In particular, as I am a rookie with rspec, I would like to know which is the right way to load data into our tests. Your main decision with RSpec is whether to use an API that could become deprecated soon or add another testing framework to RSpec. [Step 5] Mock/Stub. Connecting on Net::HTTP.start. The Fastest Way To Mock a Database for Unit Testing Developers have always been trying to mimic a production database. The examples will be presented for an RSpec unit test, but the techniques are general, and most are commonplace enough to have library support in a wide variety of languages and testing frameworks. RSpec - Stubs. Here is the code from the section on RSpec Doubles − 1). We’re also telling our new Mock Object that it needs (not just can , but has to , and it will raise an exception if not) receive a record_payment method call with the value 1234 . Ruby Code. Right now, one of the nice things about RSpec is that it is a one-stop shop for testing. Now mock/stub any external calls that you don’t need to cover test for. [Cucumber] [RAILS] Using rspec's should_receive stub with cucumber; Bruno Sutic. For more complex Ruby code, in recipes, libraries, or custom resources, you have the full power of RSpec and RSpec Mocks available to you. RSpec provides no special mechanisms to access elements under test, so yes, you would need to somehow stub the id method and have it return whatever you wish (e.g. You can also manually set stubs for only the current_resource and after_resource objects using stubs_for_current_value. HTTP protocol has 3 steps: connect, request and response (or 4 with close). Let's define what is mock and what is stub first. If we want to use a Test Double as a mock or as a stub, RSpec leaves that up to us and doesn’t care. In RSpec, a stub is often called a Method Stub, it’s a special type of method that “stands in” for an existing method, or for a method that doesn’t even exist yet. You might be interested to know that rspec 1.1.4 shipped with the stub_model() method, which instantiates a normal Active Record, but raises an exception for any attempt to access the database. Rspec, can you stub a method that doesn't exist on an object (or mock an object that can take any method)? If you’ve already read the section on RSpec Doubles (aka Mocks), then you have already seen RSpec Stubs. It's very close to the NullDB pattern and I have been using it with great success. There might be some other methods being called, or any external API calls or even database calls. Let’s say this play method uses validate_coin method to know if the coin is valid or not. The stub method is now deprecated, because it is a monkey patch of Object, but it can be used for a Rspec double. article.stub(:read) - this will intercept the call to #read, since it already exists in the class article.stub(:write) - this will allow a call to #write, even though it does not exist in the class . (:print).and_return(false) The syntax is strikingly similar to Mocha's syntax. ruby-on-rails,ruby-on-rails-4,rspec,rspec-rails,stub. For that matter, I've found that there are mainly two approaches for that: 1) use fixtures or 2) use mocks/stubs instead. ... (a good example is using an in-memory database for faster testing of database-dependent code). Listing 7. Here is a great (and fast) way to unit test your Entity Framework entities while using maximum flexibility. Since we use RSpec in this article I'll use definition from Effective Testing with RSpec 3 book: Stub. Stubbing with RSpec document.stub! Oct 28, 2012 at 12:18 pm: Hello everyone, I have an app that uses a gem with external dependencies (another process ... gem 'database_cleaner' end I think the problem is in env.rb - where I don't know which rspec modules