On top of that, he had to forcibly PUSH Bella down into the oil tank, because she was larger than the 8 inch diameter oil tank hole to fit through please answer why? My theory is that he had started to be nicer to her, as evidenced by her text to her friend Cassie the night before she left for the trip. All those purchases, that expensive leased SUV that LeVel would only give her a car allowance for if she kept her sales up, the expensive preschool, the too-big house with all the fancy furnishings, several closets full of expensive shoes-shoes-shoes (yet she wore the same pair of flipflops every day), multiple purses, more clothes than one person could possibly be using, on and on and on. parents are hardly ever at the ones to determine that nothing can be done to save their children. Its completely obvious from videos that the wife was a nut job, self absorbed, controlling weirdo that undermined her husband constantly..so leave her ass!! It kills me because its pretty clear they went to bed like normal and were awoken to find him killing them. i did not read many commentsso maybe others have notice thisCeces autopsys did not reveal her oesophasagus( maybe wrong spelling )surgery?this can be a reason why CW tried to keep all of them health documentation avoid been public recorded?becausethere may have been some exageration about it ?on the other sideinsurance policies would have not give them money so maybe this is why the medical bills so heavy?there is something that i dont understand? It wouldnt have mattered about sleeping in the same bra and panties as shed travelled in she was going to be waking up at 4am when Chris woke as shed asked him to wake her and the hair care product purchase attempt was around 2am, so what would 2 more hours mean? My husband is 62, weighs 190 lb. Also, wasnt her phone found in between couch cushions. police fileA picture Shanann sent a friend. He tells his vindictive wife that he wants out. Just kind of odd. Ive wondered if he made her a drink when she got home, a smoothie with some type of alcohol that you wouldnt taste in it to knock her out because she didnt drink. Lack of petechiae. She felt that he is going out to pour oil on the bodies to dispose of them. Her husband spoke to Chris and he was not shedding a tear about his missing family.. The kids died afterward, otherwise he would have to break bones due to rigor to get them through the hatch. He knew that he would be at those oil tanks by himself that morning. Make sense? like others, cannot wrap my brain around his behavior. I also have seen that neighbors vid of the loading of truck & see a female in video helping him load up , and even a small luve figure of a child. Your email address will not be published. So yeah sigh! Kinda odd. I think he came up behind her as she was getting ready for bed, after her long trip, and he put her in a choke hold then. She didnt nick him in the neck, that mark was not from her nails. If youre not OCD, it doesnt mean Shanann wasnt. Ive seen hundreds of bodies both recently deceased and WELL decomposed and I can assure you- while SOME bodies dedicate/urinate due to the relaxing of muscles at the time of death- its certainly not most. He knew right where to thump her neckher surgical site. Esophageal strictures are typically treated with a procedure called esophageal dilation, during which a physician uses a small balloon to stretch open the scar tissue causing the narrowing in the esophagus. Please have respect for people who suffer with the condition, and research it before you comment about it. A persons muscles relax upon death, including the sphincter. give me a break. Thanks! The childrens cause of death was given as asphyxiation due to smothering. Bella also had Blunt force trauma. The autopsy reports for Shanann Watts and her two young daughters show that all three were asphyxiated to death, and it's probable that 4-year-old Bella Watts fought for her life. The autopsy report details her cause of death and injuries. The money was going somewhere, and the ultimate location all points to ShanAnn the expensive preschool for their girls while ShanAnn quit work to be a stay-at-home mom (she could have been taking care of them herself during the day instead of paying top dollar for strangers to); the Leona Helmsley-level of excessive expensive shoes; that trip to Arizona (which ShanAnn had to pay for) when they were in such a dire financial disaster (credit cards all maxxed out) in service to her MLM; the expensive leased car whose payments werent guaranteed to be paid by the MLM company; all those manicures (those aint cheap) and so on and so forth. She probably snuggled up next to him & was able to fall asleep. 5. He is responsible for his own actions, many people live with worse and dont kill anyone. But its tough watching some of them, and at times I felt awful for all of themand the girls clearly did not want to be on camera while Shannan clearly wanted them TO be on camera. Advertisement. Nickole called Christopher Watts and requested he come home and check on Shanann. Death by asphyxiation in each case. How would you have reacted in her situation? Back? [UPDATED] | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, Watts Sentencing: Live Coverage and Analysis [Updated throughout the day] | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, Crime News November 2018 | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs, The murder of the Watts children at CERVI 319 as Dramatized in FAMILY MAN, FAMILY MURDERER | True Crime Rocket Science / #tcrs. I dont know her daily habits, but i use mine as an alarm. Like a scene from Friday the 13th. The Watts murders got to me also. Would he have cleaned up Shannans stuff if he didnt kill them? They went to her house and observed her car in the garage. And to come home to a cheating bum! All but her office. Usually when suffocation happens, its not only quiet but you dont see the victims face, while strangulation you see it all. Was the examiner not able to determine the order in which Shanann and the girls were killed? I see it is listed as pronounced and no estimates of time for cause of death? So wheres the problem here? I think Chris pretended to be asleep because I think hes a coward and wouldnt have wanted to interact with her. In the case of Lacey Peterson, fecal matter *was* found in the house. When youre pregnant, your chest grows significantly and pretty rapidly- its completely understandable that she might have been wearing one to bed. Based on the clothing they were found in, probably Chris pretended to be asleep. Also, CW was looking up dosages for oxycodone, a powerful pain medication that ShanAnn had plenty of stockpiled around the house. CeCe did not have any marks & I attribute that to her age, not understanding what was happening & Im sure she lost consciousness quickly as she had breathing problems. Theres another case that does involve a murder by a husband on a bed, through manual strangulation, and they found small drops of his and her blood on the sheets, as well as traces of her feces elsewhere in the room. I also believe Shanann was also sleeping when the attack occurred which could explain her lack of putting up a fight. Was Shanann ever clinically diagnosed with OCD by a physician or a psychiatrist? She loved her kids more than he did, obviously!! yes, that is great, there is no mention at all that there was any of the toxic mix of oil, water and sludge that was in Bellas stomach, thankyou for pointing that out Nick. Her death was the only one categorized as violent by the coroner Celeste did NOT have any found in hers?? http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0411/12/lkl.01.html, There are more details about the Watts precarious and declining financial situation in the body of this article as well: https://shakedowntitle.com/tag/scott-peterson/. I know that OCD was mentioned on several instances in the Discovery by those who knew her, but do they have the qualifications to make that diagnosis? Please God Forgive me for everything.. Utter Rubbish! He then "went into a rage," he claimed, and strangled her to death in retaliation. First off lets not forget it was only after Chris failed the polygraph & then they said its time to come clean & Chris first said I had an affair, Ive been cheating on my wife, so I hurt her emotionally thats why its saying I lied. Whereas if he left at lets say 3 am. They probably already had an emotional conversation before she left for Phoenix and he had made up his mind to do what he did. I wondered what became of the gas can. Christopher was sentenced to life in pri There are FBI profilers who are trained at reading people by what they dont say & in Chriss case sometimes he says too much. She texted her GF talking about her being a single mom when she separated from Chris. He snapped and I was terrified of him. Similarly, the anxiety caused by these obsessions can be lessened by different compulsions, such as checking (e.g., re-checking door locks, repeatedly making sure the oven is off), repeating (e.g., doing the same action or ritual over and over to be sure it was done correctly), and counting (e.g., doing things in certain numbers, counting items to certain numbers). Maybe im not reading this correctly or i missed it but what proof does this autopsy shows that chris beyond a reasonable doubt killed his kids? Page 463 as former sheriffs deputy, mid 70s, (When females allowed on patrol) Exiting rooms. @Nick I thought the bedsheets in the bedroom were soiled? I remember reading as part of the Scott Peterson murder investigation that they found traces of fecal matter in the carpet (which had been cleaned) in a downstairs hallway, I think, but I just looked around and couldnt find anything, so I must have mis-remembered. He just didnt want another baby. Have you read the 2000 page discovery? Watts previously told investigators that Shannan's killing. Only feces already in the lower part of the large intestine/colon is going to evacuate and even then- it depends on the position of the body, the amount of decomposition and rigor mortis. She wouldnt have gone to bed without her phone. And his mistress tells him she wants to be the one to have his first boy prior to the murders and surprise after finding out she is having a boy , she is now dead. Shanann returned home from a business trip on the early morning hours of August 13, 2019. Ditto who died first and last. The cadaver dogs noted no presence of bodies in the basement however. Smothering is albeit horrific, a more a gentle or approach that a mother may take. Chris is dead inside. The reports show that the bodies of both little girls were placed inside oil containers with a narrow opening that was only 8 inches in diameter. His integrity shows through all the time. The children were accustomed to regularly taking medication; it would have been very simple for CW to simply give them a couple extra pills to swallow while they were relaxing watching TV after their dinner, and once they were sedated, wrap a plastic bag around their heads. Chris went to an oil well job site to check out it. Also in his re-enactment they also didnt add up. Remember that Chris was sleeping in the basement at this time so they werent sharing a bed. Could Bellas mouth injuries have occurred postmortem when he shoved her through the hatch? Neither of them passed any body fluids. Scares me honestly. He then pursued and strangled her there. I go on youtube and so many parents are killing their kids. Bella has oil in her stomach but Celeste doesnt. He asked one time if he should go look for his familyhe did not ask again about looking and he did not seem overly concerned, the police report said. If he straddled her chest, and pins her arms down with his knees, she would have been incapacitated. Even in this scenario, you would expect fingernails in his forearm if Watts managed a rapid 10 second kill. Why would she quit her job to be a stay-at-home mom and then put the tots right into full-time daycare? The lie detector test question focused solely on her, didnt even mention the kids. She was an environmental science person. Celestes stomach was empty. He pushes her off CeCe and strangles her with both hands ( he demonstrates ) Thankyou Nick for all your studies, research and insights. He ran into Ceces bedroom and got on top of Shannan. Everyone on here who has mentioned ocd has an opinion formed by stereotypes theyve heard. 100% yes again), @Kim cadaver dogs dont just detect bodies they scent death, trauma sites, bodily fluids relating to death, and sites where arguments have taken place (they scent the adrenaline-type hormones released I was near death before my ex took his hands off my neck. She seemed to be in pajamas which indicates she got into bed, which sickly matches up with his barely got into bed remark, The sheets were stripped because they probably got pulled off anyway during the act. He eventually disappeared for long time, gave me house. Good to have a former forensic detective around. I do know a lot of women who do this also. I did mention that Shanann was still in love with him and wanted a child with, and wanted to work on their marriage right up until the moment of her death. For starters there was only ONE cadaver dog (the Lab) who indicated only TWO places in the house the spot in the basement between the stairs and the heating system fan, and by the rear sliding door! So I do see how Chris did this and ended up with no defensive injuries from her. He was a mechanic. Typo. I own this site, and have posted hundreds of blogs, and written 4 books on the Watts case. I know it is morbid but I do hope that CW gets his just desserts in jail and those other inmates show him some of the terror that his beautiful girls would have experienced in the last moments of their life. The children were in 20 foot tanks with hatches on top. They asked him ways to murder somebody & he said shoot someone, hit them with a club, stab them, run them over, throw them off a cliff, a bunch of other weird ways but steering wide of strangling. She also wanted to make her marriage work. The police reports contain a conversation Chris had with his father. And to think CW called a co-worker @ 5pm to tell him that he would be going directly to the oil battery site and told the co-worker he didnt need to. After reading your response Im wondering if this was filled with ethanol or some similar agent. @Nick I think she was killed by a surprise carotid choke (blood choke) rendering her unconscious within 3-6 seconds, hence no defence injuries, and dead in 30 seconds at the most. The manner of death is homicide, the autopsy for Bella said. ShanAnn had been in a total of 6 MLMs that I could identify (Amway, Origami Owl, LulaRoe, Younique, ItWorks!, Thirty One, and Thrive oops, thats SEVEN); theyd already had to file bankruptcy in 2015; and now they were about to lose their house due to not being able to pay their bills. Shanann had only (ap autopsy) "probable bruising on the anterior subcutaneous neck tissue" sweetbreez 4 yr. ago Like the previous commenter said, LE explained that it had to do with her being buried in the sand vs the oil. Meredith Kercher is a famous example. Maybe we can do a group letter and petition: dear Watts, what happened??! Where was all the money from that house? I think he would have come up with a better plan as to where he would bury them. If the oil got into her stomach by being submerged in the tank then shouldnt CeCe have oil in her system too. She was always busy. They obviously didnt watch the K9 body cam footage! This sick bastard should have done everyone a favor and took his own life. Watts claimed that he snapped and strangled his wife when he found her murdering the girls, but he later pleaded guilty to all three murders. Do you think youre asking for reasonable evidence that would be commonplace and easy to produce? Shanann was in there with her on top of her. Listen to the cop who interrogated him after he tells that stupid story. The male agent says did Shannan do one child & you the other? I doubt shed just leave her phone and stuff downstairs like that. Unfortunately, I know what its like to be strangled. Ive never personally had a child repeatedly behave as the girls did, and pleasea disclaimer here. He was photographed head to toe upon booking & was found to have no offensive wounds on him anywhere. They dissipate in inconvenient circumstances. Chris Watts destroyed three fully formed, perfect adults. Theres plenty of liqueurs that are very well hidden in frozen shakes etc. Even with Bella, no screaming brain said , this is your Bella!! Much more interest in the case in his home state; in Wisconsin, hes just a number. He is a monster. Bella Watts Autospy Report He also is the male submissive in F/m relationships. The body is that of a well-developed, well-nourished Caucasian female whose appearance is generally consistent with the 100% agree. With her like this would the conspiracy theory about her killing not happening until Tues or Wed not be possible? She was relatively YOUNG. Chris and or others..I tend to agreeShan ann was imodefinitely disabled at some pointBella maybe not..she fought hard. I always slept in a bra when I was in my 20s and 30s. Police came but found no sign of Celeste Watts or Bella Marie Watts. Death is simply not pretty, nor was it meant to be. The reports also show that Shananns fetus had been expelled from her body, which was buried in a shallow grave. Shannan would choke the like out of Watts before she hurt her kids. I would put the blame on Chris! Even flailing my legs they werent even reaching him. He was asleep. Chris Watts. In the video of Chris Wattss confession, previously published on CrimeOnline, investigators appear incredulous that he was able to fit the bodies into the tanks, but Watts claimed he was able to do so without difficulty. While officers were waiting, Christopher confessed to killing Shanann, and getting rid of the bodies of Celeste and Bella. The sheets were off because he used the fitted sheet to wrap her body in because of its rounded corners, he said this to the investigators. It doesn't appear that the autopsy did a very thorough check. If the digestive tract opens up at death, where did Shannan, Bella and Celeste poop? And she clearly WANTED the best for them, and she was still learning. Dont jump on me buthear me bnb ot, I believe Chris. She had a separate closest for her shoes & purses. If CW is the type of father that would never hurt his girls, then his behavior after pulling Shannan off CeCe would be to call 911, try CPR ( he had classes at work) When non murderous parents are confronted with the loss or potential loss of their children they get desperate. I find it odd that Shanann was wearing a bra when found. And, as you point out in one of your replies to anothers comment about the oil in her body, there was no oil in her lungs, in her stomach yes, in her lungs no. And that she looked at him as she died. Everyone tho he was great guy. He was holding me down by sitting on me, one leg on each side of my stomache. Then again she was dressed for bed. Shannan's cause of death was strangulation while an autopsy found crude oil in Bella and Celeste's throats, stomach and lungs. He has an incredible amount of knowledge and has a lot of experience being an investigative reporter and author of many blogs and books. Shannan did not have any marks on her face indicative of a punch, slap, or anything at all. Chris only saw things with one lense. I believe she was probably sleeping when he smothered her. I have a theory which could explain Shananns ethanol and alcohol levels. The plea deal meant that he was spared the death penalty, and was instead sentenced to multiple life prison terms without the possibility of parole. @nickvdl Hi. Simply stated, you are an ignorant human being, Badmouthing the vicitm like that when she can not defend herself. So Chris Watts said she barely got into bed, and soshe barely got into bed? After reading the 2000 page discovery & the autopsy report & listening to the FBI agent talk about other cases I learned that smothering by manual force is done very frequently to children. Autopsy shows oil, water, and sludge in their lungs, which cannot happen when you are dead. I have to point out that Shanann DID have marks on her face there was a line of small circular bruises running from beneath her chin and up the left side of her face towards her temple. Rigor mortis lasts 8-12 hours. There is no sympathy for that psychopath period. She even labelled food in her kitchen. You see any documents with that diagnosis? My son has many medical issues as well, doesnt make me a hypochondriac ffs she isnt here to defend herself maybe back off a bit. What she considered the kids making a mess Ha! Peanuts and tree nuts are VERY different, and supposedly CeCe had a *tree nut* allergy coconut, not peanuts! I guess we would never know and it wouldnt make any difference on his sentence. He continuously maintained throughout the entire interrogation that he would never hurt those kids. No screams were heard in the middle of the night. As CrimeOnline previously reported, Chris Watts tried to pin the murders of 3-year-old Celeste and 4-year-old Bella on his wife when he first confessed to murdering Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant at the time. Nor did any part of whats left of a moral consciousness scream what are you doing?!!! Or do they just know? Page 535 You can argue till the cows come home and all you end up arguing is that she could be in any non-specific place in the house. The coroner even said the way she was strangled is indicative of a person not putting up a fight. It was all a complete lie. But legally it was in Chriss name. It was the early hours of the morning, she was pregnant, fed up with airport holdups and storms, and tired. With ShanAnn, IF she was attacked and killed shortly after she arrived home, while still downstairs, she would have still been dressed her underwear and pants would have caught it. They are The People Of The Lie. (Scott Peck). Good point! I wouldnt throw that out the window. The lack of a broken hyoid bone (called thyroid bone in the autopsy?) Ive seen many people die in the hospital where I worked- not everyone poops when they die (and their stomachs were empty)- except the oil in the Angels stomach. What are the odds???? Could be so because Shanann had no defensive wounds and he said she didnt fight. Regarding oil in the stomach, just a thought, but wasnt Bella face up and CeCe face down when removed from the tanks? I dont know about you, but I definitely dont sleep in mine. When asked if they were going to find any marks on her during his confession he said I dont think so and when asked why he said it was because she didnt fight back because I was in such a rage Tell me how that makes any sense at all? What is going on?? LEE: Depends on sometime we find saliva, large amount of saliva, nasal secretion, mixed with small amount of blood on the pillow. The autopsy report found that Shanann was in her second trimester of pregnancy and that the "largely decomposed fetus and placental unit" was found "expelled from the gravid uterus." Her legs would have been free, but if he was high up on her chest I doubt she would have been able to even get him with her knees, they would not have reached him. These may have been caused by an object, such as a necklace worn by the victim, or fabric, such as heavy-duty leather (such as a motorcycle jacket being worn by the murderer), and being compressed between the arm of the assailant and the neck/face of the victim. Its more likely the complete opposite. Rigor to get them through the hatch formed, perfect adults fingernails in his forearm if Watts managed rapid! Or anything at all because its pretty clear they went to her house and observed her car the. You comment about it response Im wondering if this was filled with ethanol or similar. Alcohol levels your Bella!!!!!!!!!!!!!. 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