These ethical religions have no gods like Yawheh or Allah, but espouse ethical and moral principles designed to improve the believer's relationship with the universe. Confucianism: The Aged afterwards Additional Established Confucianism is a creed at first founded as a result of Confucius, a be in charge of who strove completely his being en route for be successful his approach addicted to the authority, for the reason that he felt he had a little actual chief ideas arrange how headed for … “The brahmans had no cattle, no gold, no wealth. Similarities Between Confucianism And Buddhism 1124 Words | 5 Pages There are a number of similarities between the eastern religions and philosophies of Confucianism, Buddhism and Hinduism. Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism are eastern religions and philosophies that have been practiced by millions of people for centuries. Even allowing atheists to partake in their religious practices. The basic premise of Confucianism seems more akin to traditional logic than any type of spiritual religion. And as well as respect for the universe. Buddhism, Confucianism, and Shintoism. … Incredibly, Hinduism has been able to maintain its culture for over 3,500 years, Buddhism for 2,800. There are a number of similarities between the eastern religions and philosophies of Confucianism, Buddhism and Hinduism. Confucianism is all about the brotherhood of humanity. The relationship among the two has been marked by both contentions in history, with Confucianism playing a more dominant role in China. Common. Overall, Taoism and Buddhism seem to have many similarities as ancient eastern religions that provide guidance for people on how to live good lives, behave ethically, and develop kindness and compassion for other people. kattyahto8 and 1 more users found this answer helpful If you read this far, you should follow us: "Buddhism vs Confucianism." They do though, differ in their beliefs and on a fundamental point; Buddhism is spiritual, while Confucianism is entirely secular.Buddhism and Confucianism are parallel in several ways. number: 206095338. This connects to the notion that a moral order breeds compassion. Women are equal to men, and men are equal to women in the Sangha. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features First of all, Buddhism practices the Eightfold Path as its primary focus and as a way of life. I believe that Daoism and Confucianism are both the top religions/styles of living in Ancient China, while they have some similarities … Due to this attitude, they became some of the most peaceful religions on the globe. (1009) There has been a certain syncretism (i.e. There are several similarities between the Chinese philosophy of Confucianism and the religion of Buddhism. The Similarities Between Buddhism And Christianity Christianity and Buddhism, as one of the world’s three major religions, occupy very important position in the society, influence most of people. They guarded the holy life as their treasure.” Gautama Buddha “Of all people only those are at leisure who make time for philosophy, only those are really alive. Each encourages moral behavior, charity and respect for the universe. They also practice Confucianism, Buddhism, and Western style democracy – just like China. The purpose of the paper. Both deem in pursuing a particular code of conduct (Huston, 1991; Smart, 2000). Each encourages moral behavior, charity and respect for the universe. Additionally, it is a religion that places great emphasis on the worship of spirits. They had study as their wealth and grain. (2016, Aug 14). Shintoism is quite removed from Confucianism and Buddhism in a number of ways. Depending on the religion held, usually Buddhist. While there is certainly a place for these two theories in the workplace, there remains a whole world of different perspectives and systems. According to Star, care ethics and Confucianism require two very distinctive modes of … However, there are some important differences as well. The sangha is supported by lay Buddhists. I believe that Daoism and Confucianism are both the top religions/styles of living in Ancient China, while they have some similarities they are much more different than they are similar. Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism Three other religions of the Far East include Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism . Ancient Eastern Philosophy On the Ancient Wisdom of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism & Confucianism. Ancestors and heritage is important, but not worshiped. Compare and Contrast: Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, Shinto, and Zoroastrianism Zoroastrianism Core Beliefs Zoroastrians are polytheists believing in Ahura Mazda and Spenta Mainyu, the good spirit and Angra Mainyu, the bad spirit. A description of Buddhism and Confucianism. Mainly, this is because this form of Buddhism is mostly concerned with philosophical and practical approaches to Buddhist theory and study, Mainly, Buddhism is concerned no with an afterlife or a heaven as much as it is concerned with achieving enlightenment on earth. There are many similarities and differences between the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. But Buddhism, while it is a philosophy of life, deals with life and death more than government. This makes it difficult to compare the two as they aren't really highly related to one another. Similarities Between Bön And Confucianism Bön vs. Confucianism As the world revolved, landscapes changed, and humans traversed lands, the religious or spiritual aspect of life became imminent. Difference between neo-confucianism and buddhism facts. Nontheism, in this lesson, refers to … Whether it is the desire to better one's future, the idea that one must atone for the past or something in between, members of society are constantly see Shintoism seeks to create a harmony between humans and the natural world. Describes the similarities and differences between the two traditions with well-integrated, strong supporting information. Often, when one thinks of ethical perspectives in the workplace, the focus tends to be on theories such as utilitarianism and egoism. Women were seen as inferior to men, and could not move up in social class. And that is the improvement of the body, mind, and soul. Also like Hinduism, Confucianism had a conflicting The basic beliefs and concepts of Confucianism are similar to Taoism in … The Three Teachings Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism have been a backbone of Chinese society and culture since the bronze age. Confucianism and Buddhism both have a yearning to reach an ultimate harmony, in which each individual can live ethically, however their method and focus to reach this harmony differs considerably. Both religions also encourage moral behavior and ethical values. Retrieved from Though there are many similarities between the two, the key difference between them is that Confucianism is an ethical and philosophical system, whereas Buddhism is a followed religion. There we go, with the similarities again. Though seemingly unrelated, Buddhism and Confucianism share many similarities, such as their influence on Chinese society and also teaching their people to be virtuous. Tripitaka - a vast canon composed of 3 sections: the Discourses, the Discipline and the Commentaries, and some early scriptures, such as the Gandhara texts. While Hinduism is centered around a supreme being, Buddhism and Confucianism are centered around the teachings of a man. Other small minorities exist in other countries. Confucianism is not strictly a religion but rather advises a schema of social order. Most notably in China, these two religions are very popular still, especially when practiced in conjunction with each other. Answer (1 of 6): The primary difference which sets the two apart in general terms is the fact that Buddhism is a religion whereas Confucianism is in theory more of a philosophy. Ignorance, as all sentient beings. With these beliefs, these religions quickly become widespread around the world. It represents reincarnation. Confucianism and Buddhism both have a yearning to reach an ultimate harmony, in which each individual can live ethically, however their method and focus to reach this harmony differs considerably. Buddhism and Confucianism are parallel in several ways. The most important characteristic of the Eastern world view - one could almost say the essence of it - is the awareness of the unity and mutual interrelation of all things and events, the experience of all phenomena in the world as manifestations of a basic oneness. 48 Vitosha Boulevard, ground floor, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria Bulgarian reg. Confucius and other Confucian scholars were also highly engaged in politics and tried to influence leaders to end wars. The idea of an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent creator is rejected by Buddhists. Buddhism originated in India where it later traveled to China and to Japan. Although it is currently illegal in India, traditionally, Hindus … Scholars While researching this paper, I came across this quote from an unknown source that stated, “No civilization is monochrome. And yet the structure is different from each other. Most believe in One God, but this is not necessary since Confucianism is not a religion but a belief system about social ordering., Earliest Form of Buddhist Education to Be Found In Vietnam. They also diverge in their fundamental beliefs in which Buddhists completely focus their energies in attaining nirvana or step outside the wheel of life, and Confucians devote their time in improving their relationship with society and its norms. They also practice Confucianism, Buddhism, and Western style democracy – just like China. Confucianism, on the other hand, focuses on paying homage to one’s ancestors: Confucius, and the god of heaven, named Ti’en. However, their concepts of ‘good,’ as well as … Key difference: Though there are many similarities between the two, the key difference between them is that Confucianism is an ethical and philosophical system, whereas Buddhism is a followed religion.. Buddha and Confucius were Asian philosophers from the 6th century B.C, who sought ways to end the people’s sufferings all around the world. They are not only a way of thinking, but they also are a way of life. These Four Affirmations involve combining adherence to tradition and family; the natural world; physical cleanliness; and the spirit. Nevertheless, a unifying connection for the believers of Confucianism and Taoism lies in the kind of rules and conduct. Confucianism and Buddhism, along with Daoism have been popular in China for last few thousands of years. It has almost become part of a regular routine. Daniel Star in his critique of Li’s writing focuses his attention on the ren of virtue, citing it as the foundation of Confucian ethics (78). Save time and let our verified experts help you. (Majority or strong influence) Mainly in Thailand, Cambodia, Sri lanka, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, Japan, Myanmar (Burma), Laos, Vietnam, China, Mongolia, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The Buddha gave Men and Women equal rights and a major part in the Sangha. Li focuses on the similarities between ren of affection and the “caring” of care ethics (177). However, by following Buddhism’s 8 Fold Path and 4 Noble Truths throughout one’s life, it may be possible to attain enlightenment. Just like Christianity there are different followers of Buddhism you need to detail which form of Buddhism you're talking about. For further reading, there are several books available on on Buddhism and Confucianism. Albert Einstein believed that, “the religion of the future will be a cosmic religion that should transcend a personal god and avoid dogmas and theology. Though, at times, Confucianism and Buddhism are similar in certain aspects, they are world apart in their beliefs, ideas, base, etc such as the former is more secular and latter is spiritual in nature. That is why it spread throughout East Asia and, to a certain, degree, into the western world. Similarities and differences of Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism. What are the dominant art forms during the following p … While on the other hand, a prince named Gautam Siddharta is the founder of Buddhism. THE PREVIOUS WRITER COULD PRESENT THE DIFFERENCES BETTER AND MORE CORRECTLY THAN THE PRESENT WRITER CAN. Buddhism and Confucianism are parallel in several ways. Differences Between Buddhism and Taoism: Similarities between Taoism and Confucianism: Differences between Taoism and 21 Dec 2020. Doaism and Confucianism are the top two ancient styles of living in China, where they both originated in 550 B.C.E (before common era). Despite the difference between Taoism and Buddhism, there are bit similarities in these two religions Diffen LLC, n.d. people are accustomed too. Edit or create new comparisons in your area of expertise. Confucianism and Buddhism have had a huge impact in China. This life is suffering, and the only way to escape from this suffering is to dispel one's cravings and ignorance by realizing the Four Noble Truths and practicing the Eightfold Path. The main similarity would be the desire to attain a more perfect and moral life. Confucius’s argument unfolds as follows: (1) we have virtue knowable through Heaven, (2) we Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism all have differing perspectives on the concept of life. Yamazaki Ansai, on the other hand, conducted more orthodox research on medieval Shinto, establishing his own version of Shinto called Suika Shintō. On the first hand, God is personal, and affects physical change in th… The expansion and influence of religion or spiritual system created … As such, a clear examination of the similarities and differences will be provided herein. Believe humans are given the free will to act Confucianism is a religion that is heavily comprised of social philosophy, ethics, ritual etiquette and spiritual elements whereas Buddhism is a religion focused on cultivation of the mind or self, cultivation of good karma These ethical religions have no gods like Yawheh or Allah, but espouse ethical and moral principles designed to improve the believer's relationship with the universe. Meditation, the Eightfold Path; right view, right aspiration, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. What are the similarities and differences between Buddhism Hinduism Islam shintoism and the philosophy of Confucianism? < >. Though Buddhism continues to be the main religion of China, Confucianism and Taoism are two dominating philosophies in China that are very old, and continuing to be in existence since around 550 BCE. When This chart compares the two belief systems and their practices. Analects of Confucius and Mencius; I Ching; Doctrine of Mean, etc. Buddhism and Confucianism constitute the essence of the traditional Chinese culture. It represents reincarnation. (886) Taoism's, Confucianism's, and Buddhism's schools of thought have been influencing each other for centuries – for instance, much of Confucian thought is borrowed from Taoism and Buddhism. Despite the difference between Taoism and Buddhism, there are bit similarities in these two religions Both religions believe in Reincarnation means the soul will bear again in the next life. … Each religion has their separate demographic, belief systems as well as rituals. n/a. That is a common thread that is quite valuable. First, as mentioned … Maybe they have different religious doctrines and faiths, but they also share the similarities. Shinto deities are enshrined in shrines. It's common to think of religions, like Christianity, whose belief centers around one God. Confucianists see no contradiction in following more than one religion. Vesak day in which the birth, the awakening, and the parinirvana of the Buddha is celebrated. While Hinduism is centered around a supreme being, Buddhism and Confucianism are centered around the teachings of a man and Daoism is centered around a concept, the religions share similarities. Through this, an attainment similar to Buddhist enlightenment might be acquired. Confucianism is a philosophical and quasi-religious theory of how to live a meaningful life and create a harmonious society. This is clearly not an easy state of mind to attain. As a result, the government will seek to serve its people as opposed to ruling over them with an iron fist. This ties into Confucius’ belief that relationships and ritual behavior were critical to maintaining societal order. Similarities and differences between Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and Legalism BY: Emma Weik This is called a Dharma wheel. Well versed in medieval Shinto, Confucianism and Buddhism, Hayashi's version of Shinto can be understood as a comprehensive compilation of medieval Shinto centered on Yoshida Shintō. A simple definition of enlightenment would be a free and clear mind that does not prescribe to any attachments or suffering. It has different schools of. ...Though seemingly unrelated, Buddhism and Confucianism share many similarities, such as their influence on Chinese society and also teaching their people to be virtuous. A description of Buddhism and Confucianism. The principle of equality: that all living entities are equal, Confucianism is a system of thought based on the teachings of Kong Zi, Master Kong. There are several similarities between the Chinese philosophy of Confucianism and the religion of Buddhism. I will explain similarities and differences in this essay. Buddhism and Confucianism constitute the essence of the traditional Chinese culture. Statues are used as meditation objects, and revered as they reflect the qualities of the Buddha. Hire a subject expert to help you with Buddhism, Confucianism, and Shintoism. There are many similarities and differences between the three religions of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. So, discounting the geographical similarities, are Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism more similar than different, or the opposite? The recovery of Confucianism, called Neo-Confucianism, happened all through the Hymn era; it held completely a a small amount of similarities en route for Established Confucianism, although it additionally included a lot of of its accept ideas, borrowing concepts as of Confucianism’s ancient rivals, Daoism afterwards Buddhism. The Vinegar Tasters, a traditional Chinese painting that represents the core philosophies of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism The core philosophy of Confucianism is that rules and rituals are needed to correct the degeneration of people. (Smith 60) Two fundamentally different perceptions of God (Brahman) persist. Comparison: Buddhism and Confucius essaysSince the beginning of time man has looked for spiritual enlightenment and pathways to explain life. pluralism) in China in that people don't follow just one religion but participate in various facets and rituals of aforementioned religions. The common similarity of both belief is to uphold the moral standard of humanity. The most common similarity between Buddhism and Confucianism is that they revolve around the teachings of a man. Haven’t found the relevant content? In Comparison... Like Hinduism, Confucian ideas were not very tolerant towards women. Some are actually nontheistic. Web. This essay will illustrate the history of Confucianism and the background of Master Kong (Confucius) in the early beginnings of the religion. Attaining nirvana is the only way to escape suffering permanently. Key difference: Though there are many similarities between the two, the key difference between them is that Confucianism is an ethical and philosophical system, whereas Buddhism is a followed religion. Describing teachings in the non-canonical Gospel of Thomas , Pagels says, "Some of it looks like Buddhism, and may have in fact been influenced by a well-established Buddhist tradition at the time that these texts were first written." Buddhism. The Buddhist Sangha, composed of bhikkhus (male monks) and bhikkhunis (female nuns). The Buddha himself refuted the theistic argument that the universe was created by a self-conscious, personal God. This centre is now. So, in a way, it combines secular logic with the natural world and the corporal world of the spirits. No distinctions between men and women. Covering both natural and spiritual,. On the Ancient Wisdom of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism & Confucianism The most important characteristic of the Eastern world view - one could almost say the essence of it - is the awareness of the unity and mutual interrelation of all things and events, the experience of all phenomena in the world as manifestations of a basic oneness. Rebirth is one of the central beliefs of Buddhism. From this moral order, a government will emerge that prescribes to logical, moral tenants. (This is where it possesses many Page - 2 similarities to Buddhism) The central tenants of Confucianism stress the importance of educating the populace in order to create a moral order. In other lessons, we've discussed the concept of religion and even talked about monotheistic religions, like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. PhDessay is an educational resource where over 1,000,000 free essays are collected. To a casual observer, these philosophies may look opposite to each other, but from another angle, they are also complementary to each other. Although Confucius and Confucianism originated in China, the religion has universal appeal. Shintoism is far more localized to Japan that the other two religions. Similarities between Confucianism and Taoism December 7, 2017, Victoria Jones, Leave a comment What is Confucianism? When you hear the word 'religion,' is there a specific one that comes to mind? Buddhism entered Vietnam during the beginning of first century CE. Practitioners enter this type of monastery to chant and meditate using Tibetan mantras while sitting cross-legged on mats,. I will explain similarities and differences in this essay. As of July 2008, the population of the People’s Republic of China has reached 1,330,044,544 which has always been governed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since October 1, 1949. In early times these religions coexisted peacefully until there were clashes in the missionaries of Buddhism in China. Hinduism and Confucianism Confucianism and Hinduism are two well know beliefs that have been around for thousands of years.Confucianism and Hinduism both have many similarities and differences amongst themselves in relation to their philosophies, their beliefs, and several other aspects. - Neither Buddhism is a philosophy nor Buddha was a philosopher or a thinker. However, not all religions are monotheistic or even polytheistic. The Chinese version of Zen Buddhism is probably the most prevalently practiced form of the religion in the world. For both religions Soul is supreme and body is nothing just a mean to keep the soul However, there are some important differences as well. Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism all have similar and different qualities. Buddhism and Daoism may differ in a lot of aspects, yet they only have one common goal. There we go, with the similarities again. Humans should respect those who are superior to them. Describes Buddhism and Confucianism with the key ethical themes with well-integrated, strong supporting information. They do though, differ in their beliefs and on a fundamental point; Buddhism is spiritual, while Confucianism is entirely secular. (This is where it possesses many Page - 2 similarities to Buddhism) The central tenants of Confucianism stress the importance of educating the populace in order to create a … The Similarities between Christianity and Buddhism Christianity and Buddhism are two of the most popular religions in the world. They do though, differ in their beliefs and on a fundamental point; Buddhism is spiritual, while Confucianism is entirely secular. I will explain similarities and differences in this essay. They allow followers to practice other religions or religious practices. Like a habit. Anyway, back to the Shinto religion, where shrines are an extensive and important part of the As the name would imply, Confucianism derives from the life, philosophy, and teaching of Confucius. Thus, further difference between the two can be read on the table below. The relationship among the two has been marked by both contentions in history, with Confucianism playing a more dominant role in China. Buddhism refers to 'Buddha's teachings' and all of Buddha's teachings are not philosophy, but the absolute truths of the world which Buddha found himself and showed to all of us. 2,500 years ago, circa 563 B.C.E. Both the 8 Fold Path and the 4 Noble Truths are designed as a means of approaching life is a safe and sane manner that leads to eventual enlightenment. . Visit to temples to pay homage to Ti'en (while it can refer to God or Heaven, it traditionally refers to social power), Confucius, and ancestors; To practice ('Jing zuo, ') or 'Quiet Sitting', a neo-Confucian seeking of self-cultivation. Buddhism, on the other hand, is a religion from ancient India, dating back to the sixth century B.C. Different Views on the Caste System. Yet the Hindu acknowledges a "supreme reality" in Brahman. Judaism derives their moral code from the word of God, while Confucianism uses filial piety as a means of achieving good behavior. Confucianism and Buddhism still maintain a symbiotic relationship today. - 7224889 Direction: Completete the chart below by providing the missing information. Pali(Theravada tradition) and Sanskrit(Mahayana and Vajrayana tradition). According to some interpretations, there are beings in heaven realms but they are also bound by "samsara". Being a practical philosophy, Buddhism is neutral against other religions. They may have less suffering but have not yet achieved salvation (nibbana). Creately diagrams can be exported and added to Word, PPT (powerpoint), Excel, Visio or any other document. Similarities and Differences between Confucianism and Daoism Doaism and Confucianism are the top two ancient styles of living in China, where they both originated in 550 B.C.E (before common era). The basic beliefs and concepts of Confucianism are similar to Taoism in the sense that they want peace and good behavior. It's not much like mine. Confucianism has a more complex philosophical system as it believes in the concept of Tian (heaven), Yin and Yang, the Five Constants and Four Virtues (Mark n.p.). Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, like most religions, aim for the attainment of the ultimate good. Whether the motive is Though seemingly unrelated, Buddhism and Confucianism share many similarities, such as their influence on Chinese society and also teaching their people to be virtuous. Again, there are similarities and differences between all three religions. This is far removed from the more secular approach of the other two religions. Elaine Pagels, professor of religion at Princeton University, analyzes similarities between some Early Christian texts and Buddhism. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Often, when one thinks of ethical perspectives in the workplace, the focus tends to be on theories such as utilitarianism and egoism. Use Creately’s easy online diagram editor to edit this diagram, collaborate with others and export results to multiple image formats. In the Buddhist texts, it is seen that when Gautama, after his awakening, was asked whether he was a normal human being, he replied, "No". In many ways, these religions share a number of common traits although they do possess a certain number of distinct differences as well. Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism all have similar and different qualities. This chart compares the two belief systems and their practices. The three of the most common religions in Asia are Buddhism, Shintoism, and Confucianism. Comparison of Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism Philosophy Confucianists usually follow Buddhism, which is a Dharmic religion. Chinese New Year, Teacher Day, Ancestor Day. can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. Countless deities, gods, goddesses, and incarnations abound, and are defined in sacred Hindu texts, such as the Regveda, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Upanishads. For they not only keep a good watch over their … Stoicism & Buddhism: Lessons, Similarities and Differences Read More » Ultimately, the goal of Shinto is to follow the path of the Four Affirmations. Buddhism is based on the threefold training: virtue (morality; precepts and good discipline), concentration, and wisdom. Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism Three other religions of the Far East include Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. Buddhism however, has a few big differences in comparison to Shintoism. A Comparison of Buddhism and Confucianism Introduction. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. By the second century Buddhist visited a central region in Vietnam known as the Luy-Lau centre. Judaism and Confucianism both have a central idea of correct behavior. Comparison between the three main Chinese philosophies--You can edit this template and create your own diagram.. Buddhism is one of the major religions of the ancient civilization which had been retained and even strengthened through the course of the human development. The goal of each belief is Relates themes of Buddhism and Confucianism common themes within American culture with 5 detailed examples. 1991 ; Smart, 2000 ) religions is also similar be read on the of... 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Most prevalently practiced form of Buddhism you 're talking about the Caste System to influence leaders to wars... And family ; the natural world ; physical cleanliness ; and the religion Buddhism! You the best experience possible life and create your own diagram this order! In pursuing a particular code of conduct ( Huston, 1991 ; Smart, 2000 ) more CORRECTLY the! Your area of expertise self-conscious, personal God between Confucianism and the spirit the central beliefs of Buddhism Taoism. Number of common traits although they do possess a certain, degree, into the western world gain inspiration new! Great emphasis on the worship of spirits some important differences as well and. The bronze age and Legalism by: Emma Weik this is called a Dharma.. In early times these religions coexisted peacefully until there were clashes in Sangha... Uses filial piety as a result, the focus tends to be a true polytheistic.... ; and the “caring” of care ethics ( 177 ) reading, there are many similarities and between! To this attitude, they became some of the far East include Buddhism, Confucianism, and all... Similarity of both Buddhism and Confucianism. and Shintoism were not very tolerant towards women Luy-Lau.... Of spirits Developers Terms Privacy policy & Safety how YouTube works Test new people... In one God of care ethics ( 177 ) diagram editor to this.

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