Darlie Routier, 26, has cut and stab wounds on her neck and upper body. Damon did not pass away until right after the paramedics started working on him, and they had to wait outside an additional 2 minutes while police cleared the crime scene. Happy birthday Devon. Upstairs, her husband, Darin, was . The story of Darlie RoutierPhoto byNikki Young/Canva. At least, that's what many people believe about the notorious Rowlett woman now on death row. Seriously? NORTH TEXAS (CBSDFW.COM) Darlie Routier, the Rowlett mother convicted of murder and sent to death row more than 20 years ago now has a new generation of support. As far as the silly string hour well first of all we all grieve different no right are wrong to it. For Cruz its always the fault of los hombres. Its all of YOU wholl pay for taking her innocent life. She never confessed. DUH. The series turned into a book project. She knows her daughter did this. think People talking about her being spoiled and this that and the other is absolutely ridiculous Your personal opinion on someone you will never meet and dont know is irrelevant. I was told that 20/20 will mostly be using footage from last summers ABC docu-series The Last Defense, in which Routiers case was spotlighted in four one-hour weekly episodes. Her arm was also completely black and blue, how is a bruise so deep and bad self inflicted? Yeah that makes sooo much sense. I think she is innocent. The State of Texas got it right, and she is long overdue to fulfill her sentence condemning her to death. And as far as Texas and Justice goes they suck!! You are correct there was some visible blood on the inside and outside of the cabinet below the sink. Her husband lied about having an alibi in Darlie and the prosecution knew this long before the trial. NY IP and TX IP have turned Darlie down. Sometimes I feel sorry for you with all the stupid ass claims you make but cant back up but then I snap my ass right out of that feeling. That only proves it may have been her sock, either laying on the floor or on her foot which came off during the struggle and when the attacker realized he had it on him or in his hand he dumped it. My only hope is that you 50+ year old haters dont start dying off and deny me the pleasure of laughing in your faces. She lives in a fantasy world just like 90% of the morons on this planet. LOLyou DO realize that only a medical doctor can actually differentiate between true sociopathy/psychopathy and someone on the autism spectrum, dont you? I think this whole thing was a botched attempt to collect from an insurance scam that Darin was the mastermind of. Although Darlie Routier said a man broke into her house and killed her sons, evidence proved that she had committed the horrible crimes herself. Shes innocent. LOOK JUST THE FACT OF LAUGHING AND ALL THAT OF THE STRINGS . If Darlie never left the house how did it get there?? Obviously you have no idea of the mounds of evidence they had against her husband. She has wounds that are not self inflected. darlie routier dna results 2021. Often they worked pro bono (charging a defendant nothing because he/she could not pay). And the funniest part is, ever since I figured it out and outed him, we havent heard a peep from Jade. LOL! Im pretty certain youd want the same if you were ever accused of somethingcorrect facts, its not rocket science !! Criminal lawyers are all scum and you pretend they are some saints. The boys blood spots on the back of her gown or tee shirt, cast off, that sticks in my head.all these years. In the early morning of June 6, 1996, in Dalla, Texas, 911 operators received a phone call from Darlie Routier, a young mother who had been attacked by an intruderwho stabbed 2 of her 3 young. Did it ever occur to you that those who support this woman truly believe she is innocent I take no stand either way,as I dont have enough knowledge of the case. Fibers from Darins runners were found on that sock. AND how in the hell could she have done the neck wound to herself? In your response to Pearl, you revealed yourself to be an utterly vicious excuse for a human being. Just another family lie. 5. Huh? I think the intruder probably panicked when the kids saw him come in. Lets face i some of you did commit crimes in your past. Not to mention the fact that he faked that cpr he did on Devon in front of officer Waddell. Darlie, who was also sleeping downstairs, had two slice wounds in her right forearm and one in her left shoulder, and her throat had been cut. Police officers dont plead the fifth and prosecutors dont hide evidence if the accused is guilty. . Hope good finally prevails for her and the family she lost . I also think Doug Mulder did a lousy job of defending her. Steph, they were going to visit Darlies extended family. However, there are many, many more who were not. Secondly, It is painfully obvious the Dallas Police where very affected by the Susan Smith case which occurred shortly before the Routier boys were murdered in such a heinous fashion. Prior to singing and silly stringing graves these people had a prayer vigil. She is deceased, but was traumatized by this event and left her job.Your comment makes me wonder about your stability and lack of judgement. No bloody shoeprints, no handprints, & after 23 years, if there was any evidence to prove Darlies innocence, wouldnt it have come out by now? I told him I was willing to wait 6 months to go to trial and when we went to court a week later, the d.a. Have you ever heard of auto correct smart ass?? They shouldnt be in law enforcement because they dont have enough brains to do the job correctly. None of the jury was shown the over whelming evidence they had against Darin. Ive always found it very strange that Darin wasnt looked at more closely. Blood spatter on knifing is usually on the back of the shirt where blood flies off the knife as it is brought up. Zero evidence of an intruder at 5801 Eagle Dr June 6 1996. Motion lights didnt trigger, Domain their dog didnt bark, the cleanup at the sink, the wine glass did not fall & break from the rack as it had to be released with a latch, blood under the glass and vacuum that was obviously laid over, not a cut on her feet, screen cut with her own knife put back in the block, the jewelry not touched, the boys butchered yet Darlie merely cut. The blood splatter alone on her shirt is enough to find her guilty. If you cant charge someone and take them to trial on the basis of a narrative that checks out through your due diligence in evidence that speaks for itself; you do not need to be in a position to enforce the law at all. she was set up by her husband. Just because she wanted to be happy on the day she celebrated the boys birthday doesnt mean anything either, only redneck dumbass Texas conservative jurors will read it all wrong. Overzealous cops made up their minds right from the start and MADE the evidence fit Darlie. I, for one, can testify that is absolutely not true. I have so much reasonable doubt in my mind. The only reason she hasnt been executed is because she is a woman and the sexist ideas that women arent capable of killing their kids. I think he is a miserable asshole who doesnt get sex from his wife and was jealous of Darlie and Darin. They will find out whos bloody print threat was. They know a staged scene when they see one. The area that this happened in was an upcoming upscale area. Impeccable reputations to this day. Explain how a bloody sock with both boys blood got thrown in the ally for then 75 yards away. Then hes got the balls to state that her self inflicted wounds were simply surface wounds which barely grazed her skin? That was a month prior. I think her supporters either do not like to be wrong or they havent opened their eyes and read factual information, not just a book or 1 leaning documentary. And you know that how? Agree. There was a missing part to the jigsaw or a chapter missing in a book. Dod a murdered run out the door and take off a sock and leave it in the alley. It remains to be seen whether those recent issues and the reports to review referenced by Cooper involve the DNA testing that has been ongoing since 2008, though Cooper has said there is little chance of a meaningful finding in that regard. Could it be because he didnt want that dog to wake up Darlie and the boys during the attack? Her testimony was pointless and had nothing to do with the murders. Hey Jo Douglas hasnt that cancer eaten you up already yet? I really dont know if Ms. Routier is guilty or innocent. The clean-up in the kitchen of blood, wouldnt have been done by anyone but her. Nobody knows this lady yet youre all willing to convict based on Forensic Files??!! Even with the stuff presented to the jury there should have been doubt. At that point, you went off on Dana and threatened her. They just happened to change venues to a town with a different socioeconomic standard and religious affiliation. You spouted off all of this for a 20/20 update of new developments and you have NOTHING to tell us? I didnt think so. What more could one possibly want? No way in hell that man was upstairs asleep during the attack. For all these years you have been claiming Darlie was innocent yet you have not tried to expose all the evidence they had against Darin. He thought he was stabbing her; he never saw the younger boy on the floor. My second question is what she had to gain by murdering her 2 boys? Afraid the dna evidence and the bloody print will set her free? I dont blame her for wanting to delay her punishment for as long as possible, but at a certain point this has to end. It never happened, people, its just another damn myth from this case. Darlie Lynn Peck Routier (born January 4, 1970) is an American woman from Rowlett, Texas, who was convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of her five-year-old son Damon in 1996. The truth speaks for itself. Darin Routier has been profiting off the death of Damon and Devon for 23 years. @Natalie: think about it, thoughif you were being grilled for hours, by someone who kept insisting you must have done something that you KNOW you didnt docan you not see yourself facetiously saying, after being told for the umpteenth time that you did it, well, if I did, I sure dont remember it! There is no video or audio recording of that interrogation, although they were more than well-equipped to record it. There was a cut at the bottom of her neck about 2&1/2 inches across. Im as Republican as they come but I also know one of Gods basic commandments is not to kill. Very sad!!! Pathetic liar is all Darlie is. She almost died.. if your going to cut yourself you dont do it to the bone in your arm and what woman would disfigure there face/neck. Jeff Hamm: I was thinking the exact same thing. Just wait. Tell the whole story Ms Cruz. As for Darlies case there are compelling issues that need to be re-examined just like the Jones and Avery cases. Had Darlie stuck with the original lawyers she would not be on death row today, but there is a very good chance her ex husband would be there. That is not spatter and they say it shows she was already stabbed by the time the kids blood was on it. Its all of YOU wholl pay for rushing to judgment because a woman cried her heart out at her babies grave, then managedin a time of utter griefto celebrate what wouldve been her sons birthday. Well about the ladys mentioned above.At least they are not baby killers.She is not going anywhere untill she takes that ride to recieve her justice. If it had not been for him making that deal with Doug Mulder not to implicate him the jury would have seen and heard the mounds of evidence that implicated and pointed directly at her ex husband Darin. He explained the confab at the DAs office as a meeting about a number of issues that weve been discussing with the DAs office, some for a long time and some recently. The wine glass, the vacuum cleaner, the knife spot in the living room, the cleaned up blood by the sink, the bread knife in the kitchen that cut the screen, her foot prints only in the kitchen and living room. Who comes in a home and brutally murders two children only. The evidence never showed she did.. AGAIN THE PROSECUTORS COMPLETELY CONSTRUED THE EVIDENCE TO FIT THEIR NARRATIVE. O.J. Character judgement should never been allowed to the extent that happened. You are a creep and a low life. FIGHT ME. Did anyone ever consider that the cast off came from the actual killer? You lied because she failed it. Why hasnt the great state of Texas executed her yet?? Texas woman Darlie Routier has sat on death row for two decades now, ever since her 1997 conviction for the murder of one of her two slain children. I once thought she was innocent but she wasnt but I believe darrin aided in the murders ..I have seen her interviews I can tell a liar and the body language she is a liar. I hope that the DNA matches someone all ready in prison or at least in CODIS and then maybe some of you will remember innocent before proven guilty. The sock, was planted by her. A jury weighed the credibility of witnesses and the evidence and found her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I was 14 when the murders took place. How is that even possible? There is mountains of evidence to show that someone else did this. Her wounds were superficial & she didnt know what/where carotid was. I have now idea if she is innocent or not but it is their duty to exhaust every possible scenario. Ah, a rational voice of reason! He was doing all this just to make sure Darlie never suspected him. Christine- youre a clueless idiot. The attack on her was meant to end her and the extent of her injuries alone should be proof enough. Hmmm.the English language, always causes some debate. Ive long openly opposed this unfounded reason for a parent to murder their child when it has nothing to do with also having judgment of a woman because she may be different from you or me. But she excels at stabbing. Everything in the crime scene was clearly set up to look like a break in. My wife was the babysitter of the boys and was in trial and testified. There is SO MUCH evidence pointing to an intruder. It is true that some people found guilty at trial were eventually exonerated. Forensics alone convinced me of her guilt. Jo, if theres one thing that supporters and non-supporters can agree on, its the fact that youre batshit crazy. Bruising on her arms prob caused by boys kicking her off. 68. Surely you can do better than that to defend your girl. It was all warped to get the jury to believe she is evil and the media helped push the story along. A bit harsh without you explaining why you think shes guilty ??? But now I am wondering if Darlie is truly guilty. How did the boys blood splatter get on the back of her shirt? Anyone who can I dont believe they are any better then any other murderer. There is not one shred of evidence that actually puts that knife in Darlies hand at the moment the boys were attacked and there never will be, because they were murdered by someone else. Along with that dyslexic boy. Look at all these pathetic losers trying to work their own shit out by projecting their vitriol onto Darlie Routier/Darlie Kee. Thats all. I PRAY FOR HER RELEASE AND I HOPE SHE SPITS IN EVERY POLICE OFFICERS FACE THAT HIGH FIVED CHARGING HER.. You back woods jack asses!! Am sure she has sure chunked up over time. What were they thinking!! It is very sad that the REAL killer will probably never be brought to justice because of this sloppy investigation. It is amazing how all those cops and prosecutors are still doing live interviews defending that shady crooked investigation they did on the Routier case. Write by: . Especially when advised by counsel to do so. Bunch of sexist, red necks who think having breast implants, blond hair and jewelry make her a killer. Dirty cops pleading the 5th when asked about it. Praying for and we WILL see the day she walks free. They got all that on tap but never released it because it would go against the narrative that she was emotionless and happy her sons were gone. Was just telling husband the ratio in Texas and lifers and death row ! Clearly displayed proof? The IP hasnt and wont be taking her case. SENDING PRAYERS FROM EAST TENNESSEE !! Something for the media to talk about after this covid 19 crap. She is a child killer. Why is it HIS DAUGHTER knows all the details that we did not hear? I think he was there to rape her not to Rob anybody and as far as her acting like that at the grave grave site so big deal! I mean anyone who cant see what a narcissist this clown is truly is blind. The clerk was asked about it and guess what she took the fifth!! Why would someone take one sock and throw it out instead of taking the knife instead. Cron worked there from 1963 to 1993 before becoming a crime scene consultant. On the night of June 6, 1996, Darlie slept on the sofa . Avery AND Routier, GUILTY! Thats your contribution to this discussion? It is standard when a defense attorney enters a case weeks before trial, where a womans life hangs in the balance, not to be give the time it takes to prepare a reputable trial. I think there was more to it than that though like he owed someone money or something , because of the extent of the crime, stabbing and slicing darlie neck. They committed egregious miscarriage of justice and obstruction of evidence on top of tampering with the medical records/withheld them from the trial so they could gaslight the severity of her injuries and why; if youre a prosecutor and so damn sure you have the real killer on trial, would there even be a need to withhold or fraudulently tamper with evidence that doesnt fit your narrative? DR will do anything to delay justice. was legit, and no one would plant a stupid sock with blood on it as evidence. He has changed his story so many times through the years I have lost count. How some idiot always has to y. please go away . Dont plead the fifth and prosecutors dont hide evidence if the accused is guilty or innocent please... Rowlett woman now on death row instead of taking the knife as it is very sad that the cast,. 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