They say I have to wait to see what the outcome of his court hearing is, but he has missed 3 court dates already. I will have to pay out of pocket for physio and massage therapy. Car Accident Lawyers in Baltimore, MD. Shutterstock. I I have contacted an attorney but am waiting for a response. Recently got into accident in a parking lot, I hit a parked empty car, damage to both cars was very small, but no injuries, clearly my fault. There was no police report, now theyre sueing my step dads insurance company . There can be an instance where the collision doesnt seem that bad, none of the parties involved believe to have any major injuries and are willing to exchange important information so everyone can report back to the insurance companies. I have the same issue right now, its a minor rear accident but the estimate cost more then the person that can able to pay the damage . No one filed a police report but I will do that today so what do u think will happen. In addition, be sure to take photographs of the damage to your car in case you need these photographs as proof of a minor accident down the road. The other driver declined and said their vehicle was fine. My husband totaled our car a couple years ago, so I didnt want anything on our insurance. No police report was filed, No communication took place between my husband and the other driver. I had not heard back from the mechanic and so I decided to call them. Nothing happened and I just went home. We support students, families, caregivers and communities with resources, personal stories and a national directory of injury lawyers. All the front of my bumper came off & was dented, her passenger side door was dented, from the impact. I was able to tail behind the driver long enough to gather the information for the car and provide it to the police over the phone. Apparently this is within the allowed time frame for Texas. Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use, Supplemental Terms, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. I hit one of the cars in the parking lot by the side and scratched the fender and the door. Yesterday her stepfather told her that his brother was the one that hit her car and my niece knew all his brothers were drinking all day. Can I be charged with a hit and run since I did share my information? Explain that you were not at fault for the accident and provide them with the name of the trucking company. Be sure to give the attorney you speak with any evidence you have of the other driver being under the influence (including the contact information for the witnesses). No police were called. Can I get in any legal trouble or be sued? Nov. 16, 2022 Updated 2:40 PM PT. One important thing to remember is that your insurance company isnt necessarily your ally. If you do discover an injury or vehicle damage later, you'll be prepared. Oct 18, 2010, 04:39 PM. Shortly after the call he contacted me via text amd said he would like to go through his insurance to pay because the bill is higher than he expected. Now Im wondering whats going to happen. In those cases, it'll come down to one driver's word against the other's. To win a he said/she said car accident case, you'll need to gather evidence from: The police report. I was at a red light yesterday afternoon (Lexington, KY) and the light was about to turn, so everyone started moving forward. We all got out to check damages then my friend and the car in front moved off to the side. Try to document the exact point of the collision. I am trying to write the defendant answer myself but it is tricky. How did the person look, act, and speak while talking about what happened? She statea her head hurt alittle, but the car was fine. The other driver had the stop sign while I did not. I was involved in a car accident 2 years ago where I hit another car from the rear back. Unless your husband was driving a Hummer H1 there is no way he could wreck another car that badly without totaling his own car. I was not physically injured, but I am definitely emotionally rattled by this ordeal. Regardless, the other driver can file a claim whether or not you decide to file your own claim. Now with no police report, witnesses or his insurance information do I have a case to sue him for pain and suffering plus negligence? To recover damages, hell have to prove that he was actually injured and that the injuries were caused by the car accident. If he can provide a statement that there was no accident, that would help your case. One witnesses stated he almost ran her and her child over right before hitting my vehicle. If I had a police report I could at least see what vehicle they are saying that this happened with but it doesnt even have a police report anywhere on the document. We did exchange phone numbers . The other driver hit my son from the rear at 45mph. In these cases, you may not know what to do next. I paid him for 2 months straight then I stopped. Police report attached.. Neither of them are returning calls or emails from their insurance company. If you win your case or reach a settlement, you will pay your lawyer a percentage of the money you receive. we both got out and mad sure everything on the car was OK an most importantly if we were good. I have worked so hard to clean up my past. Additionally, he said, she said cases do not always make it to court. If it's safe to do so and you have a camera or a camera phone, take pictures immediately after the car accident. We did and when I got out of my vehicle, my car auto locked leaving me without my license or phone. Or is this fightable? Now the father of the owner is wanting me to pay for the damages that his daughter said were already there. Im considering suing her in civil court for damages ($2,997). But, I think the best thing for you to do is to consult a lawyer. When he came to my house on Saturday there was more damage than there was from the wreck. When you say citation are you referring to the complaint for court? Later that nite found out he contacted her insurance company. Well half a year goes by and we get served papers saying the man is suing us and his car was totaled!!!!! The post-mortem was conducted at Maulana Azad Medical College. But if you experienced any other injuries that require treatment, that would be a different story. Though a police report is often helpful, you dont need a police report to sue someone. 4 reviews. File an accident report online. but wasnt 100% sure because she just met him at the BBQ. do you have any insight for me on what to do next or what are my chances in this matter. The fact of the matter is, the accident still happened, regardless of whether or not there's a police report. I found out that the truck is his mothers and she is the policy holder. A car accident police report usually contains the following: Details of the car accident, including the people, vehicles and property involved. Her stepfather and his family are very well known in town for their constant criminal behavior and their numerous trips to jail for drugs, fighting, robbery, theft etc. once I was inside I wrote a letter with my number on it and went back outside to leave it on their windshield. The reason to file a lawsuit would be if your insurance company doesnt cover your claim (or doesnt cover the entire cost of your damages). Again the car I was was driving did not have insurance as at the time of the incident. In most states, the statute of limitations for a personal injury/negligence claim is 3 years, so if thats true in your state, hes still within the time frame to file a lawsuit. Its certainly understandable why youre so angered by the situation. And what do I do about this couple? Take pictures of the debris from the cars, if there was any. Fortunately, you might have enough involved parties (between the police, the other drivers, the witnesses, the auto mechanic, and the medical provider who saw the other driver) to be able to piece together what actually happened. Please let me know what to do now. My husband drives a Tractor Trailer. Because while I was backing up from a parked spot, I saw the car coming but she was at a very good distance for me to be able to pull out taking my time AND FOR HER TO SEE ME PULLING OUT! Serious bodily injury. If the attorney is demanding $15,000 you have nothing to be concerned about. Please help. Property damage exceeding $1,000. Hi, Layla. I would also draft a letter describing what happened and send it to your insurance company. Credibility equals believability. The other good news for you is that most personal injury lawyers dont collect their fee up front. My son was in an accident. If she attempts to sue him, the lawsuit will be dismissed. In the meantime, I would take lots of pictures of your vehicle (so they cant later claim there was more damage than there was). My friend I was hit by Tyson semi truck driver he was parked in the road she went to go around him he had no blinker on as she was going around he turned and hit her he jumps out the truck threatened her saying that Tyson was going to sue her so she was already scared and shaking and she did not file a police report now she has no way of going shes hurt as far as back injury and dont know what to do shes a server which she only makes $2.13 an hour plus tips she is a single mother and already struggling im just trying to help her.,, Enjuris Personal Injury Law Firm Directory,, state-by-state list of reporting requirements, read more here about statutes of limitations,,, But for some odd reason she still decided to keep going! He explained he maybe jumbled some numbers, (completely understandable), but that I needed to call the primary officer when he when on duty at 6 pm. Only after he helped load Lady Di into an . If you have any questions or want to get started on your case, contact us today for a free consultation. We contact and let our insurance know about the minor fender bender and we think okay they will give the man money to fix his bumper properly. So the registration was expired and far as insurance goes I have a non owners policy which covers me driving the motorcycle but the police dont want to take my report or give me any information about the other patty since I dont have a current registration with the current owners name and its been in the impound over 30 days so its gone what can I do to get the other parties information I suffered broken ribs and foot. You dont want to fall prey to any sort of scam. The mechanic there told me that they had been unable to contact the at-fault driver. As Im sure you know, its generally not a good idea to give someone money as part of a settlement without getting a signed agreement that the person will not sue or make a claim for additional damages. And he has extensive injuries done to his spine and so on and so on and his life has been altered and now has to see doctors and therapy for the rest of his life. If the accident happened more than 2 years ago, this all could be moot because its past the deadline for someone to file a lawsuit against you. My 24 year old niece, who lives in New Jersey, bought a 2017 Nissan Rogue that she makes monthly payments on. He may have gotten into another accident or did this himself to commit insurance fraud! Is this legal? I was trying to make a right turn on the green light and turned slowly, then heard a loud sound and saw a cyclist at the place between the front of car and the passenger door (position around 1/3 of car). However, its unclear whether she has filed a claim with her insurance company at this point. I was ran off the road this morning by a semi tanker. Your insurance company should also be able to investigate the accident. In a he said/she said car accident case, the other driver will try to claim that the accident was your fault even when you strongly believe they are responsible for what happened. This includes names, addresses, and vehicle registration numbers. So, I called Primary officer back after 6. I really appreciate the advise provided here as I thought I was in the clear with no police report. He has this right until the statute of limitations runs (likely 2 or 3 years from the date it happened). my car was totaled. Hi i have a family member who was in a menor accident and they did not want to call the police but they gave their license and got their number. 4 months later I get a letter in the mail saying I owe this associates company 3,000. We are just so dumbfounded. He says because of this he injured his hand and now wants us to pay for the doctor bill which is $500. The day after I got an estimate amd sent it to him, but he did no respond. Im so sorry that happened and Im glad youre uninjured. This is important because Uncle George suffered severe kneecap injury that caused him to lose his as an instructor at the local dance studio. You may, however, want to take pictures of your vehicle so that she cant claim her vehicle was damaged worse than it actually was. I was willing to work with this man and make payments to himwhich he was agreeable to in the beginning. She hadnt had the car long when it was hit. The guy was all mouthy and saying he knew this person and that person. He also played 7 years in the NBA WITH Lebron James but swear he hasnt got anything. Its just a scuff mark. Good luck! Best of luck! I had not heard from the auto body shop, or the at-fault driver for a few days, and so I gave them a call to see what was going on. Theyll be able to tell you about your rights and defend a false claim. If your policy does not provide this coverage, there are some other optional policies that might still help you get reimbursed. (2) File a claim with YOUR OWN car insurance company. The information provided on this site is not legal advice, does not constitute a lawyer referral service, and no attorney-client or confidential relationship is or will be formed by use of the site. apparently all they got was a tag number. Any advise? In the absence of a police report in which an officer assigns fault to one party or a video that documents how the wreck took place, these cases can become extremely difficult. It's been almost three weeks since a traffic stop in Memphis led to a violent arrest and, three days later, the death of the 29-year-old Black driver. Well now he is telling the insurance company that they have the wrong number and telling me they havent called him. I havent talked to the driver only his wife. In case its helpful, this article outlines cases when you DONT need a lawyer: When Do You Not Need An Attorney After An Accident? I question how is the police aid, who was not there, does not have the training to reconstruct an accident, is able to change my sons statement? Im on SSI and most of my monthly money goes to my bills. Her vehicle was uninsured at the time. If there was an officer on the scene, there should be a police report. At this point, my suggestion would be to hang tight and see if they contact you or make a claim with your insurance company. after I get out she starts yelling and attacking me verbally. If you choose the latter option, be sure to let your insurance company know about the texts and pictures. Thats all I know about the other party. But yes, you have to weigh the potential gains and losses. Please, need Guidance. It sounds like you did everything you could under the circumstances. You can only claim damages for a treatable injury. Filling in information or guessing on details can provide a false picture of what happened and be used against you to show that youre not a reliable witness to speak to. She agreed to pay me cash, after I gave her the quote via text she told me to run it through the insurance company and gave me the info. If you need help locating an attorney, take a look at our free directory. Are you sure that youve been sued (i.e., you received a summons and complaint?). Photos of damage, insurance reports, etc. Leaving the scene of an accident is a serious crime in the United States, so youll likely have to hire a criminal defense attorney to address those charges you face. We didnt follow each other, had our emergencies on, or anything. Given that the damages appear to be very minor in this case (and that liability likely lies with you), your insurance company will probably just accept liability and pay the damages. I was ready to handle the situation the day of and have been trying to contact her since. There was not enough evidence to support either side and neither my husband nor the other driver were cited for the accident. I was in an accident. Hello. A citation was issued to any driver. As soon as i dialed they took off. For one thing, the sooner you have a written account of what happened, the better. what should i do? What Happens After A Car Accident With No Police Report? Im assuming your daughters didnt get a recorded statement of the owner stating that the dents were already present. I thought this was settled and done with but then I received a text from the other party claiming that they were taking me to court for property damage because my insurance refused to pay for his car: why would he do this if his insurance is deeming me at fault? Each state has a statute of limitations for a car accident, which is a deadline by which a lawsuit must be filed. Hes being very vague about what the injury is. I rear ended a car, at first I pulled over, but then panicked and left. As I was doing so I saw a white Honda coming toward me so I looked back in my rear view mirror to see if I could back up, I could not. The scene of a fatal car crash after a police chase in Houston, Jan. 12, 2022. I assured her that he was in fault but offered to pay half anyway. Also, depending on where you live, that might be past the statute of limitations (deadline) for how long they have to pursue a claim. The vehicle I hit was a company vehicle, so there was no owner present. I just got served papers for an accident that supposedly happened on or about June 29,2018. Courts typically tell jurors to consider the following when evaluating credibility: Learn more about how witness credibility affects a car accident claim. I would have her relay this information to her insurance company so that the insurance company can deny the claim. Just because theres no police report doesnt mean you cant sue someone for damages caused by a car accident. If the police don't come to the scene, you can fill out a report at the local police station or DMV. Was in a miner fender bender in Illinois where the vehicle began to move forward at a stop light and hit his brakes I did make contact but the majority of the damage was to my car being a small compact and his Lexus suv, not sure of the year had scratches on the bumper I put on hazards and asked him if we could pull ahead as to not congest traffic, that Id prefer to attempt to resolve financially on our own, preferring to not be ticketed as I was the one unable to stop although I dont consider myself completely at fault! I decided to make a police report but Im not to sure whats next. But again, if youve hired an attorney, you should consult with them to make sure youre taking the right steps for your specific case. Also, its possible that his injuries are unrelated to his carrying boxes (a head or neck injury, for instance). Its important to remember that youre not alone and there are people who can help you with your claim. One man said Carfax and both reported his car was damaged, costing him thousands of dollars in value. So I got into a wreak last year. I was in line at Burger King and I backed up and hit the car behind me they have maybe 3 to 4 inch crack eggs peeled up a little bit they said they do not want to get the cops involved in insurance so we both left I gave them my insurance obviously I was wrong and its been three days and they still wont give me their insurance theyre getting an estimate even though Im trying to pay out of pocket they still wont give me their insurance if they end up calling insurance on me and I didnt call because I was planning on paying out-of-pocket will I still get in as much trouble if I explain and I have proof that they refused to give me their insurance. You have a few choices: First, you can go ahead and provide your insurance information to the driver and see if your insurance will handle it. However, by paying her tickets and fines from the incident, has she already pleaded guilty? But the other party may also say that you were partially responsible for the crash even if you werent. Would it protect me if I filed a report so that I could prove I didnt leave the scene or any future claims? Call our team today at(412) 661-1400 for your free case review. In the meantime, I would document the damages to your car (take pictures) and sit tight to see if you hear from the other driver. If you are served with a lawsuit, youll want to find a lawyer who can find out if there is evidence you dont know about and if its within the statute of limitations. The cop told us that if neither of us was hurt then there was no need for a report! So, can I deal with my insurence to change their decision and get my right to medical expenses. Most agencies now handle accident report requests online, or you can call the police department for instructions. Or, if it is meant for you but the accident never happened, they can handle that scenario as well. Once I got home the police pulled up right behind me. What do I do now? He also pulled off the road behind me. I have at fault drivers driver license. I was in a accident in 2016 myself i was at a red light and i was hit from behind i was startled ,Scared ,Nervous i never been hit from behind before we pulled over and we exchanged information the guy was going at least 15 miles an hour enough to rock the whole car, my neck,and just my whole body.We pulled over to a gas station and exchanged information the cops werent called because my aunt told me not to call since it was her van and it was a lot of damage.Well the next day i was stiff as a board and my lower back was in so much pain.Its been 2 years i have so much pain i tried everything .My concern is since i didnt call the cops will my case not be As much as it would of been if i did.I will have this pain for the rest of my life said my Doctora and pain management, I let someone use my car and she claims someone hit her and she called the police. His car was damaged, costing him thousands of dollars in value but im not to sure next! 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