‎Join us as we explore the Feminine Genius! Or the talking and not letting guests talk. Download the Divine Mercy Booklet here: Support this podcast by SHOPPING Catholic Sprouts. Daily Readings Podcasts. Your message is getting out there. To close: I want to share a few of the quotes I shared in this episode that I haven't already mentioned above.  Anyone of these would be amazing to take before the Blessed Sacrament and 'chew' on.  Here we go: (on being Hopeful) Pure-hearted people are not so much those free of all faults and all wounds, as those who put all their hope in God and are certain his promises will be fulfilled. Catholic Theology and Oral Pleasure. truly matters.  You can snag a copy here. Southern Africa's Monthly Catholic Magazine. Fr. In the an easy going conversational style, hosts Julie Nelson and Chris Magruder speak to what is on the hearts and minds of women as if sharing coffee with friends in a coffee shop. 9: Why We Need the Traditional Latin Mass with Dr. Peter Kwasniewski. Anyways, just do you! Married ladies, check this one out with your husbands! Listen in and we'll laugh, cry and grow together.   Your sisters in the small things Nancy and Katie     Â, J1ST 098: Advent Book Study on Interior Freedom, Welcome back from our Thanksgiving break and welcome into Advent!  We hope you had a beautiful "Turkey Day" and that the first week of Advent has been somewhat peaceful and prayerful.   On December 27th, we celebrate the feast of St. John the Evangelist.   It is a traditionally a day to bless your wine.  You could ask your parish priest to do so or you can can do so at home with a simple prayer service like this.   How did this become a tradition?  Well, legend says St. John drank a cup of poisoned wine and did not die because he had blessed it before he drank.  Some even claim the poison rose out of the glass in the form of a serpent at the words of blessing.  So raise a glass to St. John's heavenly health today. Evangelii Gaudium! A Brotherhood of Catholic Gentlemen in South Africa. "Sending them out two by two" - Mark 6:7 We're taking a week off for Thanksgiving.  BUT (two), we will be back the First Sunday of ADVENT with the first episode of our book study series!  The book we're reading is Interior Freedom by Fr. Jacques little book on Interior Freedom.  We have limited control to no control on what happens exteriorly, but interiorly, we can choose how we react, interpret, and respond.  To illustrate, Father tells a little story about St. Therese (one of his favorite saints who he mentions quite frequently in his writing).  St. Therese was often given involved tasks to complete within her community... things that required concentration.  Before beginning such a task, she would tell Jesus, "I choose to be interrupted." Holy Catholic Marriage. Catholic Bishops' Conference. By day she is the editor of Catechist magazine.   Your sisters in the small things, Nancy and Katie   Mentioned in this episode: Advent book study of Interior Freedom Pray more Novenas Katie's new devotional for Catholic Women facing Infertility (15% off all November) Flying Novenas ala Mother Teresa St. Andrew's Christmas Novena Â, ** Before we jump into this week’s episode, we want to let you know that we’ll be doing a book study this upcoming Advent!! Not on Earth! 1P5 Podcast #62 – Coronavirus Update #3, Cardinal Pell, New Female Deacons Commission Steve Skojec April 9, 2020 0 Comments The latest update on the coronavirus situation, an in-depth look at the Cardinal Pell decision, and news about a new commission set up by the pope to examine female … The root of the word "novena' is Latin for nine.  The original novena was prayed by the apostles and Our Blessed Mother as they waited for the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.  From there, novenas have been composed to many of our Saints and for many of our Feast Days (Christ the King, for example). (P57)   We are not always masters of the unfolding of our lives, but we can always be masters of the meaning we give them. Making intercourse to be something you’re “putting up with” or “just getting it over with” is disgusting. I don’t understand the harsh comments about the sex life talk etc.   During the 12 Days of Christmas, we also celebrate the Feast of the Holy Innocents, the Feast of the Holy Family, New Year's Eve, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, and Epiphany.  We share some ideas for each of these feasts in this episode and we'd love to hear your family's traditions too!  Please share here or on Facebook! Charities at Work, a podcast by Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), features interviews, discussions and information about the mission and programs of the Catholic Charities ministry in the United States. Philippe: One of man’s deepest needs is the need for identity… we are trying to satisfy a need for being by having… or confuse being with doing. Kingdom Intelligence Briefing Podcast serves as a digital portal to nurture and empower the Remnant worldwide. The Washington Post - ROCHESTER, N.Y. — The pop of pepper ball pellets echoed in the night as police converged on demonstrators who gathered in front of a church to protest the death of Daniel Prude. I recently realized that I had been neglecting to care for myself in some pretty basic ways. They are the stairs that Christ ascended to appear before Pilate.  The Crown of Thorns were in the news earlier this year when a fire broke out in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris.  It, along with many other relics and the Eucharist were saved from the blaze. A Catholic podcast for women produced by the Diocese of Parramatta has celebrated its first anniversary. For this episode, we focused on the first section (through pg 81). ~ Pat D., Indiana . J1ST 101: Guest Meg Hunter-Kilmer aka Hobo for Christ and Praying for your Temperament, Happy New Year, Friends!  Today we're tackling a fascinating topic, and one that could possibly help you achieve some New Year's Goals: Praying for Your Temperament.  This episode started as a conversation pre-recording a few months ago... sharing how novenas appeal to some people but for others they are impossible to stick with.  "I wonder if that's a temperament thing..." lead us to Google which lead us to discover Meg Hunter-Kilmer's blog series on a book called "Prayer and Temperament: Different Prayer Forms for Different Personality Types" by Chester P Michael.  Apparently it IS a temperament thing. Just One Small Thing: Everyday Wisdom for Catholic Women. Anne and St. Therese, Pray for us! Julie and Chris talk to Annie Doyle about the 12 Days of Christmas giving project for our priests. Become a Patron of this Podcast: I am hoping to produce more free weekly podcast Videos. 12 Days of Christmas Giving Project - 12/17/20. Expectations we have of ourselves.  Besides all the normal busyness of life, there is all that Needs to Be Done to get ready for Christmas.  All these expectations can make us feel penned in and frankly a little grumpy (especially if you are an introvert!!! We are more than 40 young professionals from around the world, putting our gifts to the service of The Church. Do Something Beautiful Our content provides enrichment to Catholic Charities staff and volunteers and all who might be inspired by the help and hope we provide to our most vulnerable brothers and sisters. Where do we get the tradition? (p100-101)  On page 105, he goes on to say, "lacking hope, we don’t really believe God can make us happy, and so we construct our happiness out of covetousness and lust. The most competent and compassionate providers are Catholic therapists. I was happy to have an excuse to DM "Heyyy Meg! !  The book is Interior Freedom by Fr. Catholic-Link is a Catholic portal full of resources for the New Evangelization. It should be a joyous activity, NEVER something your husband just does to you for himself. Doing and making things, decorating in certain ways, so we can get that perfect picture worthy of a hundred likes and comments.  As modern moms, we are more isolated than any other generation of mothers before us.  If we haven't worked hard to create and maintain our 'village,' we're without one, so we put that time into an online presence which doesn't actually fulfill our need for friendship and camaraderie. All the gatherings this time of year are EXHAUSTING). ... Sign up to receive my FREE Catholic updates via e-mail and receive a FREE copy of my e-book, Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages: A Quick Layman's Guide to Thomism. Show the volunteers who bring you reliable, Catholic information that their work matters. A podcast about the Fathers of the Church—the foundational figures in Christian history. Learn about the Catholic saints A-Z and a liturgical calendar for the saint of the day. Enter Fr. Catholic Women Preach offers the theologically informed perspectives of Catholic women on the Sunday readings readings and on some feast days. "  After a bit of back and forth, we realized Meg was actually booked for a couple retreats and speaking engagements around my neck of the woods in early December, so she offered to come in person to record. Listen to a reading by clicking on the date in the Audio Readings Files list below, an mp3 file will start playing. Anyways, this week on the podcast, we’re diving into specific relic stories. Instead, we're going to use Mary Reed Newland's book "The Year and Our Children" to walk through the 12 days of Christmas.  There are some fun, easy, and meaningful ways to mark the feast days we celebrate during the Christmas Season. That episode just made me feel so gross (and so sorry for you ladies) that I really can’t listen anymore. Even if you don't plan on reading the book at all, this episode still has something to offer and we'd love for you to tune in. Crux carries news, features, and community content about the Catholic Church and Catholicism, from Pope Francis to what it means to lead a Catholic life. Please help me launch these videos by working with me on Patreon to produce more free content. One: We will NOT be releasing a new episode next weekend. Following Christmas day, we celebrate the Feast of St. Stephen, the first martyr of our Church.  He was one of the first deacons of the Church and gave his life in service of others.  One possible activity to mark the feast day is to sing all five verses of "Good King Wenceslas," since it was on the Feast of Stephen the good king look'd out.  You can find the lyrics here.  Another idea is to find a way to serve or give to others, just as St. Stephen and St Wenceslas did.  Gather up some toys you no longer play with to donate.  Serve a meal at a soup kitchen.  Make some care packages to hand out to the local homeless. "  And doesn't that capture the frantic-ness of "preparation for Christmas? This week we are talking about female friendships -- this is a topic I hear from women about all the time. Expectations we have of others. If you donate just $5.00, or whatever you can, Catholic Online could keep thriving for years. Studies of the shroud have shown us just how much Christ suffered on Good Friday before dying on the Cross.     Have you visited any of these 'extreme relics? Usually, a novena is prayed leading up to the Saint's feast day so that the ninth day of the novena is either the eve of or the actual feast day, but you can begin a novena whenever you'd like! Danielle is a well-known Catholic author and speaker and her podcast is full of real-life scenarios, advice, and humor. It’s honestly bordering on marital sexual coercion to have this “take one for the team” attitude. Sorry. (123) Humans beings are more than the sum of the good they can accomplish.  They are children of God, whether they do good or cannot yet manage to do anything… this is why humility, spiritual poverty is so precious: it locates our identity securely in the one place where it will be safe from all harm.  If our treasure is in God, no one can take it from us. Join us as we explore the Feminine Genius! Catholic Family Life Resources and Information. Hoping this helps you achieve a more prayerful (and hence peaceful) New Year! Just keep doing what you’re doing with love! Harris is a member of the Black Catholic Theological Symposium and the North American Academy of Liturgy. Washington D.C., Feb 10, 2020 / 03:25 pm MT ().-This article is the first part of a two-part series on the Church, gender-critical feminists, and transgender ideology. So grateful to have found you. It is the cloth in which Christ was covered and buried in and a ‘negative image’ of His face was left. Traditional Catholic Femininity and Biblical Womanhood. We struggle inside of our relationships with other women. I enjoy it for its information, friendliness, and flaws. The Shroud of Turin is arguably the most fascinating relic of our Faith. ‎In the an easy going conversational style, hosts Julie Nelson and Chris Magruder speak to what is on the hearts and minds of women as if sharing coffee with friends in a coffee shop.   During Advent, we will be doing a three part series on the tiny but powerful book, Interior Freedom, by Fr. This is unusual for me, and so I thought a bit about what might be causing it. Her conversion sparked a new vocation: sharing the Gospel message through the utilization of media. Julie and Chris talk Christmas giving ideas with Lois Brookhart and Joanne Kuster, Guest Zac Crippen, host of the Creedal Catholic Podcast, The Wonders of the Holy Name of Jesus - 11/19/20, Julie and Chris go unplugged and discuss the Wonders of the Holy Name of Jesus, When COVID Closed Her Dream Dance Studio - 11/12/20, Guest: Tallis Strub, Owner of Des Moines Ballroom Dance Studio, The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Do I have to start a novena on a particular day (like do the dates matter)? We picked this book for Advent because this time of year is full of expectations.  Expectations others have of us. In the heady days of liturgical revolution in the 1960s and 70s, … What about the controversies related to the COVID-19 vaccines and the program used to create them, Operation Warp Speed. Full biographical information, anecdotes, prayers and inspiration. Each episode features a different Catholic woman sharing her "just one small thing"--the bit of wisdom she has discovered and how it has changed her life. I have recently got into listening to Catholic Podcasts. Up to date News straight from the Vatican. Visit www.catholicwomenpreach.org to view preaching videos, to read preaching texts, and to learn more about the preachers. After years of being a non-practicing Catholic, Johnnette experienced a deep conversion back to her Catholic faith in 1981. Also: the fact that there are no first class relics of Christ or Our Lady strengthens our belief in the Ascension and the Assumption. ).  And for me, the two words that kept popping out were HOPE and IDENTITY, so they are the focus of the episode as well. In the words of Fr. Jacques Philippe defines hope as, "the virtue of people who know they are infinitely weak and easily broken and rely firmly on God with utter trust… To learn hope, we have to pass through impoverishment." (P58) During the season, let us turn our little annoyances, distractions, and disappointments into opportunities to accept and offer it all to the Baby Jesus. Each episode features a different Catholic woman sharing her "just one small thing"--the bit of wisdom she has discovered and how it has changed her life. Your sisters in the small things Nancy and Katie   Â, Hey Friends! We cover all things in light of the Catholic faith: femininity, faith, family, marriage, dirty diapers, teenager… ~ Tiffany R., Massachusetts . (p124) So this Advent, my challenge to you is this: some time between Now and Christmas, sit silently for just 5 minutes, holding the creche in your hands, and ask Him "What do you see when you look at me?" Pat Gohn intervews Lisa Hendey to get a behind-the-scenes look at the new children's book, 'I'm a Saint in the Making.' I have recommended Catholic Therapists to two dear friends with good results. That’s kind of exclusionary to Star Wars fans. Yesterday my family and I had an interesting debate over Sunday dinner on our faith and the Catholic religion. A blog for Catholic men that seeks to encourage virtue, the pursuit of holiness and the art of true masculinity. Coffee & Pearls: Wisdom for Catholic Moms, Girlfriends (A Podcast for Catholic Women), Letters to Women - Exploring the Feminine Genius. Join the Catholic Sprouts Patreon Community and get weekly coloring pages and discussion guides for parents hoping to grow deeper in their faith as well! Traditional Catholic, Pro Life, Pro Chastity, Joyfully Feminine “Go inside!” Protesters streamed into Spiritus Christi … To give context, my father is a 7th Day Adventist and my mother is Catholic, which provided an interesting decision for my parents to decide which religion my sister and I would grow up with. Welcome to The Council of Trent podcast, a production of Catholic Answers. In the words of one of our Church Fathers, St. Jerome,    “We do not worship, we do not adore, for fear that we should bow down to the creature rather than to the Creator, but we venerate the relics of the martyrs in order the better to adore Him whose martyrs they are.”    So if you have friends thinking you’re weird for worshiping pieces of dead people, you’ve got your reply right there. Only $1 a week! It is our quest to rally together as Catholic women and together discover a path to holiness that is 100% Catholic and 100% feminine. ... but the second reason is the more profound from the human male-and-female … By offering accessible articles and helpful tools for spiritual growth, we seek to make saints in our own time — especially among those who live busy lives but still seek to grow in friendship with Christ. ... Podcast Ep. “Sanctuary!” an activist filming the protest shouted to his peers. Such a gentle, yet wise voice… our hope is this study will help us all stay centered this Advent on what (or WHO!) How cool is that?  If you're wondering about her mission and work, we go into it for the first bit of this episode.   BACK to temperaments...In the book, Chester breaks down the human population based on their Myers-Briggs personality types and divides them into four categories: Ignatian, Augustinian, Thomistic, and Franciscan Why is this important?  Well, the Church has a few ways that we are 'required' to pray. €œJust getting it over with” is disgusting an activist filming the protest shouted to his peers and Awe at mystery. To produce more free weekly podcast reflects on marriage in light of that week ’ s Sunday readings... Thriving for years you reliable, Catholic information that their work matters entertaining, and mother eight... To the apostleship of the Incarnation Catholic Sprouts of year is full of expectations. Expectations others have of us,! When i realized that i have to start a novena on a particular day ( like do dates... 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