There is no excuse for surrendering or abandoning a cat, dog or any of Gods creatures. That's normal. When you surrender your pet (s), please consider the expenses incurred by Capital Humane Society in evaluating and caring for your animal. Jail time for repeat offenders. Put them on a do not own list. Especially if they are just dumping their dog off for convenience or some heartless reason like they want a younger dog, they should not be able to adopt at all. I forgave her because I blamed it on everybody else. Surrender fee: $150. Hed been there before, after all. I think a registry is a fantastic idea that just will not work unfortunately. Charging impoundment fees or adoption fees is quite common. .they had their chance and they blew it. It really depends on the reason for surrendering. A dog should not have to suffer, have to die, because of idiot humans. This site contains affiliate links. Adoption is serious and responsible people only should be pet owners! He didnt feel like playing with her (there was a death in his family that day) and so she stood up on my lap and started growling and showing her teeth at me. When you get an animal you are making a life long commitment, just like having a child! no they should not be able to ever adopt again, they did it once they will do it again. There is no easy answer for the this and consideration may need to be given on both sides. I took the time and made the effort to find a no kill shelter and then drove two hours to surrender him to that shelter. That fee can range from $20 to $150+. If adopters who surrender to legitimate organizations are penalized then they will just use other avenues, such as abandoning the animal, claiming it was a stray, or giving it away for free to any scumbag. I have a dog and a cat I cant imagine giving them up for any reason. When you arrive for your surrender appointment, please bring your photo ID and any medical records you have for the animal. No never if you caused the death of one of your pets by putting them in a kill shelter you shouldnt be allowed another one. People need to realize that BEFORE getting the cute kitten or puppy. that was almost 20 years ago and i have NEVER done that again. Monday morning, I got the call, Dakotas legs have given out. animals and deserve better than this. Dont judge. I know there may be some special cases.No, i take that back. Then in several years, those dogs could end up at the shelter, too. That person should be allowed to adopt again. Think about a job that might change, a child that might be born or a move that might happen. When you adopt an animal it is a lifetime commitment. It literally broke my heart and I HATED doing it and hated myself for doing it, it was a painful lesson to learn that dogs need more than just love, and I have learned that lesson well. Theres still a ways to go, but the tide is beginning to turn as more people realize the horrors they are supporting financially by buying a puppy from a pet store. To purposely throw away a life when there are other choices out there. No way!!! Even knowing that they'll be adopted again, you're still going to feel crummy. As long as the shelter didn't violate any laws, then the contract you signed to adopt the dog is legally binding. I got a dog not knowing the extra care it needed but is it hard but I would never give her up. A national list would be helpful, but it may be difficult for people to agree on what is legitimate and what is not. Animals safety and well being should always be priority! So to all of those of you who think I should NEVER, EVER, EVER be allowed to adopt another pet, ever during the rest of my life think about your opinion, and try not to bruise your mind when you jump down off your high horse.. Yes, there are horrible people who dump their dogs for horrible reasons. These folks dont necessarily have a big heart, so much as a desire to bring kill bait to illegal fighting rings. Without a very serious commitment that the pet is part of your family forever no matter what, then you are adoption material. In the case of abusers, or puppy mill owners, yes, there should be a national list, but not for this. KC Pet Project is typically unable to accept same day surrenders. The lame excuses of: I cant handle him, there too expensive, I dont have time, Im moving and my new place cant take animals dont fly. (Im guessing hes more likely a toddler, cause his life-stage became somewhat vague too, going from snapping at your baby to snapping & biting your son twice, and I bet my entire savings had your dog bitten your baby, ie, new-born/infant, just the once(! No they should not adopt. No I dont think think they should get to adopt any dog eve they threw that one away, piece of carp pplr. I rushed there to get my dog, having been in a meeting for work 45 minutes away, having begged my husband who worked nearby to do and him refusing because it wasnt his job anymore. I called the humane society and asked them to hold off, they said they couldnt. No,no and no. The majority of people who relinquish their animals do it because they have expended all other options. Pets are family, and family is furever!!!! Meantime, I had taken the cat to the vet, made sure it had all the necessary shots, made sure it was in good health, etc. When you look into a dogs eyes as their human is driving away, you lose faith in humanity. Surrendering your pet to our shelter means you are giving up all rights to that animal. NO WAY SHOULD THEY BE ALLOWED TO ADOPT AGAIN. If we decided to work with them, we could drastically lower relinquishment rates, and save lives. If there is no other option available to you but giving up legal rights to your pet, the Pet . Nothing worked. I took on a boy recently who is considered a bite case these owners stressed and agonized about giving him up. But like most offenses, it is wrong to condemn the act without the whole story. Our thought is simply that perspective dog purchasers should be required to take a class before they can own. THEY DEFINITELY SHOULD NEVER, EVER AND I MEAN EVER BE ALLOWED TO HAVE A DOG !!!!!!!!! If it a superficial reason, then no. And ultimately, it could drive the less than responsible pet owners to pet stores and backyard breeders. They all need training, especially in a new home and if you do not have the time, do not get an animal. Now, are you telling me that Im not fit to adopt again? But they should not be allowed to take another animal. Another few weeks and it let me pick it up. Im happy that I was able to take him, so many arent as lucky. I know one shelter that wont adopt to people under 25, i think on the premise that they might be making a rush decision and not thinking about whether they want to travel, have babies or if they will have to move repeatedly (excessive house prices where I live). No way! There is a place here in NJ that people surrendered their pets because of economy and struggling to make ends meet. If there is a surrenderer list that shelters have to look at before they can let someone adopt, breeders should have to look at the same list. Healthy, trained, nice, highly adoptable dogs, even puppies. Um, no. some people have legitimate reasons that they have to do this. Absolutely not! Unfortunately bad times hit folks and if no harm is done and people take every measure to ensure the animals well being, then yes, they should be given a second chance when they recover. Look back at the paperwork you have on them or call the shelter to ask. We have 8 animals right now, they are all rescues or products of rescues. People who betray that trust should not be given another chance to betray an animal. I had to make the hardest decision of my life when I surrendered my dog to then Humane Society. these are living creatures not old cars to be traded in for a newer model. Sometimes this is written into the shelter contract when you get the dog originally. I think it has to be handled on a case-by-case basis. Should the need arise, Petco will gladly assist you in finding a home, or may take back, any companion animal in good health regardless of the length of ownership, as part of our "Think Adoption First" program to find a loving home for every animal. Absolutely NOT!!! Thick n thin you see it thru or dont get one to begin with. Absolutely not. Some people should not have pets OR children. I know I was young and ignorant once..and Ill bet a lot of other folks were too. If you have no choice but to surrender your pet, SJRAS accepts owner surrendered pets by appointment only as the number of animals we can take in daily depends on the number of open kennels or cat cages we have available. My dog became ill twice and, with the stress and expense, I decided to put him to sleep. A registry sounds like a good idea too! No I feel they should not be aloud to adopt again even though there were extended circumstances as for the lady who after all the love. Absolutely not. The first one was a p. Click here for the breakdown of prices. I dont think that makes me a horrible person. Nope! I have a dog from that south Fl shelter. No why wouldyou surrender a 2 yr old simply because it has four legs. Having a pet is a life long commitment. Even though there may be extenuating circumstances, those who surrender a pet should be barred from having the chance to adopt again. Then one day she was sitting on my lap and was trying to get my husbands attention. Children should be included in this, some people are selling their kids and I dont think many people are aware of this. Join our mailing list to receive the latest dog news, recall alerts, and giveaways! He was going to the shelter and the rest of the family really wanted a dog so we took him. I had a sister in-law keep doing this with her pets (cats and dogs) when she would be tired of them. The worst scenario is where a pet has been abused and, because of the short stay duration, is euthanized before any action can be taken thus destroying evidence. Thats just heartless. But then I got to thinking: things change. I have 2 rescued fur dogs ,I was thrown away or she ran away but shes mine for life ,I rescued a chweenie 2 weeks ago from petmart ,I have a chawawa who will be 7 in oct., I dont know what I would do if anyone who them or they got lost which would neve happen for they are leashed or in fenced back yard with me with them anyway , as for being able to adopt again, there are many reasons that a person would give up there animal ,sickness in the family ,elderly people and family dont want them, I read a week or so ago someone adopted a dog and it was to hyper for them ,so they wanted to trade after months , to me ,in this I would say no., this isnt a game ,this is an animals life ,for better or worse , good or bad, its like a child ,when you have 1 you cant shove it back in and say im not ready for you ,to bad ,tough shit ,sorry, when you are given ,buy, or adopt any animal its your for there rest of there lives ,there should be in a computer your information ,to keep take of you and the animals you adopt ,I feel that there should be no kill shelters , I feel each state should help be responsible for shelters , vetting ,feeding ,no person or animal ask to be born ,but , they all deserve a chance at a life ,,, to many animals these days get adopted for all the wrong reasons ,there should be a check up list of sorts ,to many are adopted as bait dogs ,for evil people to fight then against each other ., there should be a good reason why any one gives up an animal and a wait list for 1 yr or more before they can adopt again ,,,,,,,. Petsmart is a pet retailer that offers a variety of products and services for pets. I feel past surrender history if available is sufficient to deny adoption of another pet unless the cost of that adoption is higher. I love animals. They should never ever be able to adopt nor own another pet, EVER!!! This is animal abuse, in my opinion. There are serial dumpers love them as puppies then not after they grow, people are cruel and should not be allowed to do this! If they could afford dental care periodically they would keep a significant number that are now relinquished. There should be a National Registry for these poor animals. It got to a point where I honestly stopped chasing him, and I prayed my neighbors didnt know he was mine. Someone situation can change in an instant and judging someone based on that is ridiculous! . Consider that rescues/shelters spend money to care for animals in their custody. I dont think they should ever be allowed to adopt or own a dog again. If they did it once, they will do it again. They dont deserve an animal if they cant love them, respect them, and treat them as part of the family. Pets are not disposible and no matter what hoops they have to jump through to take their pets with them, They must make the appropriate arrangements to take their pets with them. You surrender, not never have a 2nd chance for a pet. They choose to adopt, but the shelter wont let them, so they are forced to go to the pet store. stray cat. Not because I didnt love the dog, on the contrary. However, generally when a person gives away his/her animal, such person has no further rights to that animal so it is typically up to the animal's new owner to decide whether or not to return an animal or to . They dont deserve the love of another animal. I spent over a month looking for a home for my girl, to no avail. So while I understand the negative reactions to a lot of the silly reasons people surrender their pets I'm cautious to lump everyone whose done so together. NO! Obedience Classes, Seminars, andPrivate Consultationsare available for varying levels of training and behaviour issues. Dogs once adopted should have the assurance that they have found their forever home. I put over $3000. I am involved with several rescue groups, & have learned of hundreds of heartbreaking stories. Circumstances can change at a drop of a hat. Not only do I think they should never be allowed to adopt another animal as long as theyre alive, I think that they should be euthanized as well! So no never again to have a Dog. I will always get a pet from a shelter from now on because the personality of the pet shows in that they are happy to have a home. Complete intake forms. They gives us their love unconditionally, and their loyalty. I think a limit of time before they can adopt may be good, at least the first time around, but if they dump that second baby, NEVER EVER AGAIN BE ALLOWED TO ADOPT AN ANIMAL AND THERE SHOULD BE A REGISTRY LIKE SEX OFFENDERS FOR ANIMAL DUMPERS/ABANDONMENT!!!!!!! The list should be a nationwide database. Anyone that dumps a dog at a kill shelter no, there are always alternatives. Animals are not toys to be discarded when they get old or you want a new toy. This is a system that needs new rules and the dogs are suffering by the irresponsible weak laws we have to protect them. Animals are like children, and under no circumstances should any responsible pet owners be allowed to adopt another animal! Do you think that someone who dumps an animal at a shelter should be able to one day adopt again? For assistance with altering your pet so you do not continue to have litters of puppies or kittens, you can call (619) 299-7012 ext. People get cute little puppies, dont research the breed and they want to get rid of them when the dog gets too big. We dont know the circumstance. Life situations do change for humans you know. If a person adopts a pet and then is evicted from their home or loses their job then they may not be able to afford to take care of a pet anymore. I think there should be a law against it. I tried treats. Because I did not want the cat to have to spend the rest of her life alone in one room with minimal human contact, I finally gave up and arranged to take her to the local NO-KILL animal shelter. Just like animal abusers, they should go on a worldwide animal abuse registry (during and after their prison time). There are so many pros and cons and a lot of it depends on the honesty of others which isnt always present. Social media, rescues and then as a last resort, a no kill center..even if I had to drive miles away and lie about my residence to do so. I have to call the Sheriff, show him proof that they are not my animals bu showing my vet records and than either myself or the Sheriff hauls them into the shelter. I checked the site today and found that hes on the adoption registry finally. No, they should not be able to adopt again. Id want to leave a little bit of leeway. Please allow 72 hours for a response. i never called to see if he was adopted. I believe if you cannot do it the first time and get it right ,there should be no second time,if yes there is a ligitament reason,the owner died,2 strikes you are out,people think animals are so disposable today, some get rid of them for the stupidest reason,they eat to much,there old ,they want a puppy ,it should be a privalige to own an animal ,just like having a liscense,people should actually be screened to have an animal its to easy today,and to many are being abused,i believe the same with children. My philosophy is that once youve made the decision to adopt that pet, they are then family. One day we were in my bed and I was yelling at her to go to her room for kicking her sister. I cried the whole way to the shelter, throughout the surrendering process, and on the drive back. It all depends on the situation. Your dog would have preferred living in a car with you. I had no idea until I was handed papers by a sheriff to leave premises in 30 days. Yes they should be put on a(No Adopt List). For the time that there previous pet would have lived. I believe their names should be listed on a do not adopt list. No, they shouldnt. There is no fee for La Crosse County residents to surrender their animal to our shelter, but monetary donations are greatly appreciated. every night they give a public list of the dogs that will be murdered if not adopted next noon. ABSOLUTELY NOT. My first inclination is to say no but it isnt always black & white. They can start a Facebook group and link it to their website to encourage residents to follow whats going on and help them promote the animals available for adoption or those in need of donations for medical care. Phone: (208) 475-0854 If you adopted a pet within 30 days from us, please follow return protocols. I would have loved to have taken a 24 to each of them for their heinous disregard for life! I also think that people who adopt too many dogs too frequently should be tracked as well. I cant begin to imagine the fear those animals feel being left behind like that. Getting a pet is a lifetime commitment, through thick & thin, illnesses, surgeries, etc. I say a maybe depending on the situation. Until the day that they are out of business I would live in my car before gave one of my rescues back. You would hope someone would sort out their finances or children or other issues after five years and its just a bit harsh for people with real reasons but hardly unfair. You throw one away, then you dont deserve another!! Remi, the cat continued to viciously attack Abbey and did not want Abbey in the house. A person who gave away his/her animal can certainly make a request to get the animal back and can offer to pay for the animal. Based on your suggestions here, I should not be able to adopt another animal for 10 years. Just get the pet safely away from them. People who surrender their pets to a kill shelter should be blacklisted! Maybe a better screening process is needed. So you lost your job? The only exception I can think of is if the dog is aggressive and you fear for your safety and/or the safety of others, AND all medical possibilities have been eliminated and behavioral intervention has been unsuccessful. She suddenly became very protective of my husband and not even I was allowed near him. These same people would probably surrender their own children if they could legally get away with it. If they would take a responsible owner class,be inspected,and show financial security. It's to help them. If the human is a firstfirst-time pet owner I believe they should take a class, especially if the breed of dog need extra care. Is it better that theyre so picky that dogs never get another chance simply because theres a possibility they will be returned? Absolutely, no pets should be sold on or around holidays. I want this for them for the rest of their life. Those adopting should know that, you cant line up and have your child put down if they are an inconvenience, why should a pet be any different. He became aggressive for no apparent reason. There was once a lady that was being evicted from her home and couldnt take the dog with her to the homeless shelter. NO! Pet Rehoming - Idaho Humane Society Pet ReHoming All Managed Intake Appointments take place at our Dorman Campus located at 4775 W Dorman Street, Boise, Idaho 83705. God is not dead and is still in charge of EVERYTHING. Find someone wholl take them if need be. I also think more likely than not, someone adopted a dog, the dog didnt fit their lifestyle, and now they are done with it. You owe it to them to make sure they are properly restrained, spayed or neutered, and loved unconditionally. No amount of time would make me trust them again. My family and I have been adopting from kill shelters for years and we have always adopted Seniors, sever abuse cases, etc. Puppy mills should be shut down and should be a federal offense! We do not have a vet clinic on site and cannot provide . No, we do not require a fee to surrender your pet (s). SPCA's minimum cost of care: $427 - $447. People dont change. ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!! I had to surrender my do and it hurt like hell. so my answer would be, i think it depends on the situation and how the people go about doing it. It would make more sense to compare it to never being allowed to have custody of a child because you abandoned another child in the past. 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