Thank you for donating blood today. There may be something wrong in your blood system that effect your health. How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI,,,,,,,,,,, Skipping breakfast and fasting may compromise the immune system. What happens to your body when you donate blood? Educate, dont belittle. But feeling fatigue is uncommon for donors. i felt really fatigued. Some people learn that their hemoglobin is low when they try to donate blood. According to the American Red Cross, people can drink an additional 16 ounces (oz) of water before they donate blood, and an extra 8 oz of fluids afterward. It was after when I went to see my family doctor about how horrible I was still feeling a month later that she informed me about my iron levels and that I shouldnt be donating. I would also suggest keeping away from caffeine and alcohol as it inhibits iron absorption. Some people will experience minor side effects of donating blood, such as lightheadedness, bruising, or light bleeding. I was kind of peeved at my doc. The donation went great, I ate well, sat down for 30 minutes and took the city bus home. Markers that suggest an increased risk of cardiovascular conditions were lower in regular blood donors compared with the nondonors, due to improved cholesterol levels. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Neither do I consider someone with 6 days of training in ANYthing to be knowledgeable in in it. Post vomit after alcohol I am having this constant shortness of breath. The center may provide a snack and drink for people to have afterward. "In those who donate frequently, immunoglobulin levels may drop over time, which may make it difficult for the donor to fight . Learn more, Some people believe that they cannot donate blood after having a tattoo. my friend says it might be symptoms of iron deficieny. According to Bloodworks Northwest, a nonprofit organization, applying a compress can help to relieve pain and swelling. I donated blood at my universitys blood clinic through the Canadian Blood Services. Now I just received a letter saying my ferritin level is a 8 and I may be anemic . Going to try iron supplements and see if they correct my iron levels. Talk to a health care provider to find out more about why you feel shortness of breath. still working on getting my ferritin back up. I don't run any marathons, but I do walk five miles a day, sometimes seven days a week. Can't believe I was told it will be okay to work out next day after donation. I HAD AND ERUPTED BLADER TRAUMA OPRATION,AND I LOST ALOT BLOOD.2REASON IS THAT I HOPE THAT MY BLOOD CAN HELP SOMEBODY. I donated blood twelve days ago. Hematoma is a bruise caused by the inserted needle slips through the vein and cause local bleeding. It is especially important to drink extra fluids in the first 4 hours following a donation. I was working on my second gallon of blood when I started having issues with my iron levels not replenishing like that had been. Sudden shortness of breath, or breathing difficulty (dyspnoea), is the most common reason for visiting a hospital accident and emergency department. Donors must continue to donate in order to have a supply for our community. safe to say im never donating again. A person may feel faint or dizzy after donating plasma. In the UK the minimum wait between donations is 12 weeks for men and 16 weeks for women. After donating, I returned to my desk, feeling a little dizzier than usual. Had no idea how closely I needed to monitor my iron stores. Hemoglobin and hematocrit are not measures of iron. Regular checkups are paramount. hi.. 5 days ago i donated my blood for the first during a blood drive they conducted in our hb level was normal. The study found that regular, long-term blood donation had a protective effect against cardiovascular disease, although only in females. I thought I was the only one. To minimize this side effect you have to drink, eat well-balance meal, and getting enough sleep time before and after your blood donated. If this is the case, you may need to visit your doctor before you can give blood. A sudden drop of blood pressure can also cause chills. Now before I donate, I get my iron levels checked first by my doctor. A 5 to 6 years child have almost the same amount the adults blood, A newborn baby have only 0.2 liters blood in their body, and. Febrile nonhaemolytic transfusion reactions (FNHTR). I do my own blood testing at LabCorp through Wnlk-In-Lab and used for my RAW DNA data results I plugged into a third party online analysis software system (Livewello, etc.). I finally got some answers back from the blood center where I used to donate, they told me they're looking at raising their min requirements to donate, and federal (FDA? One waved to me walking on by and I responded "who are you?". i feel constantly tired. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of donating blood, plus how it affects the body, Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. A summary of the blood transfusion reactions are as follows: The outlook depends on which reaction a person is experiencing. That information would be much more useful to donors looking at this post. So RN or not, they took blood from me when I (a male) was already anemic, which I found out only months after donating blood and after I was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia by doing a HIPAA request to the blood center to get my hemoglobin level they measured with a fingerprick blood sample before they took my blood. Took a few years off, then decided a few days ago I missed it, and donated. I tried to give blood 2 weeks ago and was turned away for low iron. The paramedic will definitely check your health and measure the effects for you before you can donate. (1) Numerous diseases present with shortness of breath, including pneumonia . You can be relax. this post is from 4 years ago i believe and it saddens me to see that not much has changed with the red cross. I, myself have experienced a traumatic experience from donating blood. Because I know I'm borderline anemic, I always keep a close eye on my iron levels and take daily vitamins with iron to ensure healthy levels. At times, your hematocrit can be fine but your ferratin could be low which could have caused your delayed reaction. but as soon as i try to do something, its back to feeling dizzy again. In: Henry's Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods. Shortness of breath, fatigue, constant headaches and muscle pain. This will help prevent bruising, help the needle site heal, and allow your body to readjust to the blood loss. However, blood centers choose to not self-regulate to reduce the harm to blood donors of iron deficiency or anemia with blood donation or taking blood from already anemic donors. That being said, I think if you have OBVIOUS symptoms of anemia, you should have blood work done to test your hemoglobin and hematocrit at the very least, if not your transferrin sat and ferritin (stored iron). Septic transfer reactions require immediate attention. I wanted to share my opinion and my story about frequent blood donating. If you are a Mayo Clinic patient, this could Not so much for men. Also, ferritin alone is not a measure of iron. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. they said i should feel better within the next few days. Everyone must be qualified in order to do the procedures. The cause of the blockages is not known, but it is thought to be due to a lack of oxygen in the blood. Bruising, or discoloration of the skin, is normal following blood donation. I requested my pre-donation hemoglobin levels from my blood center for my two donations prior to being diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia, and my hemoglobin levels indicated that I was already anemic then but they took my blood without informing me. I was so low they almost gave me emergency IV. Shortness of breath on exposure to allergens or provoking agents. This is when things started to get strange. and now 2 days after donating blood im also having my periods. They work closely with a range of fully qualified doctors. I had shortness of breath and a nasty cough after my catheter ablation. I was concerned about the pins and needles I had been experiencing in my hands and feet along with dizziness, itchy skin, shortness of breath and complete exhaustion that just made me want to cry, I feel so emotional and fuzzy headed ! Resting helps the body to recover while it adjusts to the loss of blood. They are knowledgeable in the medical field and there are some nurses working there. Obesity linked to 21 genes related to Alzheimers disease, study finds, What to know about blood transfusions and sickle cell disease, Everything you need to know about blood transfusions and anemia. Other symptoms people may experience include: 4. I never gave my consent to letting them take my blood when I was already anemic. Call 911 if you think you could be having a heart attack. They test hemoglobin. And yes you can have high hemoglobin and low iron. Hasn't ever happened before that period of time or after, either. That said, I usually have shortness of breath a day or two after donating, if I'm doing something strenuous. Faint is frequently as side effects of blood donation, This effect can be occur if you stand up abruptly of if you have been standing for a long time after donating your blood. Keep in mind, I'm a healthy 40-year-old male with no history of anemia or other blood problems. You are screened much more thoroughly and they're very strict about who donates. Did you ever find the specific cause of your anemia? my hemoglobin and hemocrit were low but not dangerously low so they sent me home telling me to take my iron supplements and follow up with my GP. Post-transfusion purpura: Current perspectives. Please don't dismiss and put down blood bank workers. I can't believe the Mickey Mouse set up that goes on in the states. Being short of breath is also a warning sign of a heart attack, according to the American Heart Association, and it can happen with or without chest pain. a PNEUMOTHORAX, a condition in which air gets between the lungs and the chest wall, or a PULMONARY EMBOLISM, in which a blood clot may have moved from a leg to the lungs. I have been giving blood for years . Thanks for sharing. However, TRALI can be fatal and has a mortality rate of between 525%. Healthcare providers, blood banks, and hospitals take many precautions to help reduce the chance of a transfusion reaction from occurring. I just donated my blood 3 days ago for the first time ever. Hey congrats on your first blood donation!! Blood donation can save lives and offer many emotional and physical benefits for the donor. Difficulty Breathing After Baby Difficulty Breathing After Baby Watch on What causes long term shortness of breath? Was it ever discovered? Treatment depends on the severity of the reaction and may include: According to a 2012 article, septic transfusion reactions typically occur due to bacterial contamination of the donor blood components, most commonly from the platelet products. I was told seven months ago to wait for seven months before the next donation due to my drop test being a 9.I gave blood for the blood drive and had a 12 on the test. Flushed skin, itching, hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, wheezing, blue lips, vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, IV epinephrine, antihistamines, IV steroids, bronchodilators, Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction, Rise in temperature by at least 1% and chills, Fever, flank pain, low blood pressure, renal failure, and difficulty breathing, Supportive therapy using IV fluids, dialysis if necessary, and management of bleeding, Antibiotic therapy, fluid management, respiratory support, Difficulty breathing, fever, and high blood pressure, Shortness of breath, rapid breathing, or cough, Person needs to sit upright and diuretics, Delayed hemolytic or delayed serologic transfusion reaction, Fever, jaundice, dark urine, stomach pain, labored breathing, high blood pressure, Exact prevalence is unknown, but the reaction is, Rash, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, and bone marrow failure, Prevention: Irradiation of blood products, Supportive using IV immunoglobin an steroids, the donor blood containing specific plasma proteins that the recipients blood sees as allergens, the donor blood containing food allergens, such as peanut or gluten, antibodies in donor blood react with antibodies in the recipients blood, taking an antihistamine to help treat an allergic reaction, investigating all cases of fever as it may indicate a more severe cause. However, some people who use nicotine or cannabis products may wonder if they are eligible blood donors. Blood centers block the FDA from doing so by lobbying the FDA to let blood centers self-regulate and then fail to self-regulate. (n.d.). I was a "life donor". Doesn't help. According to the CDC, TAGVHD occurs when T-lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, from the donor blood rapidly increase in number in the recipient. But most often, the underlying cause is a heart or lung condition. Blood-borne infection is infections that are transmitted through the blood. Shortness of breath can be caused by: a blocked airway, such as when a tumour blocks or puts pressure on structures around an airway narrowing of the airway (called bronchospasm) side effects of radiation therapy, such as damage and inflammation to the lungs (called radiation pneumonitis) I couldn't give her a meaningful response. A small number of people will have these effect. Over the year before my incident, I noticed getting less and less done on Saturdays--it was a motivation issue more than energy. If I had yearly physicals (with a *doctor*), I would've known I wasn't able to safely give blood. I am a Registered Nurse and not to toot my own horn, am highly knowledgeable in human physiology. Dizziness Dizziness is one most popular blood donation effects, this effect occurs because of loosing some blood. Immediately after giving blood, I felt dizzy and very short of breath. Yes, turns out, my bad. I would recommend you donate blood and support your local blood center if your doctor says you are able to do so. As I woke, a ranger was knocking on my window, i felt lost and very weak, when i least expected it, fire rescue was there taking my vitals which were all fine. A phlebotomist certainly didn't follow procedures in the article above, if it's to be believed. American Cancer Society. That's one in a million, I bet. This content does not have an English version. It is incorrect for someone to tell you that you have too little or too much iron from a finger stick hemoglobin. What are paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (PND) and sighing dyspnea? Everything you need to know about blood types, Advantages and disadvantages of donating blood, greater sense of belonging and connection, citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons. If you have signs and symptoms of a low hemoglobin count, make an appointment with your doctor. If you feel ill before donating your blood you must tell the donor center so that the infection of your blood will not be transmitted to the donors receiver. I now will need to do IV iron probably for the rest of my life. Those with long-term anemia have problems with energy and even with motivation. I hope one recovers fast from that.. Saving lives, burns calories, improves cardiovascular health, avoids cancer, and so on. I wanted to do my part helping others not hurt myself. However, since the day after donating I've been feeling short of breath. Eyes were wide open and couldnt see a damn thing. Once that is determined, you and your physician can work together to create a treatment plan. What you need to know after you donate blood. I can't believe these comments giving blood in the UK is much more regulated than this and is totally run by volunteer nurses. I would never lie about a test to pass someone to hurry and leave a. I like my job and b. they ran some tests and i was anemic. They came back less than 5 minutes later, tested my other hand, and said my iron levels were "good enough for a donation". I have also met some who I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw them. A blood clot in your lungs, known as pulmonary embolism. To provide you with the most relevant and helpful information, and understand which After tens of thousands of dollars of tests (CT scans, MRIs, MRAs, X-rays, invasive scopes, blood tests, biopsies, etc.) If you are a frequent blood donor, discuss measurement of iron reserves with your physician. Sometimes it . I think the problem is they don't test for ferritin (blood stores of iron) and rely too much on haemoglobin, but haemoglobin can be within the normal range but ferritin too low ! If I continue to give blood, I'll have to get tested about twice a year to make sure I'm safe. If you'd like to hear from a professional (besides some of the ones we have here), you can give the donation center a call and they will answer your questions too. It's a bit unusual for a man to have low stored iron (or serum iron) short of an occult bleed, so I hope they're investigating what the cause of that is. If so, how long did it take for the feeling to go away? I donated blood once and was very dizzy for the next 2 weeks but it all cleared up. Smoking is a reason for Shortness of breath after quitting smoking. Being turned down for blood donation isn't necessarily a cause for concern. Blood clots can be life-threatening and require immediate medical attention. It happens when antibodies in the donor blood, such as human leukocyte antibodies, react with the recipients leukocytes, or white blood cells. This results in pulmonary edema, or excess fluid in the lungs. I wish I had known before, it's not very pleasant and I need my energy right now. And I already booked the next appointment July 2018. If this happened very often, I'm sure they'd have some real litigation on their hands. Accessed March 6, 2020. In the future, I hope they will decide such a precaution is necessary. This allows them to receive help straight away if they have any adverse side effects. It is always good to speak with your doctor before donating. Also, in Canada we always have nurses on site, not just phlebs and volunteers. I feel great afterwards and they are not sure why my body will no longer absorb iron. The doctor wanted to rule out anything else that could be going on so made other appointments for me with a gastro doctor and gyno and in the meantime started me on IV iron - Venofer. I finally had to change my phone number because the calls kept coming, asking me to donate. The woman taking my blood took a long time to find a vein (she might have never found it) and to swap my arm with the antiseptic. Its terrible. For mild cases, a person will need oxygen therapy. According to LabMedicine, treatment for TACO depends on the severity. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ONE OF MY REASON,IS BECAUSE I HAVE NOT DONATED BLOOD OVER TWENTY YRS. Have you received answers? I was planning to wait it out a few days before calling them, You lost some red blood cells. If you are anemic or get migraines, make sure you see your doctor before donating blood. I didn't faint or anything during the process, but felt lightheaded which I thought was just a normal reaction. Iron Toxicity is dangerous. However, if these effects continuously occur after donating blood its best if you ask for medical check as soon as possible. Additionally, we will not take a donor without their iron being at a healthy 12.5. Got out of bed to tell someone but collapsed after a few steps. In Conversation: Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? (Iron rich) I knew to take the pills with a shot of OJ as well to help in absorbtion. i didnt feel much tiredness right after then. I'm not sure where you donated or with what blood bank, but just because someone went to school on Saturdays for 6 classes, doesn't mean they are not qualified. That being said, yes, most people have too much iron in their blood, especially men, since they do not lose it through monthly menstruation. i had been diagnosed with low bp a few months back. Hyperventilation: Can intensify feelings of panic, stress, and anxiety. If so, what were they? My wife called 911, and an ambulance soon found me. Anyway, were all just trying to do good here, theres no need to be condescending in saying we lack common sense. (n.d.). I decided to leave for home while I could still drive. However, it is a very rare occurrence, and it has become less prevalent since the introduction of the irradiation of blood products. I kept on with my regimen of iron pills and foods until I could see the doctor. My local blood center comes to my office park every eight weeks for a blood drive. The reasons include feeling pain of venipuncture, when the donor seeing his or her own blood and seeing another donor unwell, when the anxiety and state of tension of undergoing the donation, etc. At the age of 24, I donate blood quite regularly. Nick, I cant speak for everyone, but I didnt go see a doctor before donating. . Chris Hibbard (author) on November 15, 2012: I tend to agree with you, Kathy. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Just recently, I was dinged because my ferritin levels were low therefore I am locked out of the system for 24 weeks to ensure my body rebuilds my ferritin count. My guess is that your ferritin levels were low due to your faithful donating. When to see a doctor Make an appointment with your doctor if you feel fatigued and you don't know why. If I wasn't extremely sick or out of town, I would give at every opportunity. Depending on the type of transfusion reaction, complications can include: A person should notify a healthcare professional if they experience any of the symptoms mentioned in this article. Your story is a scary one! Those with the antibodies have a higher chance of developing these transfusion reactions. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Many blood drives today have no nurse or MD present (actually, I've never been to one that had), and have phlebotomists with exactly 6 days of training, offered free or cheaply on Saturdays. Everyone in my family gets them though. A person who donates plasma may experience adverse effects during the process or right afterward. I'm routinely anemic and have had many iv infusions of blood, but I don't walk around saying anemia almost killed me. You're absolutely right, they need to know. when i try to take a walk, i feel as if im walking like a zombie. Bacterial infections may occur during the blood donation if the needle is not sterilized. since the day i gave my blood i have already lost around 3 pounds. Migraines can in turn cause the stroke symptoms I experienced, such as tingling numbness, losing consciousness, and expressive aphasia (losing the ability to talk). The center where I formally donated told me they are considering raising their limits for donation, in fact the FDA is thinking of raising it for them (through regulation). It is odorless, colorless, and easily induces mortality in massive doses when it takes oxygen in the blood. All content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice. Hirayama, F. (2013). Not sure if that's a problem or what to do. After my DNA test results showed potential Hemochromatosis, (toxic iron in blood) I decided to give blood again (a temporary solution) within two months of the last one having forgotten they trigger migraines. I made my next appointment and went home. . Shut down of LH pathway. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which sets standards for anemia in the U.S., states that anemia is indicated by hemoglobin levels below 13.5 g/dL or hematocrit levels below 39.9% for males 18 years old and older, who live below 3,000 ft elevation and who smoke less than half a pack per day (see p. 12-13 in Every 8 weeks for whole blood, unless they need plasma instead. Wow. If a person feels faint,. How can blood transfusions treat anemia? Shortness of breath treatment depends on the underlying cause and duration of symptoms. Yes i gave blood also and almost fainted after several times of giving blood i found out i was anemic .I was very lightheaded after giving blood .Now they said i shouldn't donate because i had very low ferritin, Just a fyi hospitals use phlebotomist to draw and even test some blood. Intense exercise or having a cold can also make you feel breathless. If you feel like to faint you can lie down and elevate your legs, consume fluids and salty food (biscuits or meal), and squat as soon as you feel like to faint. (I do, in fact know what I was talking about. I dont know how i switched 3-4 lanes to the right to find a space to stop and i dont even know how i ended stopping without hitting the highway wall but i did and as i put my car on park i blacked out comepletely. but that day i slept straight for 10 hrs. Otherwise we are healthy. Not vaccinated. I get migraines too and I'm a healthy female. I was embarrassed. He had put me on a slow release iron and told him all the food I was eating as well. (We thought it was asthma at first.) I give regularly and have given over 100 units over the yeas. back then they said it was nutrient deficiency. Chris Hibbard (author) on March 20, 2013: That is frightening information. Your hemoglobin levels can be normal but your iron stores can still be unknowingly low, which is why we have increased the donation time for women as they tend to have more iron issues. I believe the blood drive centers have no real regard to my health. This is all so familiar. information is beneficial, we may combine your email and website usage information with Information sheet transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI). Blood banks are regulated by the FDA. Afterward, a person can apply a warm compress four times a day for 20 minutes. We are not here to downgrade anyone's job - I know of plenty skilled phlebs and they take their job very seriously. Donors deferred for low hemoglobin. Sudden chest pain. Usually the amount of blood that be taken is about 250 to 500 cc. Yes, an increase in hemoglobin, red blood cells, and hematocrit leads to shortness of breath. I used to donate all the time in my 20's. Took two Aspirin and went to bed two hours later, after ten pm. Yes, call the number on your paperwork to talk to a nurse. Here, we look at the positive effects of donating blood and some temporary physical side effects that can occur. Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic Press. Been donating blood regularly (usually six times a year) for about eight years. Did you actually suffer a stroke and obtain permanent neurological damage or was that just reversible anemia? If the site begins to bleed again, they can apply pressure for 25 minutes, and keep the bandage in place for a further 4 hours. 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