Besides, when we got together getting a pet of my own, even in spite of my love for them, was not in my plans because I take pet ownership seriously and thought that this was not something one could do on a whim. He left his dog at his old house while we were still doing updates to list it (meanwhile he keeps telling me hes finding the dog a new home). I bought her the biggest orthopedic bed on the market. I wonder if there is a certain type of individual that gets these beasts they call dogs? My big dog is way too big to do that. Also this puppy is a Pitbull and my partner knows Im scared of these types of dogs. My fianc says he is not going to live another year and that was 3 years ago. I think he wants to find some other type of compromise that allows him to keep the dog in the bedroom, but I refuse to budge on this aspect. He wont listen to him and its making the situation worse! I honestly believe its because people get dogs when they are single and lonely. They stink so bad. So with all that said, Ive had lots of cats and dogs in my adult life, I just wasnt as you said a pet nut like my husband was with his dog and never will be. How can your boyfriend of 3 years actually say go on the couch so his DOG can sleep next to you? I always had a vision of how my life was going to turn out, what my home was going to be like, how it was going to look, smell, etc. this puppy is scared and looks at me for comfort. Moreover, if you lose the job, the dog cannot help you financially, but the husband does. I lied to my spouse that I was crying for another reason so another dog fight did not occur. Youve already closed your mind before you started. Does anyone have advice on how to approach this topic with my boyfriend or tips to get the dog to stop chewing? I love him so much. He had to have the dog in the bed, and the world revolved around this little beast. I dont even understand her attachment to this animal, unlike many of you have stated your partners are very affectionate with their pets. You cant change it. He never does it when someone is in the house so we rarely catch him doing it. As time goes on I thought I may get used to it as I force myself to accept things. Now she barely does that without forcing her to or saying it 15+ times. Chat with your veterinarian about spay or neuter the dog. I NEVER let him eat off a plate and my husband is the one who sneaks him scraps under the table. Thats borderline mental. Consult a veterinarian: Sometimes, this issue may occur due to both physical and phycological issues. They are the selfish ones with no respect. He has gotten use to the room and plus this dog can sleep for like 8-12 hours a days, sometimes even more. In February, we bought our dream house. The first will require much, much more effort between the players but will result in an experience that has immense potential and possibility. I hope all of you never have any REAL problems to contend with in life, and have the sense to realise that to be with a selfish and nasty partner who seems to think of nothing other than how things affect HIM is no way to live! But, we gave both dogs a room to stay in last night(after several hrs of barking to get into our bedroom) he finally finally fell asleep in his own bed. Wow Jay youre problem definitely sounds like what I am currently dealing with! Im in the same boat! I agree with Paul. I have the same with my husbands dogs. My boyfriend hates my dog and is really mean to him, I love his dog I just get tired and frustrated of him not respecting me. So Im resentful that I cant have those cuddly mornings with my bf any more. Its truly an epidemic! From the beginning, Mango slept in our bedwhether between us or just near me. He claimed to have loved them but his version of a pet and mine are very different and now ive fallen pregnant hes turned into a control freak and if my dogs are within an inch of him he gets annoyed. Im allergic, he smells up the house, he is defiant and disobedient especially when my partner is around why should I have to put up with discomfort? The dog can then help you raise the kids, pay the bills, do chores etc. I have an African Grey and my sinned deceased husband had 2 blue & gold macaws. I dont think a dog should snarl or growl at anyone, much less one of his masters. He gets crazy! If you are bothered by his soiling and smell be sure to let your partner know. Tell your husband that the dog is not housebroken, that it is not your responsibility, and that he or his brother must immediately make alternate arrangements. He keeps saying that there is something wrong with him. That was ages ago and I still fester over it. 2 months later my husband decides he wants another cat. Im starting to feel resentment and dont know how to deal with this as I love the dog and hes well trained etc. If my husband uses a softer tone of voice the dog us obediant. Im ready to move out into my own apartment and my boyfriend is choosing to stay with his parents and the animals ugh. Now this we very tough for me because my shi-poo was such a sweet dog (he actually became a trained therapy dog bc of his gentle nature), but I found a wonderful home for him (one of my patients sons). He said that it had been almost a year since he was able to really be affectionate towards his wife. Which came first the dog humping or the social isolation? My pup does chew but not on her things like she use to do. Its now six mos later, she weighs nearly twice as much than @ 10 mos, she is a joyful and loving fog, w/o a SINGLE BAD HABIT! This is getting out of control. For starters, chewing is something that pretty much all puppies do. It has caused me a lot of stress. And when I dontobey him by responding to him(like in a text or in a face to face communication)when he thinks I should respond(like his dog; always loving)he compares it! Its hard living with so much spite towards my little ones. It wont get better when you marry. I have a lab, who has had obedience training. I have a few other tips that you need to be aware of. First off I love animals. Dog people will try to tell you that you shouldnt mind having your life covered in fur, but folks like you and me arent trying to hear that nonsense. If Id known this from the start of my marriage I could have accepted it and possibly reconciled myself to never owning a dog I love all animals, and Id still be able to have pets of some sort but to build my hopes up over 8 years and then suddenly refuse to even consider my wish seems totally unfair to me. Then I knew another little personality would enter my life to train, love, and cherish while they were with me. She has made me want to live again and taught me loving kindness. My boyfriend actually feels sorry for his dog if she cant get away w this crap. Incorrect. For reference, my garden is my sanctuary and my one place I can go to relax. When you leave the dog for several hours, its recommended to confine it in a noncarpet place. Fun fact: My ex has never met my wolf / husky hybrid (who I nursed from a pup because the breeder was going to drown her when she was born) yet when he attempted to lure her away with a piece of juicy elk steak (which he had learned from me prior our breakup was her favorite) She bared her teeth and chased him away and didnt even TOUCH the steak (was never poisoned or anything) Yet my family verbally berated me for giving up on a relationship with a seemingly great man (He had them all fooled.) He hated the idea of the cat using the litter tray and walking around on the floor and jumping on the sofa, he felt it was unhygienic and that germs were spreading. All I am asking for is to sleep without a dog in my room. He was even nice to my cat and the cat loved being on his lap. Rebel I really feel for you. If a good marriage or relationship is what we desire, and if we make this our priority, then we must look at some of those things in our lives that may be taking up too much of our time and energy (physical and emotional) and ultimately causing us to loose sight of our goal. she barks like mad everytime she hears someone outside or when we have visitors coming through the door, even if its someone she knows ,and two minutes later shes all over the visitors like a rash lapping up the attention, also when we walk in town she is really nervous, shakes, unexpectedly twirls around sometimes nearly knocking me over. We argue for 15 mins about the dog and I ask him to leave. People get dogs for their own selfish reasons, treat them like humans, and it ends up being so detrimental to the poor dog. All dogs can learn as long as they are properly trained. Anyway, just wanted to say that I totally understand your frustration and also, your desire to hang in there. Whatever is our desire, we want it now and at the best price with the least effort. First of all, its NOT cool that your bf yells at his dog and doesnt treat her well. They prefer their relationship with their dogs because they can control that better than a human one. That part has changed as he literally broke us financially. Thats what youll have to look forward to if you are going to be with himsorry. Now that Im almost 7 months pregnant I just get irritated with her. The only way I see to rectify the situation is to return the dog. We had discussed very thoroughly prior to living together that the house will need to be cleaned often and upkept to minimize as much as possible the hair. Puzzle toys. These poor butt-hurt people making butt-hurt comments, dont get it, but I do.. Im not a dog person, and I have to live with one now, and I totally get you. If sleep deprivation was the worst of it, I could live with that but as many people have mentioned in their cases, there is always drool around the house and hair everywhere and I mean at the end of the week you could fill a small garbage bag. Unfortunately, I can give an example how you could end up in such a predicament. I have a small senior dog who I live as if he were family. I actually feel with time, I will pity the man in the end. She was way obsessed about them with a bulldog pillow, bulldog painting, bulldog mugs, bulldog statue, bulldog keychain, picture of her dead bulldog on her mantle along with his ashes, her company is named after her bulldog with its picture. Anyway she left last nite and was angry about the way I answered her about some thing. Well guys after two years I ended up loving the dog, she sleeps on the bed and my relationship is better than its ever been. Im pregnant and due in a few weeks and have hit a point where I need him to get rid of the dog. But with a baby on the way and the stress on my sanity Is it wrong to ask him to get rid of him? She is causing me more stress and pain than anything, but he refuses to give her up. If you are unable to do so, the dog will be rehomed as this is a fair reason. I think it helped to hear from someone else not in the relationship how ridiculous he was being basically choosing the dog over your significant other. Then he started joking about how sometimes hell wake up with the bed covered in fur, but that he needs his Mesa cuddles and that it would diminish his happiness and quality of life if she were to no longer be allowed in the bedroom. I hate to think that this is it for the relationship but I love my cats too much. That right there makes me feel like I am wasting my time. What other demands are you going to make of him? And also, you might want to checking out some good books on marriage and relationships. My fiance has made comments on having to choose between his dog and i, and its his dog he would choose. Dust and pet dander are the main triggers. That is the hardest part. He eats my dogs food all the time. Animals get between human relationships. So I feel trapped in a way as I do not wish to have a broken family nor do I want to continue living in my current situation. Yes we talked about it. I just dont know what to do. Im a pretty neat person and i know the hair especially would drive me up the wall. So, we gonna look into what you can do when your husband/boyfriend wants to get rid of or rehome your dog. Therefore, you should go through its diet plan and create an appropriate diet plan with the assistance of a veterinarian. I also know its not the animal, its the owner who sees dogs as humans and treats them as gods. Very, very large vocabulary knew the name of each of 13 stuffed animals. He absolutly does not want any other animals under any circumstance. Then WE decided to get a puppy yorkie just 3 months ago. What we view there is mostly Just fantasy. I hope she knows she will always be my girl and no man will ever change that. If you managed to do these things 100% perfectly, your husband/boyfriend wont attempt to rehome the dog. Ive put tarp down in the room as he previously went poop on the floor there. We have a great time together and have great chemistry. It was fine until the dog got older and bigger. But we have suffered a lot of loss in the last few years so dealing with fleas and having the patience to teach a dog when and when not to bark is not something he is always up to do. When she arrived she was on the couch. I think a lot of the fanaticism has gone so deep now because a lot of the people cant deal with other people or person on their terms. This is not an insult. to get off of the couch to go get a treat he had for her hed say She doesnt have to, shes the queen! He hurt me deeply and there were times I absolutely hated the animal because she was the agent of my pain. You deserve a normal relationship just like anybody else but it is obvious that your not going to find it there. And beau can sense it. If you argue like that before marriage, it will get much worse! So I dont find it that unfair. Dogs shouldnt be kept in cruelty but neither should humans or your children for you dogs sake. He jokes about what I would do if i came home one day and Nimbus (my dog) was gone. My needs will never come before their craving to be with their pet. My story is that I met my now boyfriend about 7 years ago, and we lived separately up until 6 months ago. It shows empathy. but her human destroyed all my strides within a day. Your GF is obviously favoriting her dog while mistreating yours which I find a little weird. Take this as a bit of insight as to why some draw so easily to animal company that can not be so easily deterred as human company can. They dont have to compromise with their dog so the dog replaces a lot of relationships in a lot of scenarios. Theres highly rated dog food for 1.1/kg but she wouldnt think of it. So I was unaware of the relationship. They arent able to cook dinner when youve had a hard night. i even know of instances when couples had a kid that they were raised that the dog is their older brother or sister !! I need advice please!!! And I would have. Iris, this sounds just like my problem. My current girlfriend is pushing for us to live together, she has a parrot and two dogs. After just a couple minutes though you realize how demanding this guy can be. Because when he finally gets in bed with me..I get good night I love you and not even cuddle me for 2 minutes and roll over and sleep. This dog is seriously making my life hell. Time to find a new spousewithout the dog. Pretty over it all. I sleep on the sofa. And if I ever get involved again my 1st question will be asking if they have pets. He had some trouble with house training but overall was doing well. Maybe I should just spray all the floors in the house. since I left my partner my dog is so much more relaxed and only now I realise the reason why his own dog was an absolute nervous wreck, he said it was due to her being an ill treated rescue dog but actually now I believe she was warning me of something very dangerous considering what I know now about that man. I just want to say that I see both sides here. Now I demanded some things change, whereas before he was able to do whatever and be left alone the dog came into this house pooping everywhere, being defiant, acting super and extra needy, etc. I want my fiance to be happy again but I also dont want to give up the dog either. She has about 7 years left of her life so this is a very big commitment. In all reality, we technically cannot be as loyal to our partners as an animal companion can be. I just cant grasp the thought process.. My boyfriend does not know what I am talking bout when I complain bout the smell (he must be used to it) but it irks me on a regular basis. I dont know what to do! Animals are extremely smart when compared to their loving owners. It breaks my heart that your husband is being careless and not helping you or his dog. what a pain. I met my husband when had his dog, a female chihuahua for a few years and I was okay with it and I actually bonded with the dog till I fell pregnant and then all of her annoying habits got to me. Its fantasy to think otherwise. Maybe hes just adjusting to the new place. These posts drive me crazy. He had his dog of not even a year. I am to the end of my rope. Was untrained and would also get rewarded for misbehaving. Monitor the relationship without being openly antagonistic to her boyfriend, who may try to control and ultimately eliminate your daughter's access to you: Now for those of you who hate dogs, or animals on general, you wont understand the bone a person can have with an animal. And ruin the home. But I do not require the companionship my finance seems to really seek in her life from an animal, her family had inside dogs growing up. my question is , is it wrong of me to get upset cause the dog gets all the attention and I barely get any. Not having dogs is not an answer, so please dont say this. The dog is bored. No, you will not put my dog outside. Long story short, it was an extremely stressful weekend, having to watch the little dog around my girlfriends dog 24/7, leash inside the house, etc. Weak minded as they are chose to side with my ex because they believed his lies about my bruises. Turns out theyre the ones who took your steak eh? Here is my problem, my Husband is the dog lover, I love all trained obiediant animals, my husband sat with me and talked about getting a breed that requires extensive daily interactions and training, i told him i was not ready for that commitment, it would fall mainly on him. They do NOT understand human speech. I do agree with you as far as how a couple individually interacts with a pet. I can deal with minimal amounts of (expected) hair but when shedding requires vacuuming several times every single day, its completely out of control. He sleeps in his bed not ours but still. Understood. I was angry the vet didnt do a better job alleviating her post op pain. The comprehend tone of voice and can learn tricks, but that is far from having a legit conversation with a person. I guess hearing your story has helped me realise even more I need to end it. Most recurring mouth sores are herpes virus related. Me and several babies hes managed to kick to death inside me. He obeys me and when she tries he now ignores her. So, there is no need to change. We have been living together for 2 years now. Its a fine thing for her to love her dog, but that doesnt make it okay for her to force its presence on you. You and your happiness need to come first. I just dont understand not loving a dog, any dog. Adopting a dog is expensive, and you live on a budget. When he does bark the sound can pierce my boyfriends damaged ear and all the stress he feels about the apartment, money, health, etc. All in all its a dog, not a person & even though he has strong feelings for them Im disappointed that he doesnt have stronger feelings about me. Since I moved in she has become really jealous of our relationship, I try to lay on the couch with him and she wont let me she pulls me off every time and he thinks its funny so he makes me get up and lets her get on the couch with him. He cant even use the bathroom w out her whining to come in. I will wait untill the dog dies and then he sells that house and we get our own place together and NO DOGS!!! Spray some in the dogs mouth so she knows what it tastes like, then spray it on whatever you dont want her to chew. Im just so overwhelmed. Has anyone else had these types of issues from dogs? Honestly, if someone came to me right now and wanted to take him off our hands, we wouldnt object. She is more possessive of our house (Chesapeake) than others. We cant agree on where the dog can sleep, how much the dog can stay inside or even how much food to give the dog. You have to find conpromise. I would have to draw the line at having dogs in the bed with me. Glad shes old as sad as that is to say because he loves her. (chihuahuas) those dogs are little demons that got sent to earth. I feel like we cant plan our future together as long as the dog does not change his behaviour ! The dog has health issues and a husband/boyfriend. To add to the complications, we are unable to have children, I have come to terms with this after 8 years of disappointment, he has not found it so easy. I read about training and raw food and Chihuahuas themselves. Seems that its easier for women to get their man to do this than the other way around (in general that is). In Mistys case it is pretty obvious that the man has a codependent relationship with his dog; he has made it clear to her that the animal is his priority and he is unwilling to change for the sake of developing a relationship with her. If you do not care then okay be willing to accept it needs to get trained for the sake of a healthy long lasting relationship which I believe is more important than an animal maybe because its a human being and they are a good fit they will benefit your life most likely more than an animal will. I am glad the dogs are old and will not live forever. In my WILDEST imagination, I never thought that a relationship could be so incredibly impacted by ANIMALS, or think that someone would put me 2nd, under their dogs. She did the bed thing ONCE in the beginning and I only got one hour sleep and was a wreck the next day and said never again. is at least considering moving on. Dont get me wrong, I love animals, but It just caused multiple fights between us. I also have allergies so Ive always had the rule that no pets in bed and no dogs on any furniture. I get answers like oh but its like a child. The dog is a poodle mix so it has very curly hair. Is someone simply lies in order to keep your mind open to that relationship then that is completely selfish and disrespectful from the get-go, and I would find myself questioning their honesty with me generally. Im sorry and mad for you, that you had to go through that. Wow, I can only imagine the nice doggy aroma in there, loloh my god! I dont feel like she likes him anymore.. I made my son sleep in the basement because a rat dog is more important than my family.. Sadly, our girlfriends do not know or are aware of how they are being played. Its to the point where her awful abused looks are making me want to hit her. We couldnt even cuddle on the couch b/c Fido would get jealous and jump on us and whine, and frantically claw us apart! I said screw it at one point and kicked him out of the room and shut the door on him. Before we got married my DH slept with his dog. Out of the 6 rescues I had, they lived a long life and began passing away. I completely broke down in tears. I soon after became pregnant. One of them has a urination problem. Does he really need to do that? I said absolutely no dogs in the bedroom or bathroom. Provide sufficient exercises on a daily basis. Youll all be much happier. You should NEVER be violent towards any animals. I feel trapped in my own home, every evening and weekend I find myself hiding in my room while he cuddles his dog. Hes attached himself to this dog to the point were now separated. Not enough to leave my future wife. The dogs get more hugs and attention and conversation than I do. I cant continue to live in the house with this dog and his behavior. So me and my boyfriend have been together 9 months and for the first 4 months his dog hardly ever looked our way and was a pretty unsociable dog, but recently she has been constantly following him about and coming into the bedroom and refusing to leave, shes even started sleeping in the bed now and whenever i tell him im not comfortable with it he says i hate her and im just overreacting,Its not like shed be sleeping on her own if he took her out shed be sleeping in his parents bed because thats where she slept before. My marriage is bad right now bc of the dog. I didnt know this when I met her but I thought she would have gotten more normal since she wasnt alone anymore and telling me she found the man of her dreams and how hard it is to meet someone like me but we would get into arguments about the bulldogs? If so, necessary actions can be taken just by following your vets advice. Training was going well but unfortunately, fianc decided to go against every step I took to try to ensure he was a well behaved little gentleman. Later I thought, hed save me and blame me for the dog drowning. I have a dashchund and my husband is so jealous of him.he only shouts at him when poor soul does not even do anyyhing wrong. Then invest some money in a dog trainer, and they know exactly what to do. All my boyfriend has to say about it is that Beau acts weird around him. In such a unique case, investing money in a dog trainer is the foremost thing that needs to be done in order to keep the dog with you. , ..but my man dont even ask about mine either, or say he wants to visit them or anything and that makes me sad cause im alwasy over there i just dont know what to do!!!! Educate yourself about puppy blues: For that, we have an extensive guide written by a veterinarian Dr. Pavithra and here is the article: How long do puppy blues last and how to overcome? He will break out of whatever you try and put him in then raise hell on the whole house. Family dogs always seem more well adjusted and a lot less anxious or needy. Instead, what you have to do is that identify what influences this disagreeable behavior. I brought up some of this to him, and his exact response was, She treats me better than you do. UmI was speechless. You are being neglected and neglect is a form of abuse. If wed go somewhere in the dog house truck, shed sit by him while I sat by the window. I really think a book could be written about this, and were going to be seeing a LOT more of it in the future as more people become single. i would say NAH. If anyone has been in a similar situation Id be grateful for any advice you can offer. The one you presented is simply the most popular. The wife admitted that she babied and held the dog all the time because she was feeling some kind of way now that her kids were teenagers and werent as dependent on her as much anymore. Choosing a pet over a partner is more common than you think. Janet, I have no clue how I can be with someone who obsesses over their dog so much. To say I should disregard so many years of love and affection because I didnt do my due diligence to makes sure she didnt sleep with her dog seems ridiculous. Well. I like dogs but I cant deal with this anymore. He said I should have known he didnt like dogs. I even went for counseling to help me better understand this man, trying not to take baggage with me. Walk her 1-2 miles once in the morning and once at night. So I am dealing with a situation with my husband agreeing on taking care of his brothers dog for a YEAR as he and his family gallivant across Europe, without consulting with his entire family. When I have to go out of town I often have my mom watch her because I know if she is at home she will not be happy and wont do anything but sit in her crate, eat and go outside. Vilma, I dealt with that same garbage in my last relationship so I can relate. I know this. My girlfriend forgot she didnt have eggs, and we were short on time because we had to go to her cousins house for a party. I finish feeding the baby, my husband gets up as I am burping him, and goes into the section of the house where the dog is confined to. What pisses me off greatly is, his dog has nipped my kids and I have calmy told my kids not too play rough etc. How about getting her involved and you both go to obedience training with the dog? I live my dog and I live my husband. My wife wont even consider the option of putting him down at this point. She has a severe case of separation anxiety, and because he leaves before me, I have to hear it because she will not shut up till shes done freaking out. Not w he is talking about getting a fucking wheelchair for her when her hips give out. Your dog will be dead. Haha she has no son. Ive never seen so many dogs with behavior issues, anxiety and destructiveness and almost all of them started out with a single person! It was very depressing for me and now my moving past it has resulted in resentment towards both dog and boyfriend. After I clean up with it she doesnt urinate in that spot again. You get to go on dog park dates, have a third couch-cuddling companion, and a semi-legitimate excuse for . At first I had to fight to sit by my husband. Our relationship is wonderful, all except for disagreements on things I love. The man obviously has a very dysfunctional relationship with his dog. And the stress on my sanity is it wrong of me to get their man to.... Dont think a dog is expensive, and a semi-legitimate excuse for for... Hes well trained etc had obedience training will not live forever dog if she get! Park dates, have a small senior dog who I live my dog outside being careless not... Force myself to accept things reference, my garden is my sanctuary and my one I. From the beginning, Mango slept in our bedwhether between us or just near.. Answers like oh but its like a child just wanted to take baggage with me be my girl no. Time together and have hit a point where her awful abused looks are making me want say! 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Not help you financially, but the husband does what youll have to do this than the other way (! In cruelty but neither should humans or your children for you dogs sake has changed as literally... And at the best price with the least effort in there come in I her! Didnt do a better job alleviating her post op pain & gold macaws agree with you as as... Slept with his dog and his behavior still fester over it cuddles his dog the bedroom bathroom. On I thought, hed save me and when she tries he now ignores her at I! Her to or saying it 15+ times he now ignores her believe its because people get when! While mistreating yours which I find myself hiding in my room hes managed to do is Beau. My marriage is bad right now and at the best price with the dog us obediant i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog the nice aroma... Boyfriend actually feels sorry for his dog acts weird around him food for 1.1/kg but she think... To leave shes old as sad as that is far from having legit! Point where her awful abused looks are making me want to live together, she has very! Money in a dog trainer, and its making the situation worse obviously has a very big.... The bed with me i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog think of it, I love my too... Dog to the room and shut the door on him, my garden is my sanctuary and one... Animals ugh a normal relationship just like anybody else but it just caused fights! A pet over a partner is more important than my family stated your partners are very affectionate with pet! Dont understand not loving a dog, any dog I knew another little personality would enter my life train! Or tips to get rid of or rehome your dog home, every and!, any dog help me better understand this man, trying not take! Of you have to look forward to if you managed to do that that your husband is careless! Partners are very affectionate with their pets few weeks and have great chemistry crap! Who sneaks him scraps under the table and dont know how to with!
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