Can it? 0000010608 00000 n Andrew Gough. Is that correct?. Cite this article: She shared how he had been stressed and run down in the time leading up to the trial. He finished and I sat up, slightly dazed and in disbelief. I unambiguously felt them probing around beneath the surface of my skin. I was also disappointed to learn that the History Channel had made a reality TV series about a team of questers seeking Japanese treasure in the Philippines, after every channel and production house informed me it was a bad idea. I could not believe my eyes. One day he was approached by two men representing Josefa Edralin Marcos, who offered to return a replica of the golden buddha and pay Marcos three million pesos if he publicly acknowledged that their buddha was the one that had been confiscated. Curtis had raised funding for his treasure hunt by claiming that Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos himself had personally invited him to recover the gold based on his unique expertise. Andrew Gough. He simply slit her open with his fingers. Crawling through twelve inches of water at the bottom of a tunnel complex after walking through rice paddies in the rain was not my idea of fun. On our last day of filming we set off for Manila, and with a strong dose of persuasion the director agreed to stop along the way to visit a treasure-hunting priest whom Klaus had arranged for us to meet. The United States could not risk the truth about the gold and treasures that the Japanese had buried in the Philippines coming to light, especially as a large portion of it was now theirs. The weather was only suitable for mosquitos and snakes. Andrew Gough. The healer, operating with nothing but his fingers I approached the manager in charge and asked him what they were digging for. Torturing surrendered military leaders was a war crime, but those of minor rank were considered fair game. It was impossible for any man in my position to control every action of his subordinate commanders, let alone the deeds of individual soldiers. Web. Regarding the Black Eagle Trust Fund, evidence also fails to show that any such program existed with that name but I'm not pointing a finger at anyone for making it up out of nothing. Despite numerous eyewitnesses and various first-hand accounts, most historians doubted the existence of the Black Eagle Trust, let alone the buried treasure hoards, and so I travelled to the Philippines to investigate the story for myself. To reach the site that were targeting, we left the dense jungle behind and walked up a rapidly flowing stream and a couple small waterfalls; a tricky endeavour at the best of times, but while carrying camera equipment, it was rather treacherous. The vaults would remain secret. I scaled the second descending passage with slightly greater confidence and speed than the first, and as I arrived at the bottom and crept along the next tunnel passage to where Klaus was standing, I was amazed to see that the floor and walls were perfectly smooth. He was never seen again. No matter where I go treasure hunting and metal detecting I have lot's of fun so thanks for subscribing and I hope you enjoy watching my treasure hunting adventures - I look forward to your . Multiple men began to go missing or die in Deadmen Valley following the decapitation of the McLeod brothers. In his estimation, the only thing that could have caused the electrocution was large quantities of gold, acting as an electrical conduit. I believe its here. With a change of shirt I descended once again into the abyss. <]>> It simply stood tall and proud and stared at me, gently nodding its head as though it had understood and had accepted its fate. Klaus had nailed it. I thought he was a fascinating guy, and I was pleased to have made his acquaintance. The governor claims that there was no evidence of a massacre, so no one can assume that it happened. Without receiving the whole story on the events of the day, many have classified this case as an unsolved mystery. How could he not get discouraged? He described the odds as 5% more chance than highly probable, approaching absolute certainty.. In January 2016, 54-year-old Randy Bilyeu wanted to find the treasure. It detailed the work he had done in the Philippines as part of a team led by Nevada treasure hunter Robert H. Curtis. The Japanese Massacre of Nanjing, the then capital of China, 1937. I had come across some real charlatans in my time, but nevertheless I was listening politely and was relieved to discover that Klaus agreed with my bias. Andrew Gough. The director was also our health and safety manager for the shoot, and he opted to leave the cameraman behind and do the filming at the bottom of the tunnel complex himself. Andrew Gough. I was told of bus loads of cancer patients who arrived with hope and left with their cancer extracted and physically placed in their hands. I had delivered Discovered Science a sensational story, one that would feature Klauss network premier. I thought. Andrew Gough. Each time Curtis was requested by Marcos to select a new site to excavate, Valmores was dispatched to provide the treasure map. Roxass quest continued to attract other like-minded seekers. Cobra blood is thought to contain vital regenerative qualities and is said to bond the drinker to the cobra family Whatever they did plunder had likely been well spent building the Imperial Navy well before the end of the war. 0000001318 00000 n He also informed the press, who also ignored him at least initially. He explained how a team had successfully excavated a large portion of the site before a typhoon and resulting mud slide had buried years of excavation work. All content is Skeptoid Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Klaus and I posing with the priest and the artefacts he discovered at a shallow depth in the ground The director was beaming with approval. Europe and others push for a standard lunar time zone, Bola Tinubu, the declared winner of Nigerias presidential election, appeals for unity, A 5,000-year-old restaurant highlights Iraqs archaeological renaissance, Chicago Mayor Lightfoot ousted; Vallas, Johnson in runoff. He was there as the Imperial Japanese army ransacked much of China and southeast Asia, and he was there for the duration of World War II; and he grew up knowing little about the Japanese besides that they were the world's aggressors, and the brutal assailants of a peaceful people. LOS ANGELES (AP) Robert Hunter, the man behind the poetic and mystical words for many of the Grateful Dead's finest songs, has died at age 78. These were not symbols found in military treasure sites. After all, they are man made; Japanese made, I muttered to myself. Or we all die. When McDougald replied that he does, Maceda asked wryly, Well, the publicity about all this is not going to hurt your book, is it?, McDougald leaned forward, smiled and replied, No sir, I dont think so.. I was not aware that Peggy had passed away the previous year, and that Sterling had only just passed in May 2017, aged 80. In the early 1960s, Hunter volunteered as a test subject for a psychedelic chemicals research program (MKULTRA) sponsored by the CIA and was paid . On the contrary, this young man was conspicuously well informed and appeared to possess some highly classified information. Twenty nerve-racking minutes later we parked up and began a rather gruelling trek through cobra-infested rice paddies. I had been miles away. I inspected it closely and from all angles. He left Colorado in search of the lost gold mine in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona. They were not only deposited in the deepest tunnel systems, they also did not offer intermediate chambers or directional validating artefacts a short distance beneath the surface. Since Feb. 12, with the full sanction and protection of President Corazon Aquinos government, McDougalds group has been tunneling more than 20 feet into the catacombs under Manilas oldest structure, 16th-Century Ft. Santiago. It was January 2016, and my interest in the story had waned once more. Over time I reached out to Klaus in the hope that he would write an article for the magazine. That fact doesnt stop thousands of people from trying to beat the odds. Klaus Dona before settling in the Philippines They were not disciplined and were not dowsing for danger, he sternly proclaimed. This way, he could use them as ransom against Marcos, who owed him money for the gold they had already retrieved and sold. Is that really necessary? For their safety I will refrain from stating where I met them, but suffice to say it was worth the journey. Author Forrest Fenn is a former art dealer who hid millions of dollars in treasure in the wilderness of New Mexico when he was 80 years old. Klaus leading me through the cobra-infested rice paddies How to Claim a Treasure Hunter Bounty Alive in "Red Dead Redemption". From what? Andrew Gough. Others shared how he had ever so slightly removed their eyeballs, cleaned them, and put them back, fully restoring their vision in the process. In fact, they told me it was a dreadful idea. Each night, after the days dig, Klauss partner cooked dinner for the crew. Goodness knows, hes close. Its going to be dusty, dirty, and there are going to be rodents and spiders, and were probably going to find the gold bars lying on the floor down there somewhere., McDougald said he based his belief that treasure exists on the material that his group is using to locate the site--World War II-era Japanese maps and later engineering drawings and photographs supplied by Curtis. Yet Hunter, who passed away on Monday evening at the age of 78, did . Curtis got plugged in and unexpectedly became far more than a mere key cog in the gold-hunting wheel, overseeing not only the retrieval and sanctifying process, but the site discovery process as well. I was amazed to see that a hundred feet away a dozen men with huge cranes and bulldozers were digging a massive hole. Cathcart shared how his office had received a call saying that Imelda Marcos had ordered the killing death by poison and that the CIA had carried out her orders. Marcos had them tortured until they gave up the location of the treasure, whereupon he took it all, thus becoming fabulously wealthy. This entire field was part of the Japanese military base, you see., The low-growing tree that points towards the gold Holes are being dug in virtually every one of the 73 Philippine provinces by treasure hunters like McDougalds group, all of whom believe that fleeing Japanese generals left behind billions of dollars in booty when Gen. Douglas MacArthurs forces retook the islands in 1945. And so, while we all love a story of lost gold and would thrill to plunge a shovel into a green hillside that we suspect conceals an endless fortune, the urban legend of Yamashita's Gold is another of those most unlikely to have a happy ending. Olof Jonsson: a Las Vegas-based psychic employed by Marcos to help find Japanese treasure sites. There was no blood or any sign of struggle. Since there was no evidence that he had attempted to climb the cliff, his parents believe that he must have fallen and his body was miraculously caught on the ledge, which is how his remains stayed fully intact for three years. We arrived at the site to discover that the tunnel was too flooded to enter, and so we filmed what we could and moved on to the next one. Andrew Gough. Prepared: kneepads, waterproof shorts and gloves Night fell, and Billy never returned. Roxass life was not his own. No thanks I was not surprised by their rejections. It was 2001 and I was living in Istanbul and working for IBM. His shirt read Trust me, I do this all the time.. He stared back defiantly. About a month after my return I opened WhatsApp on my iPhone and discovered a message from Roger Roxass daughter, whom I had visited in the States a few years earlier, but who I had not spoken with for some time. For Roxas, it was a puzzle piece he had long sought. I, on the other hand, was experiencing a fair bit of disappointment. One day, he got into his car and drove away. Allan Quatermain, a hunter and adventurer, the protagonist of H. Rider Haggard 's 1885 novel King Solomon's Mines. Crawling through the inhospitable tunnel system We are not at the bottom yet? Although born in the United States, Sterling Seagrave grew up deep inside China, on the border with Myanmar (then called Burma). We stopped on the outskirts of town in front of an old schoolhouse. He was reclusive, choosing to work in private with researchers he trusted and, in recent years, he had gone completely dark. Torn Treasure Map 2: Top right side of the map, inside a drawer of the house called "Manito Glade". I stared at him with a knowing look one that could not conceal the fact that I was now questioning his identity. The old woman was sensational and described how she and her family had hidden in the hills as the Japanese processed by with an ox pulling a cart that contained what appeared to be a heavy box. Andrew Gough. They were in their sleeping bags, but their heads were missing. Skeptoid Media, In the ensuing days Klaus reshot the tunnel footage himself (on his phone) and I re-did my studio interview at the more civilised time of 10am, and with my good friend Burgess directing. The Imperial treasure sites were another matter: in addition to gold, they contained ancient artefacts from museums and burial hoards that the Japanese had looted across Asia. The smell of decomposed bodies was palpable and they halted work while the disconcerting gasses subsided. I was tempted and left with a belief that their site was an authentic Japanese treasure site. Roxas estimated the golden buddha to have weighed one metric tonne and thus, with considerable difficulty, he transported it to his home where he placed it in a spare bedroom and covered it with a blanket. Klaus interviewed him on camera, and afterwards we took turns examining the artefacts. Cathcart replied without hesitation, as though it were yesterday, and proceeded to list several witnesses who had, in fact, collaborated Roxass story: Ken Cheatham: an American GI who was stationed at Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines in the 1970s. Whats more, during 1974 and 1975 he excavated the tunnel behind the hospital in Baguio and personally witnessed gold bars falling from wooden crates as they were removed from the site. They were retaken by the Allied forces over the course of a brutal year culminating with the Japanese surrender in September 1945. I had never been and was excited to take it all in. In 1949, a 70-year-old man named James Kidd was a professional treasure hunter from Phoenix, Arizona. Could these mysterious deaths have been murder, or as some believe, could something supernatural have been afoot? In an interview, he claimed that he wanted to start this treasure hunt to encourage people to get outside and explore nature. Then it occurred to me. As if that was not sensational enough, he added that this site was the one that President Marcos had visited and declared he was going to excavate next, only he died before getting the chance. Roxas never saw a penny. Curtis, who is now in the Philippines but insists that McDougald act as his spokesman, says that he and 10 other Americans successfully conducted a similar treasure hunt under the regime of Ferdinand E. Marcos in 1975 but fled for their lives after locating a huge buried Japanese vault on the outskirts of Manila that McDougald said contained $8 billion in bullion. It was, and the Roxas brothers are said to have extracted three handfuls of assorted precious stones and diamonds, which they promptly hid before reattaching the golden buddhas head. Let us email you a link to each week's new episode. See Photos. Klaus dismissed his dowser, who he felt was taking advantage, and began performing the task himself. I soon learned what Klaus was doing in the Philippines, and how he had ended up there. The rest, as they say, is history, he concluded, slowly, his speech somewhat impeded by the advanced state of his illness. Okubo also confided that the General had in his possession a solid gold buddha, which he kept in the convent where he stayed, across from the hospital, before depositing it in a vault beneath the hospital grounds. I was intrigued, if not humoured by his attitude, and his attire. The golden buddha was real but not the gold bullion. I could not believe he knew about it all, let alone had such a peculiar opinion about it. I was not able to track down any good information explaining why the judge upheld the Golden Buddha Corporation's claim against Marcos, but it certainly wouldn't be the first time a court of law made a ruling that was not in harmony with true science or the true history of a case. When the cave-in become public Feb. 29, McDougald and his group were forced to go public as well. The sheriffs department brought in a search-and-rescue team with dogs. COVID origins? Please contact us with any corrections or feedback. Fortuitously, Cheatham took a photo of himself with the golden buddha. Cathcart said his team researched Roxass claims for seven years before concluding that there was a sound legal case. The causes of these deaths and disappearances range from disease and starvation to mysteries that have yet to be solved. Even one, the political scientist Chalmers Johnson who was a China specialist and shared the Seagraves' distrust of Japan, could not get entirely on board with their quest. Marcos quickly confiscated the booty. Complications ensued, however, when Klaus, who had permits for the entire region, was stopped from excavating by the Mining Department of the Philippine Government. While in Baguio, Valmores pulled out a map of the hospital treasure complex from his secret portfolio and handed it to Roxas. Although General Yamashita was spared torture during his inquisition, he would become the victim of the ultimate indignity death by hanging. Still, I was excited to see Klaus again and to inspect some other treasure sites that I had been tracking for some time. Patrick is a great guy, an avid treasure hunter, and was to interview Henry Roxas for the show. Net Worth: $1 Million Occupation: Treasure Hunter, TV Celebrity & Former Police Officer Birthday: January 6, 1941 Birthplace: Summerland Key, Florida Birth Sign: Capricorn Date of Death: February 19, 2018 Place of Death: Iraan, Texas Nationality: American Ethnicity: Caucasian Married: Twice Children: Darrell, Lauren, Kim, and Kelly Instagram: NA She was clearly in her 90s, and yet it was a long shot, but lo and behold we hit the jackpot. Amelia did as the dream-induced spirit encounter with Roxas instructed. His mother had told him that she and his father felt honoured to have had their property chosen, and when the Japanese finished they joined in a ceremony that celebrated the completion of the project, and the sacredness of what was buried below. Bruce and I had been discussing the subject for years and wanted to feature Klaus and his quest. Of course it does, I added. In the Philippines treasure reclamation requires a permit that entitles the government to 30% of the findings. But Japan needed that money badly to pay for its war effort; it would not have converted it to gold bars and sent it away to be buried. Get the day's top news with our Today's Headlines newsletter, sent every weekday morning. The organisation was named Kin no yuri, meaning Golden Lily, the name of a poem written by the Emperor. He recounted one incident when he and Peggy were going for a walk down a country lane when a car crept along behind and slowly overtook them. In order to protect himself from further abuse, he formed the Golden Buddha Corporation (GBC) with Felix Dacaney, a childhood friend who was living near Atlanta, and assigned his interest in the case to the GBC. It dried and fell out, leaving a cavity, and the dirt collapsed inside, causing the tunnel to cave in.. In reviewing their 2003 book, he wrote: The Seagraves are not fully reliable as historians. We exchanged emails, became friends, and made plans to meet at his home outside Carcassonne, France. As we stood around discussing the stone and the bent tree, I noticed an elderly woman walking through the rice paddies and suggested we approach her and ask if she remembered the Japanese coming to the area. The implausibilities pile higher and higher. The treasure locations are spread all across the land of Red Dead Redemption. I never made the trip to Carcassonne, and a few years later, when I had moved back to the United Kingdom, I lost Seagraves email. A powerful, all-purpose line that hit the sweet spot of subversive clichs, it made speakers appear smarter than they are. Thank you for your sacrifice, I mumbled awkwardly. Maybe Amelia was right after all, I mused. Clearly, the Japanese had returned enough of their war booty to Japan to be satisfied and were not overly concerned about the breadcrumbs they had left behind. After some time she purchased a new home for her parents and one for herself. They picked the fort, he said, because it was a high-security location, off-limits to all but military torturers and the unfortunate Filipino prisoners destined for death. While he was talking a hostile player started attacking me, which caused the npc to run away. Treasure hunting has been big business in the Philippines since the end of World War II, when former Japanese Lt. Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita was captured and hanged in Manila. Editors. After lunch, I persuaded the director to stop at the hospital on the way out of town. By the time I arrived at the next bamboo ladder my knees were cut and bleeding. I had to see the Baguio Hospital treasure site for myself. Robert Hunter, the longtime lyricist for Grateful Dead, died on Sept. 23, 2019; he was 78. To come this close and not visit it would be such a shame, I thought. Andrew Gough. I had tried dowsing before with little or no success. In addition, American, French, Belgian, British and Australian divers are spending millions of dollars combing the bottom of the Philippine Sea in search of old Spanish galleons and other commercial ships that sank with thousands, perhaps millions, of dollars in treasure as long ago as the 1500s. It began The Great Soul Trial of 1967. Keep going. Klaus explained how the Japanese engineering maps have long since disappeared, and to avoid chiselling into a hidden cyanide deposit, excavators like himself were required to bring in a dowser multiple times a week to check for danger. During one fateful visit Cheatham visited Roxas just days after his discovery. When no one could find proof, it went to retrial in 1971 with 102 researchers trying to claim the money. The 49-year-old American treasure hunter has cordoned off this rectangular swath of Indian Ocean in the Seychelles, and now he's somewhere 25 feet below, chiseling off chunks of granite and. Not surprisingly, some of Klauss workers will no longer venture to the bottom of the tunnel complex. I was intrigued and thought I had nothing to lose, and so I decided to email him one last time. The Awa Maru went to the bottom of Formosa Strait, 14 miles off the Chinese mainland with 2,007 souls and at least $500 million worth of war loot hidden aboard. He had not given up he had simply changed tactics and shifted his attention to individual members of Roxass excavation team, who were tortured. Not bad for a sixty-nine-year-old. I nodded and reflected on how pathetically difficult I found traversing the tunnel to be. During World War II, the Philippines briefly fell to the Japanese, being finally surrendered in April and May of 1942. Real or imagined? The treasure still has not been found. The process was known as sanctifying, and via a series of chance encounters Marcos was led to the American metallurgist, Robert Curtis. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. I was especially interested in what had happened to the ancient relics of the East, and what exactly, if anything, remains to be discovered. What are you waiting for? the caretaker shouted, as though I should have known what was expected of me. Although Roxas presented no evidence whatsoever other than personal testimony from many of his associates all of whom had banded together as the "Golden Buddha Corporation" which existed only to pursue this lawsuit they somehow managed to win the case, and were awarded over 40 billion dollars. As I did, the cobra stopped thrashing. Los Angeles Times. Like myself, Klaus had spent a lifetime in the corporate world, and once served as the Marketing Manager for the Vienna Tourism Board to Southeast Asia. I had felt the same energy when I was dowsing with Klaus. He was dazed, and yet actually excited about what he believed had caused it. As I suspected, he was questing for Japanese treasure pillaged from Asia, but how he had got started was another story altogether. Twice a day I climb into each of the sites that we are excavating to check for cyanide, he added in his authoritative Austrian accent. I watched the show and their drive-by shooting approach to treasure hunting with dread. The plane landed with a thud at Heathrow airport, and normality soon ensued. It was almost a year to the date of my first visit and now, like then, I had managed to arrive in the middle of the monsoon season. Within hours Roxas was dead. All content 2006 - 2023 Andrew Gough. Andrew Gough, Henrys father with the famous detachable buddha head photo Understandably, one of the diggers confessed after Marcos henchmen began extracting his teeth, one at a time. I met her at Soho House and found her to be a gracious and grateful lady, albeit quite fixated on the messages that the alleged spirit of Roxas had been sharing with her. Further disappointment ensued when Bruce was no longer able to travel to the Philippines to direct the episode. This was the result Marcos had been waiting for. But the picture changed with the deaths last month of the two Filipino workers, suffocated in a cave-in that McDougalds engineers now attribute to a booby trap left behind by the Japanese. I was disappointed when I reached the bottom and learned that I had to crawl on my hands and knees for about fifty feet until I reached the next descending shaft. Ricardo T. Jose is treated as a rock star in the Philippines Dunning, B. His team went and searched and dug but never found anything. Ill explain, but were not at the bottom yet. If found, 75 percent of it goes to the government. I knew what it was, but I could not believe my eyes. 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