MP leaders must consider the following: Mined areas, like other obstacles, are often covered by enemy fire. Use the military planning and decision-making process. Vehicles should make only gradual speed changes while maintaining their prescribed interval. Consider preparing a COA statement (and sketch, if appropriate) for each option. The HN, when capable, retains responsibility for security of all areas outside US bases. Key facilities, such as traffic choke points, critical tunnels and bridges, and ammunition and fuel storage points may require special protection. If possible, the unit should http ://ati am. MP commanders plan successful operations by anticipating possible future events and Once higher HQ has established local FP policies, leaders set DODDOA-009854 LEGEND 3-2. Current US policy limits the use of non-self-destructing APLs to (1) defending the US and its allies from armed aggression across the Korean demilitarized zone and response and counterreconnaissance operations with fire support from field artillery or Table 2-2. Controlled violence coupled with speed increases surprise. The platoon leader establishes the CP and the OP. Lane marking pattern currently emplaced. military qualifications standards ii manual for field artillery branch (13) (company grade officer`s manual) usafas: stp 6-13m14-sm-tg: active: . Call-forward areas. They concentrate their efforts on locating enemy reconnaissance forces. 2 Mission analysis 16 COA approval http://ati sc/view/nublic/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/ch an7.htrn 1120700(14 When the assault begins, or on a signal, the fire element stops firing, shifts its fire Report the grid Minimal lighting reduces visibility from the air while it permits drivers to- Ideally, an MP team should man an OP/LP to maintain team integrity. Multi-Purpose Training Range . Site Arrival This area describes how an MP leader is to plan and conduct MP support to the passage of lines. MP leaders plan area reconnaissance based on the IPB and the commander's critical For example, he may say, "From the burning scout HMMWVs may be loaded in many configurations, Spot problem areas along the route. Safeguard . Continue this action until the entire zone has been reconnoitered. Provide first aid and medical treatment for any wounded or sick captive. stationary units. Must be requisitioned or picked up later. 4-21. Covered and concealed positions that are effective. 2-25. The squad leader carefully plans how each soldier receives rest. 7-5. However, AAs where units prepare for fiirther action. guides are simply mobile MP teams that escort units from one control measure or point to (battalion and above) are passed to subsequent objectives, and time permits marking Refer to Chapter 7 for more information about division kr..1.1n. 4-12. Marks the areas where latrines, garbage dumps, and tents will go. DODDOA-009836 additional resources are needed. * This publication supersedes FM 19-4, 7 May 1993. (Refer to the Geneva Conventions and AR 190-8, AR 190-14, AR '190-47, FM 3-19.40, and FM 27-10 .) Before crossing- contains tasks and metrics matched from the Joint and Service task lists. Preface Crew-served weapons engage all targets on the move with free gunfire. Refer to Chapter 8 for more information about L&O. analyze and compare his own organization's capabilities with the enemy's. The Army G-3/5/7 concurred with the recommendation and directed removal of SCTs from Standard METLs. A quartering party is needed whenever a unit relocates. -Water cans To the receiving and Hasty River Crossing Are located to support the crossing concept. If the platoon steps down from sustained continuous operations and cannot return to its base or base cluster, it may need to operate briefly from a temporary defensive position. They emplace temporary signs along the route from the staging area through the crossing area to guide the convoys. Holding areas are battalion size outside of the crossing area and company size within it. 12/27/2004 OEFLECTiON It can best be described as a careful hurry. 4-39. Assign the general locations of the outlying sites to the squad leaders. httn:// /f-mn-194/rhan4 htm.1 '7/1-7nnnet. Initially the collection point will be on the entry bank. COA analysis 5-8. Threat Weapons and Equipment, GLOSSARY When he wants to start firing on completion of the fire command, he just says, "Fire.". In such cases, a platoon leader could elect to set up a temporary platoon base as a rally point to report, resupply, and reorganize the platoon's resources. 3-8. MCTL is the authoritative, standardized, and doctrinally-based lexicon of USMC capabilities defined as Marine Corps Tasks (MCTs) and used by units, installations and the supporting establishments in the development of Mission Essential Tasks and Task Lists (METs/METLs). Scale Measure 01 Yes/No Unit suppressed criminal behavior in the unit area of . 1-44. tasks are further divided into leader and soldier tasks (Figure 1 :-.1). No Task Number Disaster Reconnaissance (Wide Area Assessment) METL Prac App 3 No Task Number EOC and SOC Augmentation METL Prac App 3 191-376-5144 Investigate a Suspected Impaired Driver STP 19-31B1-SM Prac App 4 No Task Number Prepare Dept. crossings trying to disrupt the relocation efforts of DCs. Special circumstances of capture (how the EPW was captured, for example, did he resist, did he give up, and so forth). Strapped to boards (for detonation from around corners). An MP platoon may collocate with a company HQ or an existing base. MP support to breaching operations includes- To figure the dead space on the FPL, the gunner watches a person walking down the FPL and marks spaces that cannot be grazed. SCREENING MISSIONS http://atiam. This causes sections of the column to move at different speeds at the same time, producing an undesirable accordion or whip effect. point. In heavy divisions, where highly mobile forces are designed to move quickly over open ground, the overall need for MMS is significant. dismounted attacks. COVER At collecting points and holding areas, MP work closely with MI determining if captives, their equipment, or their weapons have intelligence value. 4-108. He tells them- When firing from the windows or holes in the walls, be sure the muzzle of your weapon does not protrude beyond the wall. military police. They put the devices on key terrain and along avenues of approach to critical bases, and cover the area with crew-served weapons. Generally, if an alerted enemy force that is determined to resist occupies a room or policy. Specific tasks consist of two typescollective and individual. The brigade PM cell has operational control (OPCON) of all Control Measures If a lead is required and the gunner is traversing left to keep on target, the gunner must lead left. From there he can see and shoot into the mission, coordinated with appropriate units. limits or to cover dead space and the area between OPs. The entire platoon may serve as the Position guides at the RP to meet the main party. For area coverage, begin with an estimate of one mobile MP team per 55 square kilometers. his fire toward the most threatening avenue of approach that leads to his position. Other MI interrogations teams conduct interrogations once EPW have been evacuated to more permanent facilities. helps the gunner anticipate vehicle movements. He fires three shots per hingethe first at the middle, then at the top and bottom (Figure 4-8). 1-14. Tracks the position of the target with the MK19 While the unit loads for deployment, the quartering party moves to and readies the new site. Rules of Engagement and Rules of Interaction (ROI), DODDOA-009751 5-16. METL stands for the Mission Essential Task List. They guard detainees, operate dismount points, and provide perimeter security. Linear OP/LP Placement MP conduct L&O to remove the conditions and opportunities that promote crime, thereby preventing diversion of military resources and maintaining military discipline. of attack Range. brigade main CP controls the maneuver support force that consists of corps engineers, vehicle. Zone reconnaissance techniques include the use of moving elements, stationary teams, or a series of area reconnaissance actions. No. Digs the hole deep enough to protect itself and still allow the gunner to shoot in comfort (usually about armpit deep). DODDOA-009825. Position Locations ACTIVITY: Report what the enemy was doing. After the objective has been reconnoitered for the details outlined in the order, all elements return to the ORP. The troops remain alert and ready to take action on contact with the enemy. By Order of the Secretary of the Army: Commanders use the following waiting areas to conceal vehicles, troops, and equipment while waiting to resume movement or make final crossing preparations: Relationship Between TLP and the MDMP 4-92. Refer to FM 7-8 and FM 17-98 . They are located where the commanders want the units to execute the passage of lines. menu from which unit leadership creates the mission-essential task list (METL), which dic-tates the development and execution of a unit training plan. Control Fire 4-60. Lane 1 0 0 0 Lane 2 MP conduct screening missions for friendly forces in the rear area to provide early When vehicles use more than one route, each route has an SP. Main Supply Route Signs They are likely to hit enemy armored vehicles on the top or the side where armor is thin. Provide interpreters and/or instructional graphic training aids (GTAs) in the EPW native language to compensate for the language differences. facts and ascertaining current conditions, such as the- squads lay hasty protective minefields to supplement weapons, prevent surprise, and give Overview - htto:// ./1-10 4./r hartzt.11/17/1AAA or an LZ). Hold against heavier enemy forces until response forces arrive. Consider events and control measures that are used during the move in order for the tactical road march to be successful. train. Planning a defense of a platoon on urban terrain is similar to planning a defense in the countryside. - Load plans and diagrams are AT4s and M203 grenade launchers work well in built-up areas. Become an effective planner and anticipator of MP requirements. Overview 12/27/2004 a target under fire. Thorough and sound operational planning is the key to successful combat and CS operations. Assumptions must substitute for fact where information is not known. 12/27/2004 Relationships between TLP and the MDMP are shown in Figure 2-1 , page 2-4. be positioned, using signs or materials that cannot be easily seen by the enemy. Platoon leaders must plan more than cover and concealment to counteract threat Ensure that vehicles are able to enter the maintenance tent at one end and exit at the other. For more information about TEM refer to Appendix C . Specifically, they do not The COUNTERRE CONNAISSANCE This decreases the chance of a unit's primary leaders Units are restricted to moving in column formations along limited routes that responsible for accomplishing all the missions assigned to the platoon according to the Movement commanders give permission for execution of unscheduled halts. A statement is on the tag if the captive arrived without a tag. Use the following military planning guidelines to answer the three key questions of operational planning: normal lighting, reduced lighting, or blackout. When time and road space allow. When the platoon leader decides to operate from a temporary defensive position, he notifies the company HQ. Positioning crew-served weapons and troops on assigned sectors of fire. OVERVIEW Because each unit involved in an operation performs its planning based on the plans of the next higher level, allocation of adequate time for subordinate units to plan is a consideration at each level. To use the fan method (Figure 6-2), the platoon leaders selects a series of ORPs rendezvous point, information gained by each member is exchanged with all the other DODDOA-009855 Items normally impounded are cameras, radios, and all currency and negotiable instruments found on the captives. Confirm the patrol's location. 5-2. NASTY PROTECTIVI ROW ~ELI) MOM MP mobile patrols operate along primary routes, monitoring traffic, spotting The number of MP needed to operate a division forward collecting point is based on the number and rate of captives expected and the METT-TC. weapon is positioned to fire directly on this approach rather than across the squad's front. 6-1. However, the company's medical resources are very limited and are primarily used to support medical needs within the company. forces. The company must be capable of moving the combat load, using organic transportation assets, into combat in a single delivery. From his analysis, he determines how many OPs and LPs to establish. under all weather and visibility conditions. whether as part of an established base or base cluster or separately as a company or a MP do not delay evacuation to obtain name, rank, service number, or date of birth. The proficiency ratings include T (Trained), P (Practiced), or U (Untrained) to indicate the training proficiency level in each task. The role of the PM cell is significantly different from that of a traditional division PM or separate brigade PM. Do not neglect rear security. Improving primary fighting positions to include overhead cover. 4-69. The unit commander schedules halts for refueling in Waiting areas are located adjacent to the routes or axes of advance. a grenade launcher, unless it is being used for some other purpose, and a smoke canister can 12/27/2004 Units whose assistance to the main effort is vital normally receive the highest priority for protection. The manual specifically states: Although units may train supporting collective tasks in conjunction with METs and battle tasks, leaders do not consider these supporting collective tasks when determining the MET or battle task proficiency rating. FM 7-0 adds that Each collective task is evaluated based on its own training and evaluation outline. In other words, each MET T&EO is a stand-alone document that provides the necessary doctrinal standards to determine MET proficiency ratings. US policy, MP must- Corps MP platoons 4-16. Under Type, highlight Combined Arms Training Strategy; under School, highlight Military Police. Conventional reconnaissance elements are usually squad-size or smaller. This policy applies from the moment detainees become the responsibility of US forces and continues until the time they are released or repatriated. fundamentals. cross a mined area when engineer assets are not available to breach the minefield, act quickly and cautiously. LAW AND ORDER 1-9. information requirements. There is a relationship between METs and their associated SCTs. The gunner fires in the secondary One or more GS MP platoons operate the division central collecting point. Apply brakes in time. reconnaissance elements rather than gaining and maintaining contact with the enemy's main NLW doctrine and concepts of operation are designed to reinforce deterrence and 6-17. Report markings or other distinctive features seen on the vehicles. 12/27/2004 Guide cr TCP 7-8. This enables anyone to recover them. capabilities that could affect this and future operations. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. 3. command . The battle handover line (BHL) where the stationary force assumes responsibility for the sector from the covering force. Chapter 4. coordinates and the direction the enemy was heading. Physical security and vulnerability risk assessment. RLs are located on both the far shore and nearshore and indicate a change in the HQ that is controlling the movement. commander. Informs the gunner of obstacles in the vehicle's not interfere with accuracy. minefield. Leaders are not required to aggregate ratings from SCTs in order to determine MET proficiency. Finally, tactical (mission) tasks facilitate clear communication and understanding in the orders process. While holding the stock of the shotgun in the pocket of his shoulder, the gunner places the muzzle tightly against the door, and aims down at a 45-degree angle. 4-101. 4-118. Depending on the scope of the operation, a division MP company may not be enough to support a passage of lines operation. MP support to river crossings. LOCATION: Report where the enemy was seen. 4-15. Prepare an estimate of the situation, specifying the organization of the march column. If the company is deploying a platoon-size force to conduct a number of coordinated, related ambushes (an area ambush), the principles are the same. 12/27/2004 DODD0A-009760 An area ambush works best where close terrain keeps enemy movement largely limited to trails or roads. The MP elements described in the following paragraphs are supporting the passing and stationary units. leader determines if the platoon can destroy the enemy from its assigned positions. TCPs. These are more effective against a nonalert, poorly trained enemy than against alert, well-trained soldiers. The report formats contained m the SOP. To use the successive-sector method (Figure 6-4), build on the converging-routes method. 4/ehan4 htm.11070064 1845-2130 Conduct rehearsal(s). Plan for fire support to increase MP combat power. X X Teams share their information, consolidate it, and report it, then return to the patrol HQ or continue to the next mission. Azimuth and distance to the final-approach marker or the 8-digit grid coordinate of the final-approach marker that is entered into the teams Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. Pick the most favorable site and its alternate. They are the line and L-shaped ambush Subcommittee on Department of Defense 1982 Department of Defense Authorization for Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2005, S . Reduces the time it takes for the column to pass points on the route. set and conduct a point ambush. 1-1. Command to fire. moves outside the protective umbrella provided by the fire. Air axes for the maneuver of attack helicopters. 7-26. UNDERSTAND FIRE TECHNIQUES control of the platoon. 2-1 fm 3-21.6, fm 22-6. Closely plan and control a retrograde crossing. Safeguard Safeguard the captives according to the Geneva Convention and US Enter quickly and dominate the room. tMEAPON, GIO.2 Speed Remove the captives from the battlefield as quickly as possible. Keep the next higher commander informed throughout the conduct of the defense. A short rest halt Routes for a forward or rearward passage of lines. UNIT: An enemy soldier's unit may be hard to determine. 6-10. A universal joint task (UJT) is an action or activity assigned to a unit or organization to perform a specific function and/or . SELECT FIGHTING POSITIONS IN BUILT UP AREAS Team 88 place. environment. 2-18. Delays the start of the move to pass a restriction after it has ended. Responsible for supervising and managing the first-line supervisors as well as the soldiers within the squad with the reception, storage, and shipping of bulk or packaged petroleum-based products when needed. Terrain keeps enemy movement largely limited to trails or roads what the enemy was.! The situation, specifying the organization of military police metl tasks column to move at different speeds at the,. Are supporting the passing and stationary units the CP and the direction the enemy units! Threatening avenue of approach to critical bases, and FM 27-10. the to. Mp leader is to plan and conduct MP support to increase MP power. Enemy armored vehicles on the move in order for the tactical road to... 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