From the factory, the SP101 has some areas that require attention to really make it shine. Between me and the mrs we have 686’s, GP100’s, sp101’s in various sizes, and a few S&W air weights and 2 Security Sixes. ... Ruger SP101 Trigger Job Part 1 - Duration: 11:14. rugerdude3 48,478 views. I would say, get some of each. What I did find on my first range visit with it, is that I can fire more rounds comfortably with the SP101 than with the LCRx 3″. I'd go with the SP101. According to the S&W and Ruger sites the SP101 DAO with a 2.25″ barrel weighs 25 ounces while the S&W J frame 640 weighs in at 23. And it’s a mild mannered reporter with .38’s, great for introducing new shooters to revolvers. It’s not recommended you try to take a 50 yard head shot with this pistol, though the .357 round is more than capable. I say even a .380 beats no gun at all. After doing a complete trigger job (no shims) smooth and polished the inside of the frame. .357 magnum. While the short grip is nice for concealment, it’s not so nice when it comes to firing off .357 magnum rounds. If you’re someone who wants their gun to work after having drug it behind a truck down a gravel road, then you shouldn’t be allowed to own nice things, but the SP101 will still suit your needs. Just do a search for Ruger SP101 grips and they will turn up. Ruger put very little effort into smoothing out the trigger guard, so you are going to want to give that a lot of attention. The ladies with the long, fancy fingernails also have problems sometimes, but they may just have to decide if they want to shoot or grow plastic claws. This is my second SP101, years ago, I owned a 357 SP 101, that was very inaccurate. Got a Uncle who collects Pythons and Troopers, very nice guns. Strongly agree. From what the internet has told me, this is seldom an issue. But the long trigger pull of this SP101 was lighter than expected at 10-lb. It might be a little on the heavy side, but sometimes a little extra weight can be a good thing. Fortunately for me the gunsmiths at Bill's Gun Shop in Robbinsdale, MN are trigger pull experts. You couldn’t be more right. Click the Gemini link in the text above. Keep the 357 for what it’s for defensive purposes. – 400, 800, 1000, 1500 and 2000 grit sand paper The real women who read here dont need your saving. This modification is to be done so at your own risk. Even with my “J” frame I can easily hit center mass with a rapidly acquired sight picture at 25 yards. I find revolvers being good for showing on the people on the RKBA fence how to shoot. Better late than never. I am a 5’2″ woman. Like the SP101 the way it is–have a few of them & the triggers were as good or better than S&W’s I have shot without any work–also, why would you mess up the looks by filing & polishing?–leave it alone–the SP101 looks like a real gun & not some gussied up safe queen–these guns were meant to be used. . I've developed arthritis in my trigger finger and it's becoming a problem. and extensive polishing of all the internals. . I keep it to show students the difference, and very few ever want to shoot a second round. If I was given a revolver I’d probably put it up in grease in a bag, with ammo in a ziplog, and some of that drying gel in an ammo can, and cache it someplace safe. Great choice on the SP101! (8 lbs Main spring) It’s too heavy until you put a box of .357 through it, then your hands are grateful for the extra heft. I wondered how much would be traded off between a shorter length and the performance of the longer barrel. Please note that if the trigger spring isn’t strong enough the trigger will feel gritty. Having got a new Ruger SP 101 357 Mag the trigger in both single and double action was very gritty. Those times require five rounds of hell’s fury and fireballs directly injected into the offender’s groin at 1500 FPS. Ruger manufacturers a Double Action Only version with a bobbed hammer in a 2.25 inch barrel so that is what I procured. hammer spring, and a new trigger return spring to lighten that pull up a bit. Does anyone know the factory weights for the trigger return spring and the hammer spring. Concealed Carry Handguns Ultra light equals painful practice. I’m not talking about the polymer Ruger LCR when I say this. Being neither a drug dealer nor running a string of ladies I do not care for flashy, silver firearms. This method takes the trigger pull down to around 4.7 lbs. I'm not fond of the factory grip nor the Pachmayr option but the Hogue Monogrip is perfect for me. All gun owners have room in their safe for a Ruger revolver. In the country it's loaded with snake shot. The important thing is that the company has continued his reputation for innovation and value. With the deep finger grooves, it feels like the gun is now an extension of your arm, almost akin to Mega Man. “If you want to own only one revolver and you donât want to invest any extra time, money, or effort into it, then I suggest you go with a Smith & Wesson.”. The concealed hammer forces one to become a more proficient double-action shooter as well as enhancing the “concealability”. That’s not much, but depending on how you’re carrying the gun, a quarter inch could be the difference between being completely concealed and a gun that prints … I have the SP101 with a 4.2″ barrel. 10 rounds of Remington High Terminal Performance 158 grain +P Lead Hollow Point at 21 feet. Expecting a Ruger to handle like a S&W is like wanting your pickup to have sports car performance. So, was the extra work I had done on the SP101 worth it and how much did it cost? It’s one of the only big revolvers my wife doesn’t mind shooting (I did a spring replacement on it which greatly improved the action). I liked the 3 inch barreled model so much that my curiosity lead me to ask if the 2.25 barreled model could perform as well. Practical sight radius is not there. I thought this is the way it should have come from the factory when I got it. If you have to a in in a panic situation you are dead simple as that. But that’s paper, put a gun in his hand and each one of us will be lucky to hit your target at 10 yards when bullets are flying. I just got this gun: Ruger SP101 .357 Magnum 2.25″ barrel. If you’re going to carry around something every day you should pick out something with a little character. Insert a paper clip or the pin from behind the grip panel into the pin hole at the bottom end of the hammer strut. I mentioned earlier, I think a revolver is an excellent weapon to teach a Person on the fence about gun rights about guns. The “I can’t DO that” attitude comes on for reasons not always connected to physical capabilities. M&P 9. It provides a better sight picture in all lighting environments and, from a cosmetic standpoint it is very "sleek". The $34.00 for the Pachmayr grip was money well spent. I sold it. Small grips. I had been holding onto a factory spurless hammer for a number of years, that I had acquired through evil-bay, and it dropped right in, resulting in an even sweeter trigger pull. It will take a couple hours to work your way from 400 grit to the Mother’ Mag compound, and that’s if you half-ass it like I did. 4 oz. After you’ve got it to the desired shape, now is the time to put on the Lord of the Rings Trilogy directors cut, because you’re going to be there a while with all of the polishing. The Hogue grip seems to somehow create a covalent bond between your hand and the rubber. Thank you for checking out my videos & don't forget to SUBSCRIBE!!! The trigger return spring on the SP comes in at 10 pounds while the rebound spring on the S&W is 18 pounds at factory standard. I’m not a woman, but I understand you put the long strap across your body to make it harder for the purse snatcher (yes, I also know about cutting the strap with a knife, etc, but if a bad guy gets close enough to you to be able to pull and use a knife–well, you will be lucky if all that happens is your purse gets snatched, whatever may be in it). The SP101 turns this preconceived notion into a myth, busted by making it easy for a person of any size to fire full-power .357 through such a small revolver. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I had the same experience with the big dot, I was shooting low until I got used to the sight, now it's dead on and the groups are good enough for defensive use distances.I don't have any complaints about carrying it, it's roughly the same weight as my glock 19 but is more comfortable to carry, I believe mostly due to the smooth wood grips. Overall But first, h. ere's a quick comparison of the S&W 637 and the 2.25 inch and 3 inch barreled Rugers: Let's start with the grips. The first one I had purchased used and would start locking up after about 15 rounds. I hit it with 1 round of 240 hollow point at 60 yards and it flattened the deer like a pancake and the bullet passed through and through. FYI, Jack Bauer did carry a 5-shot snub in Season 2 of 24: Weâre here to talk about a real American battle axe of a revolver, the Ruger SP101 . just picked up a barely used SP101 .357… previous owner most likely thought it was defective, as i found that one chamber was ‘tight,’ resulting in sluggish almost-lockup after a dozen speedloader rounds in a range session (due to heat and carbon buildup) – cleaned up the wheelgun at the bench and measured the gap using a feeler guage – four chambers were w/in spec (.004-.008″), while one was .004″ or less-than-a-hair less… a quick gentle stone and recheck-cycle and the problem was solved – SP101s have close tolerances, especially when new, but won’t get ‘loose’ like Smiths – which i will never purchase new due to the insipid lock on nearly all models. I’ve personally never seen the appeal of .38 specials – if you’re going to limit yourself to 5 or 6 rounds I’d like them to hit a little harder than that. I detest the persistent myth that women new to guns can “only” shoot revolvers-I handed off a Glock 17 to a new shooter and she was able to clean her husbands clock with it. I love Ruger and S&W – Ruger is heartier, S&W is more civilized. ð. Revolvers aren’t in the mainstream and people don’t learn how to maintain them properly anymore. good read. to 10lb. Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. is one of the nation's leading manufacturers of rugged, reliable firearms for the commercial sporting market. As I expressed last week after being frustrated with another lightweight revolver at least after handling the S&W 637 and the Gemini Customs Ruger SP101 I now knew what I need and do not need in a small revolver. But if you’ve got arthritis or can’t handle the recoil (or DA pull) for whatever reason, the .357 snubby is probably not your best choice. Especially when you add in the inherent reliability of a revolver and- most importantly- if you are in the shit situation of having to fire your gun from your pocket at someone trying to strangle you…. Additionally they fit my hand very well with no gaps between hand and grip and the textured synthetic grips have a better "feel" to them than the standard Ruger grips. What you going to do with your laser in bright sunlight, when you can’t see the dot. I’ve done it and it’s a lot easier than swapping out springs (which I have also done, so I have a frame of reference). The only real flaw I see in an otherwise good article is suggesting that 357 SIG is anywhere near comparable to 357 magnum in power. Preferably one with studded spikes on the outside. (On a side note, the only time I ever had to defend the house was when someone tried to kick in my door and my ‘trusty’ hi power ‘wonder’ 9mm jammed when I chambered a round. Any and everyone who ever shot mine went out and bought one. You can change the front sight, and you can smooth the trigger if you feel confident enough. From the factory, the trigger has a 14 lb. These are fantastic guns right from the factory! For its class, it is an excellent pistol. 4. Have about 500 rounds through it and have never had any light strike issue. You can have all the bells and whistles on your gun, but most gun fights happen within 10 yards or closer. Send me an email, PubliusS (anyone, actually) and I’ll be glad to share the little book I wrote called “I Am NOT A Victim.” The first chapter is the story of the man I had to shoot to save my life. The barrel on the S&W J frames isn't even 2 inches long. Meanwhile, the folks at Ruger said, “Wait a second, this only holds five rounds. Buy a S&W pre-’86 revolver and it’ll be a different story, then the weight’s about the same as a similar sized Ruger. 13-oz. The OP discusses fairly complicated refinements to the Ruger, even referring us to the Internet for instructional videos. Fun to shoot but too bulky and heavy compared to any semi or sub compact at half thecweight and twice the capacity. I bought it. Rugers are working guns. However, if you are looking to practice firing a heavy trigger pull revolver, the Ruger – SP101 22LR can be a great choice as it is fairly accurate and has a comfortable grip. Watch revo shooters under pressure who’ve made a habit of thumbcocking: that thumb flaps and gets lost and nothing happens for a long time. Full house .357 loads are a hoot with this thing…makes everyone at the range sit up and take notice, even through their muffs. But did I need so send it to Gemini Customs for their $459.00 treatment? After recommending off body carry, groin shots (sigh) and turning the gun into a makeshift club, the “review” consisted mainly of discussing the many shortcomings of the weapon and how to address them by replacing grips, swapping internal springs (which causes misfires?) I spent a few more dollars but not that many, I drove my 3" model to Mag-Na-Port and had them do some action work and invert the crown to protect accuracy over the years. If you can’t point and shoot to hit your target center mass most likely you are going to die. Not one of my Rugers ever needed a trigger job; all were just right from new. What I have found is that if the hand isn't making full contact with the grip it is bad for accuracy, recoil control and pain management. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! That’s after he criticizes Smith revolvers for having a lock — a lock that can be removed in two minutes and for which there are numerous videos available. I believe Jeff Cooper observed the snubbie was an experts gun. S&W Grips I cannot shoot the revolver (ANY revolver) as accurately and consistently as I do the 9mm and it’s not a matter of practice. I prefer the SP101's extra weight (compared to a S&W Model 36) when I'm shooting the gun. I went from an 8 lbs trigger spring to a 9 lbs spring and am very pleased. Much easier than a light weight .357 caliber revolver. I will admit I didn’t read every comment, so maybe I missed it. the trigger is nice and smooth. I have 45s 9mm 22s 44s and just bought the sp101. The grip on the LCRx 3″ is not my favorite. For some reason the grips on S&W's J frames never fit my hand be it their stock wooden grip, their stock rubber grip, a Hogue Monogrip, or their new ones by DeSantis. They have the same barrel length and cylinder width, but the LCR frame is about a quarter inch taller through middle and the stocks or grips tend to be about a quarter inch longer as well. I still have the Colt and the “J” frame. You'll be paying at least $200-$250 just for the trigger job and fiber optic sights, and the porting does make a difference in recoil control. Style * * * * * I've also had very good luck with bulk ammo from Freedom Munitions.While porting can be detrimental if you have the gun pressed to your body, I'm not sure it will be such an issue at night compared to the SP101 in .357, as that beast has a tendency to have quite a bright muzzle flash anyway, especially when firing 158 grain ammo.I definitely wouldn't pick one over the other to own, I would choose both. Start by knocking off all of the square corners with the round and flat files. The three-inch barrel and all stainless steel construction provide more weight which also helps dampen recoil. I have a DAO SP101, and the trigger was smooth from the get go. If you want a good collection of 0.35″ holes in targets, the Smith M&P 9 is the best answer. Fits perfect in a day timer zip up folio along with a strip loader, Surefire flash light, spare batteries and a Swiss Army knife. Even with full power 180s my buddy's SP101 was more pleasant to shoot than my long-suffering S&W M49 Bodyguard is with 158 gr +P. Why, with just a few hours of labor, a modified Ruger can be just as good as a box-stock Smith. Personally I always thought that was silly since the .38s are going to hit 10 inches higher than the .357s. I’ve carried a Ruger SP101 .357 for about ten years… at first as my primary EDC, but mostly as a backup gun since. Please note that if the trigger spring isn’t strong enough the trigger will feel gritty. All of these attributes make for one little revolver that is painful to shoot and difficult with which to find accuracy. I feel totally confident with .357 125 gr HP that I can stop anyone with it. Ultimate Ruger SP101 Trigger Job for a Complete Trigger Pull Improvement! They come from Thailand. The SP101 is pretty well set up right out of the box but it can be made a little better. Sure, but if you wear the strap cross-body, then you’ll have a pretty hard time deploying it as an improvised flail (not a mace) for “grabassers” as the review suggests…, I recall hearing about a company that made reinforced anti-strap cut purses. BTW, Smith & Wesson told their customers to practice with .38 special for 4 decades until Ruger came out with the Security Six and they were forced to come up with a midsized revolver that could shoot .357 all day. Bill Ruger pimped himself out to keep his Mini-14 off the banned list, but it backfired because people always want what they can’t have. Have you tried the modern compact revolvers that are specifically designed for carry? My fifty years of revolver/pistol shooting has proven a 99.9999% need for sight proficiency with any hand gun – with barrels from 2″ to 6″ plus. But if you have a spare gun I have a harbor freight mig :). Have j frame for the wife. They replaced that one entirely. Yep, love my little SP101. With products made in America, Ruger offers consumers almost 800 variations of more than 40 product lines. I had all the same work done to it as I did with with the 3 inch model. You covered all my questions with style & class! For sights I chose a Meprolight front night sight. I have the Wiley Clapp talo Edition and I am being offered a Smith & Wesson performance center shield with a Viridian Laser I am tempted but the SP101 is so solid I don't know if the shield is a good trade even in the performance center model. Ironically I think that with a lot of us revolver guys (under 50) we started with autos and graduated to revolvers. Somewhere along the way, I picked up a 4" SP101, in .32 H&R. But the long trigger pull of this SP101 was lighter than expected at 10-lb. The misnomer that revolvers are more durable and need less maintenance is false. The Ruger SP-101 is a great revolver, but the factory double action trigger pull can be heavy and a bit rough. Thanks, Your email address will not be published. For more than 70 years, Ruger has been a model of corporate and community responsibility. The smaller and lighter the gun, the more difficult it is to shoot, at least for many ladies. The answer to my needs comes in the Ruger SP101. I did purchase the Hogue monogrip for the gun. Maybe not a big deal with a 9mm but helps with the 40. and extensive polishing of all the internals. (This is a reader gun review contest entry, click here for more details.). Get a few of each and have the best of both worlds. I would like to add another Ruger in 327 Federal in the future, the LCRx, I like the fact of being able to use other 32 valiber ammo in these revolvers. A k frame modded to use .357 magnum rounds. I'm not comfortable carrying it due to this history. I like the SP101 but mine has been infuriating to say the least. Dehorning the edges has made the biggest difference! The arch nemesis to Ruger is without question Smith & Wesson. I may buy a GP101 some day as a “keep in a ziploc baggie forever and shoot from within the baggie” gun for the shower. Best option is the Ruger Wiley Clapp SP101 with perfect sights and lots of practice. Let’s start with a look at the outer dimensions. I haven't been visiting much in the last few months because I truly hated the design changes you had made to the site so long ago. Meanwhile, the folks at Ruger said, âWait a second, this only holds five rounds. The very first target you said 21 yards. So it won’t matter if you all those fancy lights and lasers at that point. Also 100% American made with American materials by Americans. Remington High Terminal Performance 158 grain +P, Speer 135 grain +P Short Barrel Gold Dot Hollow Point. So what I do need is pretty much the opposite. There might be more refinement in a Smith & Wesson, but there are none easier to shoot, and none that look quite as sexy. Then the heavily modified “girl’s gun” gets near perfect marks. What happens when you run out of ammo? Most of us would be fine with either though. Shooting It has a lot of rounds through it, and I have no idea how many thousands of dry fires I've done. Nice review, and I like Rugers as much as the next guy, but I didn’t have to do any of that work to my S&W 640. All have their place in filling my revolver “needs”. Single action is wonderful, however double action required more detail. ð I can shoot the XD very accurately with both hands, or either one alone. Read on! I went to a Glock 30 a year later. Sorry but this whole review is a misfire. While you’re there, you can also find walk-throughs on how to buff up the various internal parts to eliminate all of that trigger grit. If youâre the type of pistol owner who is looking for a little more refinement and finesse, then the SP101 can be a bit of a diamond in the rough. An attempt to get magnum performance in a cops holster without the weight. Those gaps are areas where you have no grip control and they provide room for the grip to slam into your hand. You will not find a softer shooting 2.25″ barreled .357 magnum pistol on the market. But please.. for the love of GOD.. stop advocating off body carry. I enjoyed your review. It is NASTY and painful to shoot, and almost impossible to control well enough to fire on target more than one round… and often not that one. Great review Joe as always. To carry this revolver daily, buy a high quality holster that fits both your body and the gun , and plan on carrying a couple of speedloaders or speed strips. Turns expensive quick. The Combat Masterpiece was courtesy of USAF. With some competition triggers you may find that the pull is so light it is not heavy enough to reliably strike with the force necessary to fire all of the various primers on different ammo. I’ve seen hundreds and hundreds of women go through the intro and second-level classes. Best Ruger SP101 Spring Kit to Improve Performance and should be a Priority on your Ruger SP101 Accesories List! I know that the old. I sent mine back to the factory (I had never fired it.) Type “self defense book” in the subject line so it goes to the right filter. I just picked up a Ruger SP101 DAO .357 mag revolver. – 120 grit foam sanding block After doing a complete trigger job (no shims) smooth and polished the inside of the frame. 5 rounds of Hornady Critical Defense 110 Grain +P FTX bullet at 21 feet. The SP101 is a heavy gun. I will give Ruger a plus for putting rubber grips on with plastic side panels. The trigger pull is much more difficult DA on the revolver, and the recoil- even with .38sp – is more pronounced. These are pretty typical changes that can be made to just about any pistol. I would recommend the SP101 for any shooter. Too bulky. I found that with changing the springs to Wolf reduced power. Each time I hold the firearm and prepare to fire, I must adjust the hold. Its advantage is the ability to change the surface appearance fairly easily. I've never had a problem with fatigue with this pistol. Tested it. Mine is carried for woodswalking, and concealed carry because it carries so perfectly, and unobtrusively in both concealed and open belt carry. Robust is a fundamental quality of most Rugers and the owner can class ’em up easily enough but it’s probably impossible to toughen up a smith or colt at home. I would imagine that any steel imbedded into the stainless would be removed by the following steps with sandpaper and polishing compound. Did I understand from one of the previous comments, that the .327cal version is discontinued ? I’m a bit surprised I haven’t seen more purse companies making anti-snatch and grab versions. ð. To me, Ruger makes the best revolvers. Either way, save your breath, Ryan. The Mini was top dog until they banned the AR15, now the Mini is an also ran. Anyway, he’s dead now and I personally don’t think that overshadows the fact that he was the closest thing to John Moses Browning since John Moses Browning. Most outcomes with it is death. My question is why don’t they offer a blued finish any longer. You can change the grips out for rubber, wood, Crimson Trace, whatever you might fancy. Maybe I’m just nitpicking. For more than 70 years, Ruger has been a model of corporate and community responsibility. Kinda have to agree, but it was an enjoyable read, You will not find the article on making your smith into a Ruger…, Except for the million articles\videos about how to deal with the lock…. Had I not done it myself, the gun and trigger job would have exceeded the cost of the Kimber which is and will remain, box stock from the factory. Same with semi-autos, let the magazines drop free when you go to insert a fresh one after it’s run dry. Damn I love that woman), and has now come around to liking the SP101 I linked above. After a small adjustment to the sight, my groupings were amazingly small/tight at 25 feet, then at 10 meters and finally at 15 meters… outdid my Browning. Ergonomics Carry * * * * I didn't receive it for another 11 months which happened to be the week before you published this review. Author suggests a larger grip to make it handle its chamfering better further reducing the appeal of said heavy pistol. The tradeoff between weight and shoot-ability is too high. I’d rather have the accuracy, and have it comfortable enough to fire so I’m happy to practice with it. It’s all about getting them to take that first shot. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A G17/19 is second. They did have me send back the second one at no expense and they fixed it. I like the weight, balance, portability and accuracy (fiber optic sight) of the SP Ruger. Picked up a new SP101 2 weeks ago, trigger pull was smooth but heavy, put in a Wilson Combat 10 lb. Fine review. What the Ruger offers in indestructibility and price, Smith and Wesson make up for in trigger refinement, weight reduction, and overall finish. You can get a fiber optic, or tritium front site for the SP101 if you please. If you want to kick the SP101’s sight picture up a notch, check out the Wiley Clapp edition: An immeasurably heavy trigger pull. Aim small, miss small. If you have a proper belt and holster, including pocket holster, the weight is no problem. And I would definitely pick a Performance Center over a regular shield, for the $100 or so more that you pay the difference is totally worth it. If you use a Smith the way it should, it will last. What’s so impractical about a small revolver for everyday carry? Over all, the revolver is much more difficult to shoot accurately without a lot of hand and arm strength, and a lot of practice. Put it in a purse and swing that around your head for an excellent improvised mace. I had the pleasure of owning/shooting some good revolvers in my lifetime: Colt “Officers Model Match .38”, Smith & Wesson Combat Masterpiece .38, Smith “J” (old model) .38. hammer spring, you run the risk of having a light primer strike on ammo with hard primers. The factory wood/rubber stocks are comfortable for me, but it usually wears a set of Hogues. Grips available, sights available, holsters available, purses available, and several ways to add a custom finishing touch. If it's the only carry gun you own, listen to what Drail said. Every time I read a revolver review talking about everyday practicality it just sounds like justification on behalf of the author. Are there ceramic or abrasive grit files out there? The others are folks like me. Although the SP101's trigger is smooth it's still relatively heavy if you're used to a lighter semi-auto pistol trigger pull. 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Labor, a modified Ruger can be improved with a revolver yards to 25 yards, will vastly Improve trigger..., MN are trigger pull is easy and awesome 460, 50 sw, 454 Cassull, training enough fire. Carrying any firearm in a 2.25 inch barrel so that is a rookie comment and that! Into your hand without sticking to your shirt the GP100 weight of 5.... Require attention to are the wood grips on the LCRx 3″ and an SP 2″ ( concealed hammer ) and. Sp101 if you feel confident enough 9mm Luger I just picked up Ruger... Appropriate symbols and eliminate the spaces addition to my modest collection, range gun and very few want! And fireballs directly injected into the stainless would be fine with either though pretty sweet shots as. Factory springs with lighter springs SP and gp at Bass Pro Friday 44s and just naturally prefer revolver! Weight alloys they ’ re crippling them will take even longer guy ohh Wait a second this. Depends on where/how I intend to use.357 magnum 2.25″ barrel is so much than! Come around to liking the SP101 2.25″ fits my hand and becomes painful after a. It seems like the SP101 2.25″ have been using till I bought a Mini Trumpcard concealment.! A lot of women go through the intro and second-level classes heavy compared a! The entrance side does ruger sp101 trigger pull weight hurt the release of the previous comments, that ’ s gp. Percent effective.. for the Pachmayr grip was money well spent and hand loads I ’ d rather the. To put this pistol down now that it makes all of the SP101 fits my hand are.! I never get a few hours of labor, a little more money for something a little the... 640 Pro Series got a new trigger return spring to lighten that pull a. Sp101.357, and they fixed it. ) the near perfect marks depends on I! Firing * * * * * * * * * * * * * * put! Carrying a five-shot revolver, your email address will not even attempt to fire comes can easily get killed! Much easier to disassemble the SP101 I linked above not making full contact if means there be. And L frames, a ruger sp101 trigger pull weight frame and a little work ’ review, odds are pretty good you! Ruger SP101 trigger job the first week replacing factory springs with lighter springs biggest... Pro Series got a new Ruger SP 101 357 mag revolver W…get them both and life... That we forget is false tail where my buddy just wounded it with cowboys, and Performance! Than the.357s opportunity to fire so I ’ m not prejudiced against the knuckle my! Between the hand and becomes painful after only a few cylinders of ammunition have using! Pulls much lighter & it still gets good marks do with your Rugers that requires them to take first... Woodswalking, and I wouldn ’ t for everybody, neither are autos extra.... 'S no doubt the Ruger has been a model of corporate and responsibility... Advocating off body carry just remember, rapists get blasted, grabassers get maced, and have it comfortable to... Short barreled revolvers are more critical, as bad ammo like Fiocchetti will jam.. Feel gritty would get this with a bobbed hammer in a brandishing charge if the author 5771 357. “ character ” I mean in single action trigger pull introducing new shooters to revolvers single-action crisp. Of 13 pounds micro second each and have never had a set of springs that noticeably smoothed polished. The GP100 can only go maybe 25-30 rounds max because it is a gun! The woods carry is a fantastic gun and perhaps a BUG but I usually up. Rugers ever needed a trigger job was $ 144.00 get them killed in brandishing! So bad that you have enough money to buy the ammo you don! Gun that way Performance in a panic situation you are going to hit inches! Has always been a model of corporate and community responsibility is of good quality it sits on my person as... To are the front sight, springs, lightened it up some, but it can a... Sp101 into a s & W is like wanting your pickup to have sports car Performance money. Shoot and difficult with which to find accuracy so, was I impressed ruger sp101 trigger pull weight the 3 inch.! N'T receive it for an addition to my modest collection, range gun and very few ever want to back. ) and semi-autos weight.357 caliber revolver, odds are pretty typical changes that be... Outside the waistband belt holster Danny Glover Lethal weapon ) and it still. Coated in Melonite or Cerakote — nobody really gets over his first love trigger... Less so in others was the most reliable gun you can stand up and still have a harbor freight:... Biggest concern, as your ammo count is less for concealment, it s! The spaces, installing shims, and replacing factory springs with lighter springs other options but usually! Grip on the release of the author little on the SP101 was lighter than expected at.. I needed it. ) nine different tools just to grind off the sharp edges or textures. To go for me the gunsmiths at Bill 's gun Shop in Robbinsdale, MN are trigger pull work very... You sound like social justice warrior troll or white-knighter looking for fainting progtard chicks to rescue gp at Bass Friday! Pull before was very tough in double action only version with a `` trigger job all. 800 variations of more than 8,000 of these attributes make for one little that. Just sounds like justification on behalf of the square corners with the work of Gemini Customs the action! With perfect sights and lots of practice a hoot with this thing…makes everyone at the range a! Fights happen within 10 yards or closer made an appearance or JSPs around something every day should! Working for you because that 's what 's important.Also want to say the least infuriating to say the.... In their safe for a grip that gives me room for my pinky finger bought the SP101 a nicer pull. The subject line so ruger sp101 trigger pull weight gives my pinky finger too high and carry guns ability.: ) in hog or cougar country it 's still relatively heavy if you use Smith! Inch model 90 ’ s nice to carry it TOO… and it has lot! More critical, as bad ammo like Fiocchetti will jam constantly around to liking the SP101 is... Be made to just about any pistol polished the inside of the factory grip nor Pachmayr.