First, the basis of naming in Yorb implied by the we (ynkl l w, k t s m lrk or it is the backyard we must look to first, before giving a child a name) appears to be common to both peoples and cultures. 30 4). Certainly, non-military visual representations of the horse require explanation in such a setting, in the absence of putative belated sixteenth- to nineteenth-century contact with the animal. We must accept the powerful symbolism of in the hands of the ba and the babalwo as diminutive r, or r t kr literally, a tail that is diminutive. It is used when you want a person to grant your request after a command is made. Hostname: page-component-7f44ffd566-xg26j Good wishes are often referred to as prayers/blessings, and negative wishes are often regarded as curses. Studies have found that many communities and city states among the YorbFootnote 5 embrace, with pride, accounts of Btonu founding heroes and princes. If has been said to also play an important role towards achieving the end product of any one healing process. Do you feel aggravated by love relationship situation? Most Yoruba people are natural Yoruba language speakers because the Yoruba culture was primarily an oral heritage. It also says that once the river dries up, it will reveal unknown treasures that will eventually lead to conflict and war across the world. This straddles the frontiers of Nigeria and the Republic of Benin, and the Btonu turned it into the orta for all the cultures of the sub-region bounded by the southward sweep of the River Niger from its deepest penetration into the Sahelian region.Footnote 4 This has given rise to many consequences addressed by scholars since Parakou and Nikki. As Yorb scholars, our point of departure ought to have been to ask rnml, if we were not still roaming the wilderness in intellectual and physical exile: In the absence of Ifs counsel, we must turn to the lore of both peoples as codified in macro-linguistic units such as we (commonly glossed as proverbs), riddles, idoms and ork, and to usages that contextualize these units in the life of the people. A verse from an yj (incantation), cited by Abdn (Reference Abdn2014: 139)Footnote 29 in appreciating the Zollman gr, confirms this: They wave their horsetail fly whisk in salutation/They wave their rkr full-fluff in acknowledgementFootnote 30. Out of 875 entries of substantives that serve as a vehicle for instances of we, I identified fourteen occurrences of the term in (horse), and the same number for a (cloth), ad (chicken) and od (river or stream) (see Table 9). In other words. The answer we proffer will determine the extent to which we assume responsibility for our existential reality: who we believe we are; who we accept as neighbours to whom we owe a duty of care; what fate has thrown us together; and how the resulting interpenetration has remade us before and since the Berlin Conference of 188485. The second has, as a clue, smoke sent through the roof or chimney by a fire from inside the house. I have no doubt that data from a more systematic inquiry will make us marvel at how a contact purportedly limited to less than eight centuries and based solely on the military use of the horse could have penetrated as deeply into the sinews of Yorb customs and their world view as these expressions, usages and institutional contexts indicate. These are Ofo (word), ayajo (Precedents) and Ogede (statements or promises). If they do, is the horse as closely associated with F as it is with the Yorb If? She is considered the protective energies of the feminine force. Oyelakin suggests that the major difference between Yorb medicine and orthodox medicine is that the former is homeopathic in nature while the later is allopathic. The gestural use of the ram-mane rkr in the hands of an ba took over from its similar use by babalwo. Its b cultural content and practice differ significantly from its reference and importance in Btonu. By virtue of its special place in the Yorb family, the dog is not normally regarded as a source of meat, although a divinity such as gn (r of all creative expressions) may, on special occasions, demand a dog as a sacrifice. and glosses it as thirty four less (i.e. Abraham was a German Jew believed to have lived between the 14th and 15th centuries. Is protection from Evil and good a good spell? Yoruba forefathers possessed some Afose to address nature elements such as rain, fire, outbreak e.t.c and on the negative size to curse. Homeopathic medicine is said to be more concerned with identifying the causes of the illness and disease in an effort to restore holistic balance in the biological system. They do not imply a challenge to intellectual property/ownership. It is called the 'sound picker'. . Incantations are used when the act of wishing is being carried out; a wish may be positive, negative or both. He comments: Even in some cases where the language considers a process of addition to be cumbersome, it uses subtraction as an alternative approach. And, when a dog becomes rabid, when it dies, or when it has to be put to sleep, the household experiences a trauma nearly as great as when the family loses a human member. Do you really know the use of Sandawana oil? As said before there are a multitude of r's, each with their physical qualities and herbal attributes and sometimes interwoven into one another.[7]. I surmise that the names of people and the anthropocentric names of animals encapsulate world views and epistemological orientations of peoples; as a consequence, cognate relationships of form and meaning between any two distinct peoples based on these units should imply that there are more significant historical connections with diachronic implications than in cognate relationships distilled from discrete lexical items. Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. Aremu Ayodeji, Adewuyi Table 8 Names that incorporate the horse and rider predicates. The work challenges us to gather systematic data so that we may put many issues beyond the realm of mere speculation. For the Yoruba, however, these insects and worms perform useful functions in the healthy body, aiding digestion, fertility, etc. See below some of the popular Yoruba charms and their meanings below: Literally, the word 'Ijaya' in Yoruba language means 'to frighten'. Related ethnic groups include the Bariba. How to Attract Good Luck and Wealth (with 3 BEST Methods), How to Become a Witch: A Beginners Guide, HOW TO CAST A HAPPINESS SPELL ON YOURSELF, How to cast powerful marriage spells that work fast, How to convince your boyfriend to marry you, How To Curse Someone From a Distance Punish Your Enemies, How to Find Lost Things Ritual to Find Lost Objects. However, from the Yorb viewpoint, traditional Yorb medicine further delves into other aspects in terms of the patient's emotional and spiritual balance/imbalance.Yorubic medicine has come to be widely known in Nigeria as the ultimate traditional medical practice due to its holistic approach to treatment. Therefore, like other rule-governed language gestures, it, too, offers limited insight into our past. The Btonu have offered hospitality to disaffected, dissident and defaulting Yorb princes. If the answer is as uncertain as is the case for If, then we have good grounds to find corroborating evidence here too, in the lore of both peoples, in order to argue for a remote antiquity in their association and this certainly renders nonsensical a Middle Eastern or an Asia Minor migration to West Africa. Spellcaster Maxim Review Does Spell Caster Really Work? ).Footnote 11. 5 Estimated total population in 2016 is given as 43 million, with 40 million in Nigeria and 1.7 million in Benin (). By the same token, we should understand that the application of the term rkr to the tail of a horse must have arisen from a sociolinguistic back-formation. Where I do not provide comparative data from both languages, I wish to suggest that, in most cases, the data adduced here will still be valuable for our objective. you learn the direct answers that your soul wants you to know, liefde spreuken,Dangers of sandawana oil. It therefore raises more than mere intellectual curiosity that the post-contactFootnote 6 storytellers of both the Yorb and the Btonu embrace myths of a Middle Eastern origin in the same way as they embrace those of all the Mandinka and kindred cultures that claim the Sundjata epic (Sisoko 1 and 2). Let us now interrogate macro-linguistic elements for an insight into what may lead us into the choppy waters of a plausible external history of our two peoples. 1 Homer, The Iliad, I in Mack (Reference Mack1995: 5058). In addition to their efficacy in whisking flies off the dead body lying in state, funeral rkr symbolize what the departed has left to hold on to. Consider, now, in Table 8, names that incorporate the horse and rider predicates, particularly in the Yorb culture. The pervasiveness of occurrences of the horse in we, commonly inadequately glossed as proverbs, most cogently raises the issue of the antiquity of the contact of the Yorb with the animal, and/or the intensity and extent of the impact of that contact, but pays scant regard to the duration of that experience. Its nimbleness makes it easy for those entitled to use it to handle it with dignity and grace. . Furthermore, whereas the names in column three challenge the pride of the stranger, those in one and two memorialize the cultural landscape or express the hopes and aspirations of the family at the arrival of the child. In the conventional way they drum, sing, and dance with horse-tail fly-whisk in hand, ride on horseback with or without a weapon (in the case of victory in war or success of a similar nature), and make ritual sacrifice to express their gratitude to rnml. If the order of birth names have other referential meanings in Btonu, as Schottman (Reference Schottmann.d.) Out of the fourteen occurrences of we in or horse proverbs, only four pertain to power, wealth and/or material well-being; the remaining concern interpersonal relationships. Apart from names of children born with peculiar presentations through the uterine passage for example, g, foot-first orientation or with unusual physical features such as extra digits (olgbdi) or with locks of hair (dda), most Yorb names are either whole clauses or, as a minimum, simplex predicates. How To Get A Man To Marry You Within 1 Month, HOW TO GET FORTUNE TELLER IN SOUTH AFRICA, HOW TO GET LEGITIMATE PSYCHIC MEDIUMS IN SOUTH AFRICA, How to go back in time in Detroit Michigan, How to know if someone is using muthi on you, How to make a difficult woman fall in love, How to make a love potion for your crush that really works. It is somewhat difficult to prepare but there are some simple formulas too, however they also vary in degree of potency. Re: Yoruba Incantations. Borgu is so situated in relation to the Yorb world that the Yorb adage ni t a sn t l jarunp l (the one we sleep next to is the one we hit when we stir and kick in our sleep) applies to their association and inter-relationships down the ages. I am a professional Spiritual Healer. which type of device filtering can be enabled on some wireless access points or wireless routers. An "Ongn" refers to a herbalist, an "Olgn" is one of several terms for a medical practitioner, and a "Babalwo" is a priest/priestess. Most sacred spiritual places are always deserted because of this feature. These instances of in in naming suggest an antiquity that points to anteriority to the Btonu and Yorb encounter with white people, which occurred at the earliest in the fifteenth century CE. First, I must pay tribute to that erudite and disciplined work The Horse in West African History (Law Reference Law1980). 35 Permission and assistance with the photographs provided by Henry Drewal and Rowland Abdn. . He goes on to say that the orthodox methodology for the treatment of diseases is based on what he called "the contrary principle,". It is perhaps not farfetched to attribute such a pattern of borrowing to an association that cannot be recent (post-fourteenth century). 22 For a brief account of this myth, see . Their origin, too, may lie in the lap of If. As the main goal of is comprehensive control, one way of understanding the content of these incantations is to regard them as invocations designed to operate at both the physical and spiritual levels of existence. 37 Translated from Wol oyinka's English original Death and the King's Horseman (Reference oyinka1975). The lower left quadrant is afrkray, one who engenders happiness using the fly whisk assuming, that is, that rkr refers to a fly whisk made of a horse's tail. Why am I always fighting with my partner? For one thing, the lexical formative r in rkr in animal anatomy refers strictly to the tail.Footnote 27 To the extent, therefore, that the ba's rkr is made of the mane of a white ram, that term may be argued to properly refer to ba's item of power; only analogically and, because of the force of its application in the hands of ba and babalwo, did it come to refer to a horse's tail, for reasons of morphological similarity.Footnote 28 This argument suggests that the presence of the horse in the Yorb tradition pre-dates the tradition of ba, and, ipso facto, it also pre-dates the association of the beaded crown with the , which the ba dispenses with rkr (see Figure 1). The fundamental henotheistic conception and configuration of the Yorb pantheon is not identifiable with or traceable to any Middle Eastern or Semitic antecedent pace Blj dw. Scholars have examined . We recalibrate some lines of the f as follows: In divinatory settings, one says y m w, Please, interrogate my lot. Also consider yw, which connotes a diagnostic process, or a process of systematic inquiry, when asserted before a physician, an If cognoscente, or anyone equipped with the competence to make prescriptions, with an acknowledged measure of credibility, following a thorough diagnosis. We know that b is geographically surrounded almost entirely by Borgu. 23 For the purposes of this study, it is significant that Nzankara, Gbeya, Kasina and Ewe also have similar dog-naming customs, as is referenced by Schottman (Reference Schottman1993) in relation to cultures in the same sub-region. Which lottery is the easiest to win in South Africa? It is a charm used in frightening an enemy or an antagonist. Other Yoruba charms are:Aluwo, Egbe, Gbekude, AfeeriRead more here. Of particular interest for this study is the fact that b alone among the Yorb group appears to have adopted sets of Btonu naming customs, complete with lexical items and the cultural specificities they codify. Comments that do not align with the previously-stated expectations will be deleted swiftly.E je br, awo olgbeb.K E Y W O R D S Yoruba | Yoruba Lesson | Learn Yoruba | Yoruba Class | Yoruba Course | Yoruba People | Yoruba Culture | Yoruba Tradition | Yoruba Dressing | Yoruba Lessons with Aderonke | Yoruba Teacher | Yoruba Lessons for Beginners T A G S #Yoruba #YorubaLesson #LearnYoruba #YorubaClass #YorubaCourse #YorubaPeople #YorubaCulture #YorubaTradition #YorubaDressing #YorubaLessonsWithAderonke #YorubaTeacher #LearnYorubaWithAderonke #BasicYoruba #YorubaLessonsforBeginners Shop Yorb-Learning Aids: Incantations are used when the act of wishing is being carried out; a wish may be positive, negative or both. Again, one suspects that conclusions from these lines of inquiry would suggest a probable time of contact that pre-dates the fourteenth-century migration hypothesis. The worldview of a priest involves training and discipline to interpret events that are indicative of the nature of the patient's alignment with their own conscious and unrecognized issues, as well as with a variety of external forces and beings which inhabit our realm and require the inner vision and wisdom of the priest to interpret. When do people use isichitho in real life?, when will i meet my life partner astrology, when will i meet my life partner by date of birth, When will I meet my soulmate by date of birth, when will i meet my soulmate vedic astrology free. C H A R I T Y S U P P O R T E DPreauthorized monthly donations are made to:SickKids FoundationToronto, Ontario August 2019 - PresentFor more details: O R U B A S O C I A L M E D I AFacebook: Lessons: Music: Hairstyles: Clothes: Dancers: O P Y R I G H T D I S C L A I M E RAll songs, images, narratives, and performances in any of my videos that were not created by me remain the sole properties of their respective artists, artistes, and/or copyright holders, known or unknown. Its b cultural content and practice differ significantly from its Reference and importance in Btonu Aluwo,,! Original Death and the King 's Horseman ( Reference oyinka1975 ) word ), ayajo ( Precedents ) and (... Like other rule-governed language gestures, it, too, may powerful yoruba incantations the! Always deserted because of this feature the lap of if use of Sandawana?! Win in South Africa and practice differ significantly from its similar use by babalwo and practice significantly. 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