Captain von Trapp himself played several instruments and hired various music teachers for his children, many of whom lived at the villa at different points. She worked as a teacher, lived in Hawaii, and died of asthma, no children. The detailed instructions and full color pattern front come in a resealable plastic envelope for years of use. Truly like an angel of mercy she went from bed to bed, lady-in-waiting Marie Festetics wrote of one such visit, as recorded in The Reluctant Empress. (Over three decadesbeginning in 1880, anarchists killed a Russian czar,two Spanish premiers, a French president, and an Italian king.). Despite the children calling her Aunt there was no warmth from her and she revealed to Maria during their first conversation that once her engagement to their father had been formalised, she would have all seven children sent off to boarding schools. During the wedding festivities, thousands lined Viennas streets, eager to catch a glimpse of the new teenage empress. Immediately, she left for Spa to pay a last tribute to her mother. 2023 A&E Television Networks, LLC. Your mother and I are all in favor of this marriage. The marriage was finally celebrated on 10 May 1881, a few days before Stphanie's 17th birthday,[33] at the Saint Augustine's Church in Vienna. At their table, adorned with flowers, were sweets that the princesses were not allowed to taste. She remembers: "The Emperor greeted me cordially. Marie Valerie, the one child on whom Sisi doted, wrote of finding her mother laughing hysterically in a bathtub. Some sources incorrectly credit Trapp with sinking the Italian troop transport Principe Umberto,[12] which resulted in the greatest loss of life in any submarine attack in World War I, but the ship was actually sunk by U-5 under another commander, Friedrich Schlosser (18851959).[13]. As daughter Maria said in a 2003 interview printed in. A doctor was of the opinion that Maria would benefit from some time in the mountains, though not as far up as she had once been. And thus Maria embarked on her journey into the von Trapp household. She traveled a lot and devoted herself to painting. They discover that the Nazis have closed the border and they have no avenue of escape. However, she was not Rudolf's first choice as a potential bride: having refused Princess Mathilde of Saxony, as well as several Infantas of Portugal and Spain,[24] he found that Stphanie was one of the few Catholic princesses who met the criteria imposed by his father Emperor Franz Joseph I to become wife of the heir of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Queen therefore never left her son's bedside. Captain von Trapp was invited to take command within the German Navy, an offer which he considered but ultimately refused. For her part in the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867, Sisi was beloved by the Hungarian people. Elemr survived her less than a year, dying on 29 July 1946, and was buried next to her.[90]. Although I was only four and a half years old, I still vividly remember this deliciously beautiful and tender child, his resignation during his short illness, and the poignant pain of my mother, when he exhaled in her arms". In May 1918, he was promoted to Korvettenkapitn (equal to Lieutenant commander) and given command of the submarine base at Cattaro in the Gulf of Kotor. However, the King of Belgium refused to see his daughter marry a man of lower rank. In this 1955 photograph, thirteen-year-old Princess Yvonne of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn in Germany is shown tipping back a bottle of Dry Sack sherry as her twelve-year-old brother Prince Alexander sits calmly by, his cigarette nearly finished. After the death of her father in 1909, Stphanie joined her older sister Louise to claim from the Belgian courts the share of the inheritance of which they both felt they had been stripped. [23], During the winter of 18791880, Empress Elisabeth returned to Brussels. [67], The Austrian press, and in particular the journal Die Presse, saw in this marriage a "certain marvelous romanticism in the act which the princess poses [because] the latter closed on her the portal of the Hofburg, at the same time thoughtful and the glance full of promising images, then went south where she will soon cease to be Princess Dowager". Her melancholy and distaste for public life was treated as a childish indulgence by her distracted husband and his mother, the formidable Archduchess Sophie. Sissi: Directed by Ernst Marischka. [85] The work appeared in a French version in 1937 in Brussels under the title: Je devais tre impratrice (I Had To Be Empress),[86] and the same year was finally authorized to be published in Austria under the original title. [55] Stphanie became a widow at the age of 24 when, on 30 January 1889, her husband was found dead in strange circumstances with his mistress Baroness Vetsera, both shot dead, at the Mayerling hunting lodge. [14], If Stphanie's instruction was somewhat rudimentary, the discipline was strict: "We got up early in the morning: in summer, at five o'clock, in winter, at six o'clock. Thats not to say it wouldnt have been a nail-biting experience. Before rushing to judgment on the lives of German nobility, it should be known that the photographer behind this image was the children's mother, Princess Marianne Sayn-Wittgenstein-Sayn. "Sayn-Wittgenstein". In her 2003 interview, the younger Maria confirmed that her stepmother "had a terrible temper. When the von Trapps moved to Salzburg they hadnt gone through the red tape of repatriation, a technicality which protected them from any Nazi retaliation after the Anschluss. Reality: The Real Story of the Von Trapp Family", "Movie vs. We always forget about Helene: it's much easier to remember an Empress than a Princess of Thurn and Taxis. Initially, Captain von Trapp was opposed to the family singing on stage. The neoclassical-style building is located in an area of over 2,400 hectares, consisting of an English-style park, planted with purple beeches, silver fir trees and multiple decorative species, which extends over both banks of the Danube. In November 1916, the health of Emperor Franz Joseph I was declining, and his family came to see him. In 1886, he was appointed counselor of the legation. VIENNA, Dec. 10. The publishing contract was drawn up on 24 April 1934, but Stphanie's procrastination postponed the publication and distribution of her memoirs to October 1935, under the original title of Ich sollte Kaiserin werden (I Was To Be Empress) in German bookstores,[83] because the book was censored in Austria,[84] where the police visited every bookshop in Vienna in order to seize the copies already on sale. This category has only the following subcategory. Some sources incorrectly credit Zdenko Hudeek with being the most successful Austro-Hungarian submarine commander of the war. The names of the Trapp children were changed for the musical, along with their ages. In 1889, Rudolf and his mistress Mary Vetsera were found dead in an apparent murder-suicide pact at the imperial hunting lodge at Mayerling in the Vienna Woods. The real Georg von Trapp encouraged his children in all things and was in no way distant from them. It is the Empress who attracts them all, Sophie wrote. [89] The year 1944 brought new worries to Stphanie and her husband because the German Army wanted to transform their residence into a military hospital for war wounded, a project which was rejected at the last minute. [10] Leopold II thereafter lost interest in his family; he turned his attentions to the notorious creation of the Congo Free State, which was his personal fiefdom and not a Belgian colonial territory, and as such its ruthless exploitation amassed him a vast private fortune. [8] As part of their required education, all naval cadets were taught to play a musical instrument; Georg von Trapp selected the violin. A long, cheerful noise arose from the crowd. Or at least they are until that evening, when the Captain tells her to politely jog on and proposes to Maria. In her book, "The Story of the Trapp Family Singers", Maria von Trapp describes the turn of events which take her from Salzburg's Nonnberg Abbey to the von Trapp villa as a teacher, and ultimately into her new role as mother to seven growing children. Leopold II and Marie Henriette hoped to marry their second daughter to a reigning sovereign or a crown prince. Though medical help was called, Sisi soon died of internal bleeding. She has studied the Trapp family's history for years and has heard Rosmarie von Trapp in concert describe what is was like to flee from Austria and settle in the United States. He and Maria fall in love much to the Baroness chagrin and she engineers for Maria to return to the convent in secret. The new emperor on 28 January 1917 granted the title of Hungarian Frst (Prince) with the style of Serene Highness to Elemr. The Trapp Family founded the Trapp Family Austrian Relief, Inc.; the priest Franz Wasner, their pre-war friend, became its treasurer. FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. The two were married in November 1927 and their first child, a daughter called Rosmarie was born in 1929. But the war cut their tours short at least. Stphanie worked as a nurse in her residence.[78]. Princess Yvonne. Moved back to Austria and died in 1994. The empress frequently spoke of suicide to a terrified Franz Joseph, and turned to mediums and psychics to help cure her mental anguish. He was offered a commission in the German Navy, a tempting proposition, but decided to decline the offer, being opposed to Nazi ideology. (Credit: Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images), After a nervous collapse in 1862, Sisi spent as much time as she could away from the prison fortress of Viennas Hofburg palace (today her life is chronicled in the Sisi Museum there), frequently traveling to Greece, England, Ireland, Switzerland and Hungary. Alinari Archives/CORBIS/Corbis via Getty Images. In April 1911, Louise initiated a second lawsuit concerning the French companies created by Leopold II. If we ignore the ten year difference between when the Trapp children met Maria for the first time, their names and ages were as follows. For the purposes of the storyline, fifteen year old Agathe Trapp became sixteen year old Liesl von Trapp and a fictitious romance was created between her and the boy who delivered telegrams. And, thats where the similarities to The Sound of Music end. From her hands-on mother, Princess Ludovika, she developed a love of privacy and a fear of public dutiestraits that would not serve her well as empress. On April 25, 1854, a shy and melancholy bride married into a major European royal house. ==== Image i Sisi, on the other hand, was so nervous during the courtship that she was unable to eat. In The Sound of Music, the Captain was portrayed as stern, distant, and unyielding. They were, however, protected by a technicality regarding their nationalities. [58] BBC Radio presented a different account of the family in October, 2009, in a play by Annie Caulfield called The Von Trapps and Me, focused on Princess Yvonne, "the woman Captain Von Trapp jilted in order to marry Maria."[59][60]. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, National Archives and Records Administration, Northeast RegionBoston. In 1900, Stphanie married again, to Count Elemr Lnyay de Nagy-Lnya et Vsros-Namny, a Hungarian nobleman of lower rank; for this, she was excluded from the House of Austria-Hungary. [22], Stphanie had heard of Rudolf for the first time at the end of a literature class given by her housekeeper Fanny Brossel. [28][33], In 1939 the family returned to Europe to tour Scandinavia, hoping to continue their concerts in cities beyond the reach of the Third Reich. I had never before seen her so imposing. However, regardless of how the story played out, the Captain did not return home and whisk Maria off her feet. He married Erika Klambauer in 1948 and had four sons and two daughters, including. One day, Princess Yvonne took Maria aside and alerted her to the fact that the Captain was in love with her. [9] He commanded U-6 until 1913. The apparent suicide of the Crown Prince deeply affected Stphanie and constituted, in the words of Irmgard Schiel, "the greatest catastrophe that can affect a woman in her married life". The photo was taken while the siblings were aboard a private yacht off the coast of Mallorca. The story is practically a fairy tale with the love story between the Captain and Maria, the backdrop of the Austrian mountains is dramatic, and the Nazi party cast a shadow over the idyllic proceedings. Their first child was Rupert,[24] born on 1 November 1911 at Pula while the couple were living at Pina Budicina 11. The territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was divided among seven countries, with the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes keeping most of the seacoast. [55] However, these adaptations often altered the portrayal of the Captain. As Maria's stay with the family continued, the children and the Captain became attached to her and did not relish the thought of the day when she would return to the Abbey. However this measure did not apply to Stphanie nor her daughter, who were excluded from the House of Habsburg following their marriages. Sometimes they joined the King and Queen at breakfast time. [3] In 1910 he was given command of the newly constructed SMU-6. She resides in Oregon where she sews, designs costumes, and spends time with her family. I hope to see you there! She has always been seen as the suspicious fiance who urged Capt von Trapp to accept Nazi rule, but Baroness Schrder is about to undergo a dramatic transformation, courtesy of the BBC in a new. [11] He also rejected his family for his mistresses having so many scandalous liaisons that he was known to his subjects as Le Roi des Belges et des Belles (The King of the Belgians and of the Beauties). The von Trapps traveled to Italy, not Switzerland. Knowing that refusal will put the entire family in danger, they resolve to escape to Switzerland and the safety of neutrality. Summoned by the Reverend Mother, Maria was told that the convent has had a request for a governess for one of the daughters of Captain Baron Georg von Trapp. By the time the Third Reich annexed Austria, Maria had been with the Trapp family for ten years. Firstly, the Captain felt obligated to continue his courtship with Princess Yvonne, the real life "Baroness Schrader" who was a distant cousin of his deceased wife. [63], For her part, Stphanie planned to marry an aristocrat: Count Elemr Lnyay de Nagy-Lnya et Vsros-Namny, a Hungarian nobleman of lower rank, of Protestant faith, and one year older than her. [77] Four weeks later, war broke out. For his part, Rudolf, who disapproved of his father's policies, developed friendships among opponents of the monarchy and anonymously published his political opinions in the Neues Wiener Tagblatt, edited by his friend Moritz Szeps. The Captain had a pension available to him in Italy which allowed the family to live comfortably while they determined their next moves before they travelled to America with the aid of their new concert manager. Trapp hired Maria Augusta Kutschera to tutor one of his daughters and married Maria in 1927. Visit her website at Declared an adult at the age of 19, he already had his own household. According to Maria von Trapp's memoirs[citation needed], Georg von Trapp found himself in a vexing situation after the German takeover of Austria in 1938. [3], In the spring of 1868, the almost 9-year-old Leopold, Duke of Brabant and heir to the throne, suffered from a chill following a fall in the pond in the Park of Laeken. (Credit: Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images). On April 25, 1854, a shy and melancholy bride married into a major European royal house. However, he came to terms with his discomfort very early and joined the family on stage as part of the group. She was persuaded by the arguments of the court of Vienna which encouraged the Crown Prince to marry young in order to quickly ensure descendants. They purchased a 660-acre (270ha) farm in 1942 and converted it into the Trapp Family Lodge. Web princess yvonne was cool, almost to the point of coldness. [8] Trapp's first command was the U-boat U-6 which was launched by Agathe. The princess was saved only by the care of an unknown Ardennes doctor, whom the royal couple had consulted, who recommended cold baths. [12] Stphanie benefitted schooling by teachers who provided her with various courses: French, English, German, Dutch and Hungarian for languages, while mathematics lessons, horsemanship, history, history of art, religion, botany, and rhetoric were also taught. She bore Franz Joseph three children during the first four years of their marriage, but only two Crown Prince Rudolf and Archduchess Giselasurvived past infancy. One day, Princess Yvonne took Maria aside and alerted her to the fact that the Captain was in love with her. Vintage Fashions Inspired by Classic Cinema, Posted by Edelweiss Patterns on May 20, 2011, If you arefamiliar with the Sound of Music storyline at all, you probably feel a strong disliking for Marias antagonist, Baroness Schraeder. Princess Yvonne was apparently so outraged to have lost her prospective husband that she telephoned everyone she knew that night and told them that Captain von Trapp had gotten the twenty one year old Maria pregnant out of wedlock. Trapp was the most successful Austro-Hungarian submarine commander of World War I,[b] sinking 11 Allied merchant ships totaling 47,653 GRT and two Allied warships displacing a total of 12,641 tons. Empress Elisabeth of Austria, 1857. In 1935, after issues relating to the Wall Street Crash and the resulting economic dips across Europe, Captain von Trapp was informed that the bank in which he had invested his substantial wealth had folded. The hope was that after a year of living halfway between the altitude of her childhood and that of the convent, she would be able to return and take her vows without any medical issues. Contents Top 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Subcategories This category has only the following subcategory. Princess Stphanie was the second daughter of King Leopold II of Belgium and Marie Henriette of Austria. [8][27][bettersourceneeded] They had three children: Rosmarie, born on 8 February 1929,[28] Eleonore (called Lorli), born 14 May 1931, and Johannes, born 17 January 1939 in Pennsylvania. The consequences of this lie were dramatic: when the couple tried to conceive another child, Stphanie, who was not yet 22 years old, found it that she was sterile. Princess Manni was born in Salzburg in 1919, the daughter of Friedrich Baron Mayr-Melnhof and his wife Maria Anna Countess von Meran. [65] The Belgian sovereigns, offended that Stphanie did not primarily speak to them about her matrimonial projects, severed any relationship with their daughter and forbade her to return to Belgium. After consulting with the Revenend Mother at Nonnberg Abbey, Maria returned to the von Trapp Villa where she informed the Captain, Th-they said I have to m-marry you-ou!, and buried her face in his shoulder with a sob. [28] The family decided to leave Austria. The two princesses refused a new amicable agreement with the State, before their action was dismissed by the Court of Appeal in April 1913. If she could have only seen then all the service she would offer in her life, Im sure she would have been thrilled! Maria and Georg married in 1927, 11 years before the family left Austria, not right before the Nazi takeover of Austria. Maria and Georg married in 1927, 11 years before the family left Austria, not right before the Nazi takeover of Austria. Of course Maria quickly became excited to become wife and mother to such a wonderful family, and was really only sad at first because she thoughtthe Lordhad rejected her offer of a life of service to Him. As Maria's original pupil recovered, she became governess to all seven Trapp children and encouraged them in sports, handiwork, and, of course, music. By the 1880s, it was clear Sisi was suffering from a serious mental illness herself. [18], While her older sister Louise married in 1875 a wealthy cousin of their father, Prince Philipp of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Austrian officer and friend of Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria,[19] Stphanie continued her studies and willingly took care of her younger sister Clmentine because Louise's departure left a void at the Palace of Laeken.[20]. No one had informed the Crown Princess of the nature of the illness from which her husband was suffering. Born in 1837 in Munich, Germany, Sisi grew up playing in the Bavarian forests with her seven brothers and sisters, riding horses and climbing mountains. While Stphanie and Clmentine accepted the proposal, Louise refused it and initiated, in December 1910, a first trial against the Belgian State and her two sisters. Four thrones were arranged under a canopy for the Belgian and Austrian sovereigns, with the bride being walked down the aisle by her parents. This list may not reflect recent changes. But in honor well, not in honor, I certainly am not fond of Baroness Schraeder; but in remembrance of her beautiful wardrobe from the Sound of Music, I have just released the 1930s style sewing pattern for Baroness Schraeders Evening Gown! [92], At her birth, as the daughter of King Leopold II, Stphanie was titled Princess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and Duchess in Saxony, with the predicate of Royal Highness, according to the titles of her house, and bears the unofficial title of Princess of Belgium, which will be officially regularized by Royal Decree dated 14 March 1891.[93]. After the armistice of 11 November 1918, the Austro-Hungarian Empire ceased to exist. In 1896 he and his brother Gbor were raised to the dignity of Count. For years of use residence. [ 78 ] National Archives and Records Administration, Northeast.! Family in danger, they resolve to escape to Switzerland and the safety neutrality! French companies created by Leopold II of Belgium refused to see him in.. Residence. 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