We will tell you everything you need to know about Aztec Zodiac Signs. Eagle signs have lucid minds, and are blessed with constantly renewed energy. The passing of one 52-year cycle (xiuhmolpilli) to another was marked by the most important religious event of the Aztec world, the New Fire Ceremony, also known, appropriately enough, as the "Binding of the Years" ceremony.This was when a human sacrifice was made to ensure the renewal of the sun. Zodiac Sign Quiz Aries (Ram): March 21-April 19 Taurus (Bull): April 20-May 20 Gemini (Twins): May 21-June 21 Cancer (Crab): June 22-July 22 Leo (Lion): July 23-August 22 Virgo (Virgin): August 23-September 22 Libra Scorpius (Scorpion): October 24-November 21 Sagittarius (Archer): November 22-December 21 They are rebellious, they reject the impositions and rules. Itzcuintli The Aztec signs influence your destiny. The first of these (the one with 12 signs), is the most widespread to date. Do not hesitate to send us a message here. These are 13 days when gambling on happiness, both your own and others', pays off. Since their months were made of no more than twenty days, these were all the days contained in a month, because they were not guided by the moon but by the days; therefore, the year had eighteen months. Along with the reveal of the 4 zodiac signs corresponding to your birthday the astrology calculator will return a short description of your characteristics as symbolized by your sign. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! They are very sensitive and easily hurt. 1) Select the number that corresponds to the year of your birth: 1900, 1980 : 17 1901, 1981 : 03 1902, 1982 : 081903, 1983 : 13 1904, 1984 : 18 1905, 1985 : 04 1906, 1986 : 09 1907, 1987 : 14 1908, 1988 : 19 1909, 1989 : 05 1910, 1990 : 10 1911, 1991 : 15 1912, 1992 : 20 1913, 1993 : 06 1914, 1994 : 11 1915, 1995 : 16 1916, 1996 : 01 1917, 1997 : 07 1918, 1998 : 12 1919, 1999 : 17 1920, 2000 : 02 1921, 2001 : 08 1922, 2002 : 13 1923, 2003 : 18 1924, 2004 : 03 1925, 2005 : 09 1926, 2006 : 14 1927, 2007 : 19 1928, 2008 : 04 1929, 2009 : 10 1930, 2010 : 15 1931, 2011 : 20 1932, 2012 : 05 1933, 2013 : 11 1934, 2014 : 16 1935, 2015 : 01 1936, 2016 : 06 1937, 2017 : 12, 1938, 2018 : 171939, 2019 : 02 1940, 2020 : 07 1941, 2021 : 13 1942, 2022 : 18 1943, 2023 : 03 1944, 2024 : 08 1945, 2025 : 14 1946, 2026 : 19 1947, 2027 : 04 1948, 2028 : 09 1949, 2029 : 15 1950, 2030: 20 1951 : 05 1952 : 10 1953 : 161954 : 01 1955 : 06 1956 : 11 1957 : 07 1958 : 02 1959 : 07 1960 : 12 1961 : 18 1962 : 03 1963 : 08 1964 : 13 1965 : 19 1966 : 041967 : 09 1968 : 14 1969 : 20 1970 : 05, 1971 : 10 1972 : 15 1973 : 01 1974 : 06 1975 : 11 1976 : 16 1977 : 02 1978 : 07 1979 : 12 1980 : 17 1981 : 03 1982 : 08 1983 : 08 1984 : 18. Each month had 13 days which equaled the Aztec year of 260 days. They are unfaithful in love and like to change partners and homes. The occult attracts them. At a deeper level, it's also an opportunity to explore that same concept within us. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. January 4, 16, 18; February 2, 14, 26; March 10, 22; April 3, 15, 27; May 9, 21; June 2, 14, 26; July 8, 20; August 1, 13, 25; September 6, 18, 30; October 12, 24; November 5, 17, 29; December 11, 23. 19 - Rain (Quihuitl) bears the number 19 and its colour is dark red. One year consists of 360 named days and 5 nameless (nmontmi). Days of DOG: They like to learn and travel. Dates: January 5, 17, 29/ February 3, 15, 27/ March 11, 23/ April 4, 16, 28/ May 10, 22/ June 3, 15, 27/ July 9, 21/ August 2, 14, 26/ September 7, 19/ October 1, 13, 25/ November 6, 18, 30/ December 12, 24. They like to be in the direct contact with nature. What does the Eight of Cups tarot card mean in love? Mayan civilization lasted for more than 2,000 years, but the period from about 300 A.D. to 900 A.D., known as the Classic Period, was its heyday. It is important to note that every single day of the Aztec astrology has got its importance. As lovers, they are unstable, because they never know what they want. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Geographically, they were located in what is now known as Mexico and part of Guatemala. They are of good health. Your registration has been successful, thanks for the trust. They love luxurious things on which they're ready to spend a small fortune. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. January 2, 14, 26; February 12, 24; March 8, 20; April 1, 13, 25; May 7, 19, 31; June 12, 24; July 6, 18, 30; August 11, 23; September 4, 16, 28; October 10, 22; November 3, 15, 27; December 9, 21. Lovers of freedom and improvisation, the natives of the Monkey fear to suffer for love and being involved in restrictive relationships. Artistic, fun, and playful, the flower has artistic abilities and loves to socialize. See also:FUNNY ZODIAC: THIS IS WHAT IT WOULD LOOK LIKE IF ALL SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC WERE STUCK IN AN ELEVATOR. Being of changeable nature, they rarely commit their selves to partners. In addition, each of the twenty trecenas in the 260-day cycle had its own tutelary deity: In ancient times the year was composed of eighteen months, and thus it was observed by the native people. Prominent in the Aztec pantheon were Huitzilopochtli, god of war; Tonatiuh, god of the sun; Tlaloc, god of rain; and Quetzalcatl, the Feathered Serpent, who was part deity and part culture hero. This sign likes logic and logical thinking. They are as listed below: Western Zodiac Signs Aries Symbol: | Meaning: The Ram | Date: March 21 to April 19 Taurus Symbol: | Meaning: The Bull | Date: April 20 to May 20 Gemini TZOOTZ (BAT) - From July 26 to August 22 - It resembles Leo Charismatic and leaders by nature. CROCODILECrocodile is a symbol of happiness and well-being. HOUSE is your sign in the Aztec Zodiac. Gemini : May 21 - June 20. Symbol of fun, those born under the sign of the Monkey are creative, optimistic, dreamers, persuasive, with a sense of humor, idealistic, witty, naive, a little rancorous and with a tendency to spend too much. Image source: magichoroscope.com The Cayman Days: January 4, 16, 18; Feb. 2, 14, 26; March 10, 22; April 3, 15, 27; May 9, 21; June 2, 14, 26; July 8, 20; August 1, 13, 25; September 6, 18, 30; October 12, 24; Nov. 5, 17, 29; December 11, 23. Just like any other great civilization, they had their horoscope about which western world knows very little, and whose system we will present. Its planet is the Moon and its divinities are Tecciztcatl and Meztli. He should bare his soul sometimes, to feel better. The first astrology system is the Western Zodiac, the most spread zodiac, one most people are accustomed with. As for the Aztec zodiac signs, the name used here is glyphs. An opinion? Aztec Zodiac Man. They are intuitive, logical, sincere, charming, but at the same time terrible enemies, who do not forgive betrayals. House signs are rarely on their own, and find their place among family and in a routine. He always has something new and attractive to offer. One of the most widespread aspects of their culture is the creation of the Aztec Zodiac Signs and also of its own calendar, which some scientists say was inspired by the one developed by the Mayan culture. Advice provided by the daily horoscopes or articles should not ever take the place of psychological, or medical advice. Malinalli What is the meaning of the Eight of Cups tarot card? Days of JAGUAR: Unlike the Mayan and Western Zodiac, which are governed by estimated periods of one month, the Aztec Zodiac changes sign every day, meaning, each sign covers 24-hour periods. WARNING: All content on this website is intended for entertainment purposes only. All you need is the birthday of that individual to find out what they will be like. The ancient Mexicans counted their years by means of four signs combined with thirteen numbers, thus obtaining periods of 52 years,[3] which are commonly known as Xiuhmolpilli, a popular but incorrect generic name; the most correct Nahuatl word for this cycle is Xiuhnelpilli. Those born under the sign of the house were appreciated as conservative, supportive and caring people. Your personal astrological sign is based on the position of the sun on the day you were born. A new study on one of the most important remaining artifacts from the Aztec Empire, a 24-ton basalt calendar stone, interprets the stones central image as the death of the sun god Tonatiuh during an eclipse, an event Aztecs believed would lead to a global apocalypse accompanied by earthquakes. However, they pay more attention to emotions than to sex. Website Horoscope Daily Free takes no liability, or responsibility for any actions any visitor chooses based on advice in the content. 2008, Crnica Mexicayotl, Fernando Alvarado Tezozomoc p 36. Stability of Eagles completely depends on their love life. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Rabbits get along well with people born under the sign of deer, snake, jaguar and dog. With this in mind, a personality can be predicted even if you do not know that person. They are cheerful, understanding and overly protective of those they love. These are very intuitive people who can listen to others and are ready to give the best of them. The first is a series of 20 repeating symbols called a 'day-sign'. But the Aztecs, one of the most sophisticated civilizations when it came to agriculture, number systems, calendar, medicine, and poetry, had their own form of astrology. This is the starting point of the zodiac and the astrological year. October 12, 2022September 14, 2022by Anna Howard Cayman (Cipactli) Representing the origin of the Universe, the Cayman or crocodile was considered an agile and strong animal. People of this sign can be calmed by the presence of a Flower or Monkey sign. Delicate and timid, this sign hates conflict. 5 Leo (Simha): August 15 to September 15. The second astrology system is the Aztec Zodiac, the zodiac signs that repeat 20 times months during the 366 possible days of the year. People of this sign are also quite versatile! Its planet is Jupiter and its divinity Tlazoltotl. Today we will be looking at the first one which includes 12 different Aztec signs related to nature, ruled by a certain god or goddess that influences an individuals behavior. HOUSEHouse is the symbol of maternity, so these persons are materialists. Reeds get along well with flints, jaguars, flowers, and houses. Sign up to our newsletter to stay in touch with your cultura. You will soon receive your daily horoscope right in your inbox. The Aztec calendar has a 260 days. This sign likes logical thinking, and is good at organizing, understanding, and analyzing. The original Nahuatl term is not known. This sign is sensitive, faithful, and always ready to help. They are courageous people who bravely fight and never give up because they don't fight battles they cannot win. There are 20 divinities in total. They are also prone to anguish and like to have control over their lives. Which three gods dominated the Aztec religion? The third astrology system is the Celtic Zodiac that consists of 21 trees appointed for the 366 possible birthdays in a year. [7], In this regard, Jos Genaro Emiliano Medina Ramos, a senior native nahua philosopher from San Lucas Atzala in the state of Puebla, proposes a multidisciplinary calendar reconstruction in nhuatl ( centro de Puebla variant) according with his own nahua cosmosvision;[8] and relying precisely on Ochoas smart correlation and on Tenas presuppositions as well. Houses are also unstable and unpredictable persons. Attributed to work and savings, this sign loves to enjoy life pleasure but likes to have control over their life. In her blog, Anna explores the intersection of astrology and daily life, offering insight and guidance to her readers on a wide range of topics. ZSH 2018-2023 ZodiacSigns-Horoscope.com, All Rights Reserved. The year was broken into 18 periods of twenty days each, sometimes compared to the Julian month. Sincere, self-centered, narcissistic, vigorous, direct, brave and loyal. Discover which god or goddess are you? Source Type: Images. Required fields are marked *. They get easily bored and are sensitive, but private with their feelings. - WeMystic, Chinese Horoscope 2020: New Year of the Metal Rat, Astrology 2020: a forecast for the 12 zodiac signs, Love horoscope 2020: know what this year will give you, Simultaneous lifetimes: a purpose of the soul, 6 great air purifying plants for your house and workplace. 1) Select the number that corresponds to the year of your birth: 1900, 1980 : 17 1901, 1981 : 03 1902, 1982 : 08 1903, 1983 : 13 1904, 1984 : 18 1905, 1985 : 04 1906, 1986 : 09 1907, 1987 : 14 1908, 1988 : 19 A small aztec zodiac signs dates opportunity to explore that same concept within us will be.. Dog: they like to change partners and homes here is glyphs the site year of... Of the Zodiac were STUCK in an ELEVATOR the Julian month fear to suffer for love and to! 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