. I think you are missing my point: can your Gods grant you favors? The most famous persecutions of Christians were governmental acts of the Roman Empire, rarely or never the act of priests and temples. DLLOP = Diogenes Laertius' The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers, trans. Hellenistic Christianity is notable for its combination of Greek philosophy, ethics and morality with Christian belief. Nonetheless, on your very website, you have mentioned mysteries. Polytheism is a type of theism.Within theism, it contrasts with monotheism, the belief in a singular God, in most cases transcendent.Polytheists do not always worship all the gods equally, but they can be henotheists, specializing in the worship of one particular deity. I did not try to convince him of anything as I know it would be futile, so we parted quite amicably. The Pætilía (Petelia, Πετηλία) and other golden tablets having this phrase (Γῆς παῖς εἰμί καὶ Οὐρανοῦ ἀστερόεντος) are the inspiration for the symbol. The achievement of virtue (ἀρετή) and compassion (ἔλεος) are great goals of our religion, for there is nothing more beautiful to the Gods than to behold a virtuous man who cares for others. Auten. Often when people come from Wicca and other Neo-pagan traditions, there is so much unlearning necessary that the transition for some is impossible. Plato seems to generally discourage sexual gratification of any kind unless it is necessary for producing children. Don’t let the word “religion” mislead you; it’s just a terminus technicus used for practical reasons; if you take it out, there are Socrates: And the unjust and utterly bad man is the reverse? The Hellenic spirit was itself profoundly modified by contact with the Orient; and out of the mingling of the two there arose a pseudo-Greek culture which was often different in spirit from the true culture of Hellas. There could be nothing more natural than the Gods. Hellenismos was persecuted in late antiquity. In the example, we are spelling Ἐλελεύς thus: Ælæléfs, but the more common spelling is Eleleus. Apparently you are saying that the Gods are remote, unlikely to ever effect one's life. But if you succeed in doing so, your life will change dramatically. Range of Hellenic Influence. Nonetheless, I offer this for your amusement. Oh, you are not skeptical? Martyr was an early apologist, explaining Christianity to this new Greek flock within their own system of philosophy. Eclecticism can reduce religion to entertainment, like switching the channels on a television set. His work inspired a limited number devotees. It is? To find out more information about these images and why this website can use them, visit this link: Photo Copyright Information. Nothing, depending on what you mean by the term. As already stated, all the Gods are completely good and their intention is inclined to our benefit. I am a witch and I would like to join one of your covens. Ultimately there is no creator-God in our religion because the theogony describes the universe as self-emerging. It would appear so in Laws (Book I, 636a-d) and again in Republic (Book III 403a-c), but if you read Symposium and Phaedrus (and others) you may arrive at another conclusion. CM = A Classical Manual, Being a Mythological, Historical, and Geographical Commentary on Pope's Homer, and Dryden's Æneid of Virgil, 1833. We assume the convention of capitalizing the words God and Gods, unlike the convention of the scholars. I thought that people in the ancient world worshiped the Gods to appease them and ask for favors? Why is the word God capitalized on this site for any deity? Published by the University of Chicago Press (Chicago IL USA) 1959, the individual plays have various original copyright dates. Has there ever been a single sacred text of Hellenic Polytheism? ), I have seen crowns worn instead of a fool's cap ---, I have seen a Congress doing all that's mean ---, I have seen some nations like o'erloaded asses, Kick off their burthens, meaning the high classes. Hellenic polytheists worship the ancient Greek Gods, including the Olympians, nature divinities, underworld deities (chthonic gods) and heroes.Both physical and spiritual ancestors are honored. Get up to 20% off. Lilith for example is more about sex, pleasure and Infernal badassery while the Hellenic goddess Athena is more about athleticism, war, and wisdom. To understand them requires a key. Music. But these myths are written in Mystic language. If you believe that all the Gods are manifestations of one God, this idea is also contrary to the theology of this tradition and you should seek instruction elsewhere. SPELLING: uses the Reuchlinian method of pronouncing ancient Greek, the system preferred by scholars from Greece itself. All Rights Reserved. This can be nicely answered by quoting Plato, who says that to please God is to be like Him, and becoming like Him is to become a great soul, while the opposite is to be a vicious person: "Then what life is agreeable to God, and becoming in his followers? After the edicts of the Roman emperor Theodosius I (389-392 CE) forbidding the practice of our religion, those who even so much as offered a pinch of incense to Gods were executed and all their property was confiscated, thereby causing their children to lose all their inheritance. Such things are beyond belief. the Bible), the myths are often read and learned from. See more ideas about Greek mythology, Mythology, Greek myths. I receive messages from them and they are constantly guiding me. Do I deny them? I am known as Kallímakhos, a religious name meaning "he who fights the beautiful battle," a name I hope to do honor to. This sounds like predatory abuse waiting to happen. We don't say, "I believe in rocks." If, as you say, you don't just appease your Gods and merely ask for favors, just what do you do to please your Gods? Oxford at the Clarendon Press (Oxford and New York). May 12, 2018 - Explore BardTimes's board "Devotion [Hellenic Polytheism]" on Pinterest. He endeavored to rule as a philosopher-king and attempted to revive philosophy and the worship of the Gods. > How can I practice Hellenic Polytheism (or any religion) when my parents are atheist - I am 14 years old? Revivalist Hellenic Polytheist. While our religion is centered on worship, there is also considerable emphasis on the development of character and the human conscience, as we believe that a religion that does not make a difference is insignificant. In popular terminology, this is called "I'm okay; you're okay" or the "anything-goes philosophy" or "this is just your view," as if there is no possibility of an accurate, objective view. OP = The Orphic Poems by M. L. West, 1983. He uses what tool he pleases. Eclecticism can be very exciting, just as it is exciting to have numerous sexual encounters, but it is impossible to become satisfied. However, these terms have slightly different definitions, which will be provided below. And they certainly did the same in hopes of obtaining benefits. Τιτάν. Despite the fact that this website has a decidedly Greek preference, the Latin is still important because much of the more recent literature, particularly that which was published after 1700, uses the Latin terms rather than the Greek, even though the text in question may be purely Greek. Do we know the ways of God?...God performs his miracles as seems good to himself." DISCLAIMER: The inclusion of images, quotations, and links from outside sources does not in any way imply agreement (or disagreement), approval (or disapproval) with the views of by the external sources from which they were obtained. The position of this website is not to confirm or refute syncretism between religions and pantheons. Justin Martyr was a key figure during this period who helped reconcile Hellenism with Christian teachings. A good example of this is the dialogue Euthyphro by Plato where Euthyphro has very distorted ideas about religion. John Murray, Albemarle St. (London, England). Actually, no, I am not saying that. March 13, 2010 11:43 AM Subscribe Is there an official bible for the Greek myths? Anything incorrect is due to my ignorance or misunderstanding and not the fault of the source of my knowledge. It is not meant for the mundane. Progress. And to confirm Mr. Taylor's opinion, I suggest you read book ten of The Laws and see for yourself. There must be a purpose for a God to reveal himself to you, but this purpose is not likely to simply convince you of their existence. For instance, those who followed even human leaders such as Hitler were misled. (Anonymous), Love one another. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. For Latin words we are using A Latin Dictionary by Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short, 1879; 1955 Clarendon Press edition, also an immense volume with numerous citations, commonly viewed as authoritative. I was taught that polytheism is primitive? It involves great ignorance. The subject of this journey is Hellenismos, the ancient Greek religion, and how to practice it in the modern world. Press (Cambridge MA) and William Heinemann LTD (London). Of course the Greeks have every right to love their religion and their country and to be proud of their heritage, and they, simply by who they are, will always have a special relationship with this religion, for its traditions were fostered by their ancestors and continue to be preserved by the Greek people today. I have read that the Greeks condemn homosexuality. There is a vast array of arguments for many positions regarding Hellenismos. There are many ideas and concepts that seem to be common knowledge there, but are not known and certainly not accepted elsewhere. Hellenic is a vehicle designed to cultivate the study and practice of Hellenismos. We are using the Loeb Classical Library edition entitled Nonnos Dionysiaca, the 1962 reprint with the exception of volume three in which we are using the 1963 edition. Browse a wide selection of free Religion & Spirituality podcasts and start listening today. 2 of the 1937 Random House (New York, USA) edition of The Dialogues of Plato. 651 likes. So, from our perspective, it is fantastic. Further, it must be understood that if a God appears to a person, such an individual is not necessarily any more advanced or special than others. The Hellenistic religion at the time of the Constantinian shift consisted mainly of three main currents, *Hellenic Polytheism, *the official Roman imperial cult, *various Mystery religions.Christianity grew gradually in Rome and the Roman empire… It is all up to you and the Gods. Scholars expecting methodological agnosticism will not be comfortable with much of what is presented on this site. GDM1 = The Great Dionysiak Myth Vol.1 by Robert Brown, 1877; Longmans, Green, and Co. (London, England). There is no nothing. What is Hellenismos? W. H. D. Rouse 1940. And his view proved to have merit when Christian critics used the myths as an easy target, interpreting them literally in order to desecrate the older religion. LCL = Loeb Classical Library, usually followed by the volume number. Consequently, if you attribute evil to the Gods, you must believe that they are ignorant. We are using the 1999 edition published by The Prometheus Trust (Somerset UK). They abound in wholesomeness and compassion. I have recently discovered my patron god and patron goddess in Hellenic Polytheism. Far be it for this author, who spent most of his 68 years as an agnostic, to try to convince you otherwise. Science is actually a branch of philosophy. There are a handful of practitioners of the ancient religion of whom scholars are conscious, who were alive during and just before the Renaissance, and there is awareness of the existence of their students. The initiations of the Eleusínia have been lost. 1 by Robert Beekes with the assistance of Lucien van Beek, 2009; from the Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series, Brill (Leiden, Boston). First of all, we are not Romans; our heritage comes from ancient Greece. Using your logic, Islam must be superior for it won the battle against all other religions in major areas of the Middle East and elsewhere. All the philosophical Hellenic writings are within the Hellenic Line, as in Homeric poetry, but the sacred text par excelence is the «Sacred Word in 24 rapsodies» of Orpheus, a text compiled immediately after the Great Deluge, based on recolections of the ancient sacred science of the Golden Age of hummanity. This author has heard scholars making such accusations against our religion, and then go on to praise Judaism and Christianity. I am of chinese/asian background and am pretty interested in the 12 olympians. When work on the project was begun, no citations were given at all, so it will be a matter of considerable time before the entire site is thoroughly supported, although new entries in general will. TTS XVI = Proklos' Commentary on the Timæus of Plato, Vol. If one's way of life does not reflect the teaching, such religion or thriskeia is useless, an empty shell. for Liddell & Scott. The story of the birth of the Gods: Orphic Rhapsodic Theogony. We know what we need to know, and that which has been lost from antiquity will be returned to us if and when we need it, for we are looked after by Gods who care for us. The teachings of Orpheus are the Mysteries of Dionysus, the son of Zeus, and they provide great purpose to those who practice them, with a possibility of liberation and metamorphosis. 6. There is another entry for Eleleus which refers the reader back to Ælæléfs, so the reader can find the word with either spelling. Similarly, sexual union with a God is a transformation. (London, England). In Symposium, in the speech given at the end of the dialogue by the drunken Alcibiades, we discover a romantic relationship which Socrates had with Alcibiades, but it was without sex (Platonic, as they say). W. H. S. Jones, 1918-1935, in four volumes. For this reason, Socrates (as told by Plato) disliked the myths. I have read that the Greeks believe that the ancient religion is only for Greeks. HO = The Hymns of Orpheus, trans. Ἑλληνισμός), the ancient Greek religion. Yes, perhaps they are, ultimately, the same religion, but they are different traditions. Benjamin Jowett. Press (Oxford England and New York NY USA) 1986 World's Classic paperback 1987. XVI. Logic tells me that the latter is far more likely than the former. GDM2 = The Great Dionysiak Myth Vol.2 by Robert Brown, 1878; Longmans, Green, and Co. (London, England).

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